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The article provides the types of electronic learning resources based on models and technologies of innovative computer didactics. The authors reference to the websites of the journal «School Time», where the recourses are posted.
Nowadays the urgent problem of Russian education is the introduction of the technologies of the innovative computer didactics (hereinafter ICD) which are represented in electronic learning resources (hereinafter ELRs). In accordance with it, the following goals are set:
- Elaborating and introducing the ELRs of a new generation in connection with ICD technologies as a new and weakly presented in the Russian pedagogical market of the educational production; stimulus to the development of educational production market based on free competition.
- Usage of the educational capabilities of ELRs with the aim of patriotic, aesthetic and moral-spiritual upbringing of students and pupils, as well as antidrug and antismoking prevention among the young and teenagers.
For achieving these goals the collective of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies in Education of the Kuban State University has developed the collection of thematic learning resources in mathematics, physics and computer science. The ELRs of pedagogical orientation have been constructed. The scientific-methodological journal "School Time" has been published since 2005. This journal is the only one in Russia which has an online application and Internet-support, as well as and publishing innovative educational recourses (websites http://icdau.ru/, http://ya-znau.ru/, http://школьные-годы.рф).
The main principles of developing ELRs are as follows:
- In the structure of ELRs of ICD the main content takes not the treatment of teaching information, but the apparatus of active retention of this information by means of innovative educational technologies. Furthermore, the aiming at translation of ready knowledge is replaced by the hermeneutic aiming at reflexive cognitive activity. In the process of this activity occurs the refinement of student's mental experience.
-The principle of a leading role of theoretical knowledge presupposes forming the knowledge which is identical to the structure of scientific theories learned by applying models of system-oriented knowledge. That is why ELRs of ICD include such technologies as "Knowledge in System", "Structure-logical Schemes", "Blind Scheme", "Scope of Knowledge", "Matrix of Knowledge", "Working on Educational Text" and others.
- The principle of feedback from the community of professionals is realized remotely through websites of the journal, providing the way for creative activity of each teacher in the sphere of innovative computer didactics. Every creative teacher can be a co-author of ELRs of ICD. For example, the rural teacher Knyazeva I.G. is a co-author of the ELRs of ICD "Interactive Technologies for German Language Teaching" which is available on the website http://icdau.kubsu.ru.
The specifics of ELRs consist in their axiological variation. For instance, for computer support of pedagogical work have already been launched following ELRs: "War Victories of Russia", "Computer Support of Antidrug and Antismoking Prevention" and so on. The difference in overriding objectives of ELRs of ICD was used as a reason for their classification with dividing into four groups: objective-themed, education-oriented, professional-didactic, situational-playing.
The first group form ELRs which provide computer support of the retention of a training course's fragment (section, topic) oriented to self-guided work of learners. The content of these ELRs is placed in the author's program "Uchcom" (uch = "textbook" in Russian + com = "computer"). In these resources are used such blocks and technologies as "Working on Educational Text", "Self-tuition", "Solve the Problem", "Facet test", "Virtual labyrinth", "Training mosaic" and many others.
The second group includes ELRs for computer supporting pedagogical work with students. Professional-didactic ELRs have been invented for teacher's training in using and creating computer educational recourses based on ELRs' models. For instance, the technologies of the author's program "Power of Knowledge" are posted on the website http://ya-znau.ru/. The electronic resource includes the instructions on modification of a technology program component.
2. Zolotaryev A.I., Arkhypova A.I., Semenyak N.D. Electronic Learning Resource. Internet Competition on the Website http://ya-znau.ru. Topic „Battle of Stalingrad“)//Scientific-methodological Journal with Online Application “School Time”, № 46, 2013.
Arkhypova A.I., V.I. Korotenko TYPOLOGY OF ELECTRONIC LEARNING RESOURCES OF INNOVATIVE COMPUTER DIDACTICS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24213 (01.04.2025).