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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Ospanova B.R.

What is the levels of language? The main problems in the language system associated with the levels of language. In Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary is given a definition of the term levels of language - "parts of the language" or "basic tiers of the language system and its subsystems, each of which is represented by" a set relatively uniform units "and a set of rules that govern their use and classification" [1]. According to the tradition of linguistics consider separating the structure of language in areas such as phonetics, vocabulary, morphology, syntax, became the basis for the development of ideas about language levels. To know the theoretical and practical levels of language is very important. Theoretically significance gives you the opportunity to deeply understand about the development of the structural system of the language. Because the elements of the language system heterogeneous, they are closely related to each other and on the specifics of language units are classified into different levels. A practical significance facilitates learning of language structure, its degrees of elements of the language.

Partitions and small systems consisting of uniform of language units and rules in the language system forms levels of language. In linguistics, were called in different ways. For example, V.I.Koduhov called them "tiers of language (language layers)" [2]. Levels of language are also known as the mechanisms of language ( F.M.Berezin, B.N. Golovin) [3]. Units of all levels of language are together in the paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations, in the paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations with each other come one, belonging to a single tier of language. For example, phonemes phonetic form a group in a speech phonemes and morphemes in a paradigmatic relation with only morphemes and words in syntagmatic relation only in other words can bind. Thus, the system of phonemes, the system of words, parts of speech, types of sentences form a homogeneous group which form the levels of language. Themselves are language units vary in complexity and in its purpose: phonemes form a phonetic aspect morphemes and words, a combination of morphemes form words. The words formed in accordance with the rules of free speech units - specific phrases and sentences.

Levels of language can be defined as a stage in the hierarchy of subsystems that make up the system of the language. So, the phonemes constitute sound composition the morpheme and morpheme structure of words, sentences.

Phonemes (consonants, vowels species), the morpheme (the root, the types of endings), words (composite, part of speech), sentences (simple, compound types) can not form a private level groups.

Level of language are forming on the following principles:

1) Language units belonging to the same level should be homogenous. For example, phoneme level consists of homogeneous systems of phonemes and their combinations.

2) Elements of the language included in one level must be related to the composition of the top-level. For example, phoneme level is involved in the formation of words and communicates with morphemic and lexical levels.

3) Each level of language involved in the different level nevertheless retains its feature property independence.

4) Every level of entering into it units of language are linguistic signs. In such a way we see that the levels of the language in the first complicated the bottom up, in the second level of each autonomous, that is, a self-description.

Types of the levels of language: Despite the problems in the 19-20 century in linguistics related to the structure of language and its levels at the moment we can not say that the volume limit of intermediate levels of language defined in detail. For example, V.M.Solnsev considered four main types of language levels: phonemic, morphemic, lexical and syntactic [4]. The authors the collective work "Общее языкознание" - "General Linguistics" (1972) considered of word formation and morphemic level with suspicion, because these levels are closely related to morphemes, their meaning is determined by the morpheme [5].

French scientist E.Benveniste believes that it is necessary to consider the levels of analyzing and describing rather than separately [6]. This explains the fact that a scientist can not be considered a form of research from method of research. It is clear that exclude study of the levels, however, we should not take into consideration that there are certain parts in the structure of language, the levels and the degree of their formation is not identical.

In the textbook for students of pedagogical institutes "General Linguistics" of B.N.Golovin and F.M.Berezin (1979) shows 6 kinds of the levels of language [7]. Here fully investigated levels of language development of present time.

1. Autonomous mechanism of phonemes. A phoneme is a part of the sound shell morphemes and words, variably played in morphemes and words, has internal integrity (a set of distinctive features) represents the elemental sign, signifier which are a function of its distinctiveness. For example, phoneme a is involved in the formation of morpheme and composition of words, nonetheless it is the smallest unit of language does not lose its characteristic and symbolic form.

2. Autonomous mechanism morpheme. Morpheme is part of the word and its grammatical forms, integrates into their sound phoneme variably played in the words or grammatical form, has internal integrity (proper, invariant sounding), represents a sign, meaning that it is a non-self-importance.

3. Autonomous mechanism words. The word is part of the phrases involved in the construction of word-types and morphological categories, integrates morpheme and phoneme variably played in the phrases and sentences (sentences), introduce to him the sign, signifier of which is an independent value or values ​​of the microsystem.

4. Autonomous mechanism word-types (word-building language). Type of word-formation is involved in the construction of morphological classes (parts of speech), integrates the relationships between words, is reproduced (updated) in the speech has internal integrity (unity of word-formation values ​​and ways and means of expression), represents the integration of the characters.

5.Autonomous mechanism of morphological categories (morphology of the language). Morphological categories involved in the construction of categories of syntax (sentences, their types, members, offers, etc.), integrating the relationship between words and their grammatical forms, appears variably in sentences, have internal integrity (unity of morphological values ​​and assets, as well as ways their expressions) represent the integration of signs.

6. Autonomous mechanism of syntactic categories (syntax). Syntactic categories are involved in the construction of the text, integrate syntagmatic relations between the morphological categories, modifiable lexicon; variably played in the structure of the text, have internal integrity (unity of syntactic values ​​and resources, and ways to express them) represent the integration of signs.

Above mentioned mechanisms of the levels of language shows that the phonetics of the language interacts directly with morphemics and vocabulary; morphemics - with phonetics, vocabulary and word formation, word formation - with the vocabulary, morphemics morphology, morphology - with morphemics and syntax, syntax - the morphology and morphemics. In addition, the mechanisms shows that morphemics has direct outs and morphology and syntax. If the phonetics of the language, which is owned by its side of intonation, it is justified location next to the phonetics and syntax.

In middle of the 20th century in the America, under the influence of descriptive linguistics developed a theory about levels of language.

In the Kazakh linguistics notion of levels of language first appeared in 2004 in textbook "Жалпы тіл білімі "( General Linguistics) [8].

1. Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow, 1990. (“Levels of language ”). Kaliev G. Explanatory Dictionary of Linguistics. Almaty, 2005. (“Levels of language ”).

2. Koduhov V.I. Общее языкознание (General Linguistics). Moscow, 1974, chapter 8. § 22, 23.

3. Berezin F.M., Golovin B.N. Общее языкознание (General Linguistics). Moscow, 1979, chapter 8.

4. Solnsev V.M. О понятии уровня языковой системы //Вопросы языкознания. (On the notion of the level of linguistic system // Issues of linguistic). Moscow, 1972, № 3.

5. General Linguistics. Internal structure. Moscow, 1972, chapter 2. “Levels of linguistic structure”

6. Benveniste E. Общее языкознание (General Linguistics). Moscow, 1974, X chapter.

7. Berezin F.M., Golovin B.N. Общее языкознание (General Linguistics). Moscow, 1979, chapter 8.

8. Kordabayev T., Kaliev G. Жалпы тіл білімі. Жоғары оқу орындарының қазақ филологиясы факультеттеріне арналған оқулық (General Linguistics. Textbook for Kazakh philological faculties of universities). Almaty, 2004, chapter EO.

Bibliographic reference

Ospanova B.R. LEVELS OF LANGUAGE. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24227 (22.02.2025).