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Aims of the training are changing with the introduction of new educational standards. Capable of continuous self-development, mobility, self-reliance and personal responsibility are not only in the implementation of activities, but it is selected by the conscious and active assigning a new social experience, comes to the fore. Changes in the system of higher education say that the teacher should review their teaching position, rethink their role in the educational process and professional installation. Fair questions arise: what needs to change in the organization of the educational process, the structure of the pedagogical practice of students, as will be the interaction with students and etc. Hence student roles are changing too. Earlier student was a person who mastered the knowledge just inside educational programs A new approach to education implies that student will be the person, who has its owner educational needs and trust himself the process of the building their owner educational path.
In our opinion this refocusing may be accomplished through modern educational technologies, creation and functioning of the internal units that carry out innovative educational practices embedded in educational process, for example, remote practice, open education, individual education programs (IEP) teachers practice [1]. Teachers practice and special tutor position are important to the organization of student's pedagogical practice. Work redefinition and formation of a new vision of the process of professionalisation of students in higher education are very important for the teacher of the higher school. It's important not only defining the purpose of the new knowledge, but also the way to achieve this knowledge and position that will be selected.
We can use the openness of education as possible change in the current situation. A.N. Dahin understands open education as summation interrelated educational elements that communicate with the social subsystems and information; that communicate together and also that communicate with intellectual, material and financial resources [2]. Using of the potential capacity of the open educational environment of a modern University allows teachers to learn the necessary technology support, and it's allows students the way to reconsider the relation of the future professional activity. In our opinion one of the important direction of the professional-pedagogical preparation of future teacher is teaching practice whereby will formed important professional-personal skills, development professional skills and subjective position seen brighter.
The proposed reporting form allows for strict control during the pedagogical practice. So the traditional organization of pedagogical practice will be replaced and performed a dominant role.
Important that established traditions do not involve manifestations of subjective position and freedom to choose the way of owner development. In the main students only follow the program and don't have a choice.
The independent choice of student's professional activities; forms of organization of the educational process, and the responsibility for this decision are keys to implementing a new program of pedagogical practice. So the main tasks of the tutor (teacher with tutor's competence) are to help student-probationer to make a choice, understand the essence of problem situations and to develop a plan of action and take the first step on the way of individual development.
In our opinion student's pedagogical practice is required to implement a system of interaction «Methodist-Student-Tutor», which expands the boundaries of education, forms the student's professional competence and opportunities for student's future.
2. Dahin A.N. Modeling of expertise of the participants of open education. M: Institute school technologies, 2009.
Timofeeva N.B., Pilipchevskaya N.V. INTERACTION METHODIST-STUDENT-TUTOR IN THE PROCESS OF TEACHING PRACTICE. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24204 (22.02.2025).