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In the context of the contemporary Russian art studies the issues of musical life management takes place locally. This situation shall change, and motivation hereto is the government policy aimed at raising of public attention to culture. The country’s government puts the development of cultural environment as one of its priority objectives. The correctly shaped cultural environment, which is estimated as an instrument for human capital shaping, contributes to the intellectual and cultural development of the society, allows for realization of moral guides, value system, strategic objectives of development. In the Federal special program "Culture of Russia (years 2012-2018)" the cultural environment is estimated as a key concept and described in the following terms: "The cultural environment is, firstly, the result of all the cultural activities of society in past and in present (including the infrastructure of cultural organizations, works of art), secondly, the institution attracting citizens to moral values of culture, thirdly, the field of creative realization of the spiritual potential of people, including the young generation".[1]
It is evident that, in such interpretation the cultural management is among the key issues in the system of humanitarian knowledge in general, and studies of music in particular. Study of management systems in the field of musical culture, mechanisms regulating the growth or, in contrary, the decline of public interest to academic music, organization of concert life in center and regions, makes the music management actual in the context of modern science of music. Its significance is determined also by the fact that the high cultural and educational standards cultivated in the society, allows for reaching the level of consolidation with the world cultural space. Direct contacts with intellectual society focused on global values are maintained primarily via the sphere of arts, including musical art which has no language barriers. Therefore, the observed decline of interest to academic music, contact with which can form high appreciated common aesthetic standards and values, is a negative phenomenon requiring enhanced correction. This situation is associated with a variety of reasons. One of them is seated in the system of music education that has deeply rooted and strong traditions in Russia, which, however, in the period of transition to market economy were lost. It is referred, above all, to the level of general music education, the bearer of which is a general education school, which was focused on the program of D. Kabalevsky and national choral culture during the Soviet Union period, and which at a critical for Russia period of 90s has lost the priorities of a centralized system with a high standards of requirements and results.
Another one is a lack of attention to the technologies of shaping the consumer environment of musical classics. Aging of public of philharmonic halls of Russia is evidence that there are the "lost generations" whose music sense is focused on music consumer goods. Attracting new audiences requires for a knowledge of communicative technologies. The analysis of activities of a number of Russian philharmonic organizations demonstrates that many of them has no system approach to the organization of such communications. Often, the organizations which provide concert services in the field of academic music, have no clear position - the mission is not specified, therefore a positioning strategy is vague, a hierarchy of goals is not built. In addition, for achievement of the primary and common strategic goal, which is the cultural environment shaping, it is necessary to obtain clear knowledge and successful use of special instruments. These instruments include regular work with the press, high quality of advertising musical events, presence of corporate identity, and arrangement of musical classics clubs. In addition - the network system of automated cashier offices, ensuring the proper level of sales and introducing a flexible pricing system, a database of listeners with function of clients identification, high level of analytics and forecasting of sales, Internet communications and others, that can intensify the attention and interest of the audience, especially the young people.
Thus, the correct educational and management strategies may increase the public attention to academic music, affect the growth of importance of musical art of high quality, sharing its values with young generations and, thereby, contribute to shaping of a unified cultural environment of modern society.
[1] The concept of the Federal special program "Culture of Russia (years 2012-2018)": [electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://fcpkultura.ru/new.php?id=8 (date of address: 23.03.2013).
Krylova A.V. Management in the field of musical art as an instrument of cultural environment shaping
. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24190 (22.02.2025).