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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Zatsepina E.E., A.V. Sergiyenko, M.E. Vrubel, M. N. Ivashev

Modern archaeological, paleopatologichesky, physiological and patobiokhimichesky researches confirm communication between decrease in a vegetable component in a food allowance of the person and increase of number of pathological changes in a human body. Despite a large number of preparations of a synthetic origin, means from plants to these on are actual at diseases of the person and animals [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11].

Research objective. Studying is adaptive - reparativny activity of extract of fat oils on model of an aseptic inflammation.

Research methods. Research conducted on males and females (white rats), weight 250-280g. For carrying out experiment on reproduction of an aseptic inflammation used the guide to preclinical studying of new pharmacological substances (under the general edition of prof. R.U.Habriyev, 2005). Process of an ekssudation judged on a difference in the weight of the fresh separated granuloma and after its drying up to the constant weight. Quality of proliferation judged on a difference between the weight of the dried-up capsule and initial weight of a dry ball. Sea-buckthorn, black caraway seeds extracts of fat vegetable oils, dogrose, linden, hibiscus, cedar, palm tree сабаль put 2 times a day to the place of inflammatory damage within 7 days. Statistical processing of the received results made on Student.

Results of research and their discussion. Extracts of fat vegetable oils possess authentically expressed anti-inflammatory effect (for 30 - 55%) during the subsharp and subchronic period, that is in a phase of a proliferative inflammation. As in a proliferative stage of an inflammation there is a formation lost, or the damaged cages as a result of alteration, it is possible to assume that sea-buckthorn, black caraway seeds extracts of fat vegetable oils, a dogrose, a linden, a hibiscus, a cedar, a palm tree сабаль will render therapeutic effect at an inflammation. In an initial stage of an inflammation the effect of extracts of fat oils significantly didn't differ from check experiments.

Conclusion. Sea-buckthorn, black caraway seeds extracts of fat vegetable oils, dogrose, linden, hibiscus, cedar, palm tree сабаль effectively reduce inflammation processes by stages of a proliferative inflammation.

1. Adaptive and remodeliruyushchy effect of oil extract of a camomile in experiment / E.E. Zatsepina, M.N. Ivashev, A.V. Sergienko, T.A. Lisenko, T.N. Sherbakova // International journal of applied and basic researches.-2013.-№1.-P.96.

2. Adapting effect of extract of oil of a chernushka Damaskaya / E.E. Zatsepina, M.N. Ivashev, Е.E. Zadorozhnay // International journal of applied and basic researches.-2013.-№7.- P.133-134.

3. Adaptive remodeliruyushchyi effect of fat extract of a linden in regeneration processes in experimental pharmacology / E.E. Zatsepina, M.N. Ivashev, A.V. Sergienko, T.A. Lisenko, T.N. Sherbakova // Modern naukoyomky technologies.-2012. -№12. – P.38.

4. Biological activity of the connections received by a synthetic way / M.N. Ivashev [et al.] // Basic researches.–2012.– № 7.– Part.2.– P. 441-444.

5. Extract of fat oil of a peanut and its adaptive репаративная activity on burn model / E.E. Zatsepina, M.N. Ivashev, A.V. Sergienko, T.A. Lisenko, T.N. Sherbakova // International journal of applied and basic researches.- 2012.-№12.- P.99-100.

6. Extract of fat oil of a colza and its adaptive impact on a proliferative phase at rats / E.E. Zatsepina, M.N. Ivashev, A.V. Sergienko, T.A. Lisenko // International journal of experimental education.- 2013.-№3.- P.10-11.

7. Impact of fat oil of a cedar on mechanisms of an adaptive reparation at experimental model of a thermal burn / E.E. Zatsepina, M.N. Ivashev, A.V. Sergienko, М.U. Alieva, T.N. Sherbakova // International journal of experimental education.-2012.-№12.-Ch.1.-P.106.

8. Influence of GAMK and piracetam on brain blood circulation and neurogenetic mechanisms of its regulation / M.N. Ivashev [et al.] // Pharmacology and toxicology.-1984.- № 6.- P.40-43.

9. Influence of fat vegetable oils on inflammation phases in experiment / E.E. Zatsepina, U.V. Usmanskyi, I.А. Savenko, A.V. Sergienko, M.N. Ivashev, А.N. Bogdanov, М.U. Alieva, А.А. Urkova // Modern problems of science and education.-2012.-№ 4.-P.310.

10. Remodeliruyushchy activity of an adaptive reparation of extract of fat oil of flax in experimental pharmacology / E.E. Zatsepina, M.N. Ivashev, A.V. Sergienko, T.A. Lisenko // International journal of applied and basic researches.-2013.-№1.-P.112-113.

11. Research of reparativny activity of extract of fat oil of a dogrose at a modelirovanny burn at rats / E.E. Zatsepina, M.N. Ivashev, A.V. Sergienko // Successes of modern natural sciences.- 2013.- №3.- P.122-123.

Bibliographic reference

Zatsepina E.E., A.V. Sergiyenko, M.E. Vrubel, M. N. Ivashev EXTRACTS OF FAT VEGETABLE OILS AT THE INFLAMMATION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24211 (22.02.2025).