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Technogeneous impact upon all activity areas of a modern man is a proved fact. However, training engineers in institutions of higher seduction is related to a number of conflicts nowadays. Temper of refreshing professional technical information is extremely high, therefore, even under limited periods of training, knowledge becomes out of date my the moment of graduation. Nowadays subjective-specific training is implemented, and it leads to formation of a single-functioned specialist. The part of virtual computer means of training that replace a contact between a future engineer and real technical objects, is overestimated unreasonably. These conflicts bear an international nature and require implementation of a methodological platform of higher engineering education system that is in a crisis state now.
The mentioned conflicts can be solved by transiting training to formation of invariable methodological knowledge that have a high degree of generality, among students; transferring experience of creative activity to them. As studies show, productive thinking that is a basis of an engineer's professional activity, does not form naturally.
We have developed a methodic of training students, setting creative problems for potential introduction of fundamental physical knowledge into development of new applied solutions that can be facilitated in any educational institutions. The theory of systematic and gradual formation of intellectual activity (P.J. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina) and the concept of controlling a creative activity with methodological knowledge on the activity structure and relations according to a type of assimilation between components of the activity (I.P. Kaloshina) has served as the foundation of our methodic. Assimilation means that basic characteristics of some components can serve as structural elements of other components.
We have carried out a stating experiment with students of different courses of technical institutions in order to reveal a degree of their readiness for an independent search for solutions of a technical problem, particularly, subjective reconstruction of different applied facilities. The results allow us to conclude that the tested have tried to solve the given problem via the method of trial and error; analysis of actions has not been used; only one solution has been suggested. Differences between the tested have been registered in a number of approaches towards the solution, speed of carrying out thinking operations, and complexness of the suggested actions. None of the tested has demonstrated the third type of orientation that corresponds to productive creative activity.
After the stating experiments we have carried out training test according to the established composition of activity, means of training students to solve problems of potential introduction of fundamental physical knowledge to applied technical facilities, didactic materials (training cards and the system of a special type of training problems). Students who have been trained via the developed theoretical methodology, have analysed some known physical phenomenons (for example, gyroscopic effect), independently reconstructed operation principles of technical facilities according to the fundamental knowledge (for example, autopilot of an aircraft), used the available knowledge for development of subjectively or objectively new technical facilities of a certain purpose (particularly, laser fault finder for the control of an aircraft glass cover integrity, optical sensor for controlling homogeneity of liquid flows).
Thus, the studied have formulated creative problems of professional nature - development or improvement of the available technical facilities. A part of the suggested projects of technical facilities has been developed to practical realization and defended by patens of a useful model.
Activity of developing solutions in form of potential introduction into specific technical facilities by students provides for a formation of productive thinking and is a realization of the principle of polytechnism in terms of the law of change of activity. Managing such activity is a strategic resource of training specialists of high qualification. Training engineers within a higher school with implementation of invariable knowledge is a completely new level of training that accords to requirements of technogeneous of the XXI century.
2. I.P. Kaloshina Psychology of creative activity, 3rd edition, Moscow, UNITY-DANA, 2008, 655 p.
Samokhina S.S. INNOVATION WAY OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION ON THE BASIS OF METODOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24196 (11.03.2025).