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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Shtatskaya T.V., Maximenko E.V.

In opposition of extreme relations manifestations among people, i.e. conflict and consent, it is possible to consider tolerance as a golden mean. The notion "tolerance" is complicated and includes such key elements as readiness of different views acceptance, a right on unlikeness, respect to another phenomenon, an art of understanding each other, respect for the individual and his valuables. Tolerance implies an active position in protection of human rights and readiness to accept the opinions and points of view of others. Undoubtedly, the idea of tolerance is one of the base valuables in American and in a less degree European culture. In a modern Russian society, in a greater degree, tolerant relations are violated both between authorities and individual and between separate ethnos and individuals. Changes having taken place recently in Russia, including transition to the information society, expansion of cross-cultural and international contacts, put the need of cross-cultural etiquette upbringing and ideas of tolerant attitude in young generation environment. Education cannot avoid responding the changes taking place in the modern world, especially if it concerns the processes of integration and globalization. Modern Russian society has access to information, manners to get different knowledge and possibility to learn a great variety of cultures. However, difference and effacement of verges often direct to conflict situations emergence. The UNESCO missive tells about modern political and social valuables which are the base for human rights standard formation and appeal to the tolerant attitude as the main principle of social order maintenance. There is the necessity of cross-cultural understanding and consent learning in the modern world and first of all it requires providing tolerance training. Tolerance is not the final result; it's a way showing minimal but important quality of social relations which will help to avoid violence and constraint. Peace is impossible without tolerance. Certainly, the idea of a society formation, consisting only of rationally thinking people is utopian. However, prepotency of tolerance principle in a society would permit the majority of population to be themselves and coexists in harmony. Personalities capable to cooperate and prepared to cross-cultural understanding and constructive thinking are guarantee of prosperity in any culture. The education system to a great extent is a tool, capable to develop tolerant attitude from young generation. Precisely such kind of relationship between the participants of the educational process helps to form abilities to accept a different one as an objectively existing reality, not responding with aggression and not feeling humiliation or insult and also to avoid manifestation of excellence and manipulation in the process of educational interaction. Upbringing of tolerant attitude depends greatly on directionality of lecturers and students to find constructive solutions in solving problems in the framework of their joint activity. Transition to the tolerant relations means cultivating openness, acceptance of diversity and demonstrating an active position of interest in cultural differences. In the tolerant environment a lecturer takes a leading but not dominated position, playing the role not only an organizer but also an equal partner of the educational process constructed on the principle of a dialogue.

Discussing the need of capability to accept and understand a foreign culture in modern society, S.G. Ter-Minasova in her work "Language and Cross-Cultural Communication" calls on people to be tolerant, respect their own culture and a different one, taking into account a perfect principle: patience, indulgence, tolerance. This is the unique formula of cross-cultural communication and conflict-free intercommunication in general.

Bibliographic reference

Shtatskaya T.V., Maximenko E.V. TOLERANCE UPBRINIINING IN CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24231 (22.02.2025).