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Monitoring environment in Norilsk industrial district has some conflicts in consequences of cause-and effect relations of affecting health of the population by technogeneous regress where the cause is a lack of social responsibility of business.
City-forming mining-metallurgical production processes up to 5000 m cub. of natural resources without technical re-deployment since the moment of privatization and re-executing license for the rights of using subsoils. Sulfur dioxide forms 90% of productive waste
Legislative basis according to license for the rights of using subsoils is regulated by the following concepts:
- rules of preserving subsoils (resolution of State technical observation of Russia of the 6th of June 2003 №71);
- measures of safe organization of works that are lined to subsoil usage;
- measures of rational usage and preservation of subsoils;
- measures of meeting requirements in field of preserving the environment and providing ecological safety while using subsoils that is carried out only in terms of modernization of equipment according to the definition of technical process as a license period equals up to 20 years.
Therefore, mining and processing natural resources with technologies that do not affect the environment is a dominating aspect in terms of using a license for the right of using subsoils.
Privatization of a state combine in terms of transferring licenses for the rights of using subsoils is related to costs of non-material actives and evaluation of productive powers that are linked to exploitation and wearing off. Transfer of state property, control stock of Russian stock company "Nornickel" to a private company took place without a contract and account of price of exploiting infrastructure, developed ore deposits. Rights that are confirmed by licenses for industrial exploitation of deposits of copper-nickel ores did not have a value in accounts with a remark "100% wear-off".
Technogeneous regress of the company has been determined by economy on capital services with identification of income increase via uncharged income tax, through amortization assignments that have been included into definite norms within the cost of the product.
At the same time, specific features of extreme climatic conditions, a determinant factor of hazardous productive discharges' load upon the ecology. In an anomaly situation of lack of state monitoring of Russian hydro-meteorology conflicts in evaluation of monitoring data on preservation of the environment by a mining-metallurgic company in comparison to real indications exist.
Within companies' departments that monitor the environment interrelation of linked indexes exists. Corrected data does not have a system of monitoring control, it also does not consider the following parameters: analysis of a company and influence of their operation upon the environment, closeness of residential buildings; specific features of severe climatic conditions and microclimatic aspects - position of wind rose, topography, hydrology, geography, and a location history. Each district of Norilsk: Talnakh, Kayerkan, Oganer has its own microclimate. For example: factors of hydrology and relief of hilly (mountain) terrain of Talnakh district decrease an impact of discharges that disagrees with the relief of the city of Norilsk completely as it is located in lowlands. Under a certain wind rose a load of hazardous influence of the enterprise focus locally down to certain streets in a fixed regime of discharges as a thick fog.
According to observations of Norilsk state center of sanitary-epidemiologic surveillance, degradation in situation with sulfur dioxide happened in 2004. At a stationary post, where 116 probes have been collected, contents of sulfur dioxide has exceeded normal values in 16,4% of cases. Average concentration of sulfur dioxide per a block equaled 5,1 MPC. A high level of atmospheric air pollution provides for a growth in population sickness rate: 3 times for diseases of endocrine system; by 83% for diseases of blood flow system; the level tumors has increased by 63,8%; the level of congenital anomalies (defects of development) has increase by 5,8%. These diseases are "indicators", in other words, they are determined ecologically.
Therefore, ecological situation in Norilsk industrial district is described by indicators of damaging health of the population by the process of technogeneous regress under a possible factor of decrease in height of production pipes. Technical-economic effect indirectly influences volumes of production and increases in profit that has decreased sharply during the period of studying claims by the Agency of Russian natural surveillance in Krasnoyarks region towards mining-metallurgic companies due to a worn-off technical equipment (April 2012 - February 2013). Therefore, the subject of violations is in exceeding norms of discharges because of outworn technical equipment.
Distant probation of Earth via joint areas of space science and technic (services of the company "Sovzond") can be a solution to the problem of court disputes. Through studying ecological condition of the atmosphere according to early-spring pictures, revelation of air dustiness and gas contamination according to pollution of snow cover. Usage of this technology provides for validity of monitoring data. A foundation will be real and objective, it will not require analysis of different opinions of parties that are interested in "normative" values of nature-preserving activity of companies.
Thus, negative impact upon the environment by enterprises of mining-metallurgic companies on the territory of Norilsk industrial district takes place due to insufficient financial investments into modernization. Due to lack of re-equipment and capital reconstructions ecological situation remains complicated.
The mentioned aspects are related to ecologically-defined indicators that are being studied according to clause 79 p.1 of Federal law №7 of the 10th of January 2002 "On protection of the environment". A damage that is delivered to health and property of citizens by a negative impact of the environment as a result of production of another activity of legal and physical persons is due to be reimbursed completely
2. Company “SOVZOND” http://www.sovzond.ru/magazine/183635/.
Khumorova Evgeniya Aspects of technogeneous regress of ecology are determined by indicators of affecting health of the population. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24221 (22.02.2025).