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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Mal G.S., Boldina N.V.

Modern medicine develops swiftly and is characterized strengthening of competition, that conduces to the change of requirements to preparation of graduating students of higher school. To date there is direct dependence between quality of preparation of specialist, his employment and further professional career. Theoretical preparation is at high enough level, but here possibility of practical activity grew short. Therefore at creation of model of preparation of specialist the use of methods of educating, assisting effective development of present for students capabilities and forming of skills of independence, thinking system, to ability to reform in swiftly changing society, is assumed.

To work out mark problems it is partly possible even, using active methods in educating. Unlike the traditional forms of educating, introduction in the educational process of active methods allows to form professional abilities and active realization of the purchased knowledge, design integral maintenance of independent work, the center of meaningfulness from the process of transmission, processing and mastering of information on independent creative activity is here displaced.

One of active methods of educating is a business game, that allows to connect knowledge and abilities, develop creative flairs, individuality and independence. The primary objective of game is preparation of specialists, development of professional competence, forming of ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations. Train game, worked out on certain situations, enter students in the sphere of professional activity, produce ability critically to estimate an operating situation, find decisions on her perfection for them. They are the powerful stimulus of activation of independent work on acquisition of professional knowledge and skills. The practical habits acquired in the process of game allow to the future specialist to avoid errors that arise up in transition to independent labour activity. Thus a business situation must be near to reality, as without it is impossible to obtain naturalness of actions taught.

By means of method of certain situation abilities and skills of independent work are produced, such as: individual and group decision-making of the put tasks. Such the capabilities extremely need in independent activity to the specialist, as he continuously has to accept the non-standard decisions caused by the changes of matter-position. The method of certain situation develops a breadth and thinking flexibility for students, helps to teach them to ability rationally to use information, independently to analyse facts, feel her, critically to examine the different points of view, discuss and protect own position, be ready to application of different facilities and methods, to find the optimal decisions of questions.

A business game consists of a few stages: preparatory and playing. The theme of game is determined in the preparatory stage, aims and tasks are formed, a scenario is created, rules are determined, the system of criteria of estimations of playing actions is developed, roles are distributed between students(doctor, patient, medical sister). Playing stage - directly game the recreation of the real situation and behavior of participants are very important in that. No knowledge will help to attain professional mastery, if student, and then and a doctor does not possess observation, ability logically to think and master seen, heard, studied. In the process of game attention is accented on such feature of activity of doctor, that be under an obligation to get to know and master student, as ability to conduct conversation, dispose to itself a patient in combination with possession necessary practical skills.

It is marked researches, that at active perception the taught save in memory of 80% that was talked and 90% that was done or created independently. Thus, the active methods of educating sharply improve memorizing of material and assist his authentication and subsequent purposeful practical realization. Business games create necessary terms for forming of professional competenses, assist development of ability independently to think, oriented in a new situation, find going near the decision of problems, to set business contacts with an audience, that determines professional qualities of future specialist.

Thus, application of active methods of educating in the process of professional preparation of doctor allows to obtain not only the quality and rapid mastering of educational discipline but also practical aim - to teach future doctors to professional knowledge and abilities.

Bibliographic reference

Mal G.S., Boldina N.V. BUSINESS GAME AS METHOD OF TRAINING OF STUDENTS OF MEDICAL UNIVERSITY . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24194 (22.02.2025).