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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Evaluation of perception of command form of education by junior and senior courses students
Turgunova L.G., Ibrayeva L.K., Vasilyeva N.V., Alina A.R.

The respondents were represented by 106  students of 4th year education who started their first year of clinical rotation, 29 students of the 5th year (the last year before getting bachelor degree) and 33 students of 6th course (the first year of internature). The questionnaire included 13 questions that evaluated the quality of student`s satisfaction of studies, effect of teamwork on  the quality of education, formation of clinical mindset and professionalism of them. The block of questions that evaluate the work of the tutors in seminars has been allocated in addition. In the end of the questionnaire at the request of students they could indicate their wishes, suggestions and comments in  free form. Responses were estimated on a 5-point scale: 1-totally disagree, 2-disagree, 3-I do not know, 4 - agree, 5 totally agree.

Overall results of research showed that satisfaction with the quality of education in seminars by TBL (Team building learning) technology, was high and ranged from 98,2-100%, wherein the percentage of students who evaluated satisfaction with the quality of employment by maximum points was the highest among senior students. The necessity in deep knowledge of the material in the seminars was pointed by 93.3% of 4th year students, 81.8% of 6th year students and 100% of the students of the 5th year.

Large amount of work performed in the seminars had enabled  to understand studied material in 85.7% cases  of 4th year students, 89.7%  of 5th year students and 63.6% of 6th year students, the average score of all responded courses has made 4,28 ± 0,94 ; 4,52 ± 0,91 and 3,70 ± 0,87. 4,28 ± 0,94 ; 4,52 ± 0,91 and 3,70 ± 0,87 accordingly.

Command form of education promotes the development of skills on problem-solving in 94.3% of 4th year students, 93.1%  of 5th year students and 90.9% of the students 6th  year students; assurance in solving unfamiliar problems noted 86.7% of 4-year, 93.1 %  of  5-year and 63.4%  of 6th year students, the average score,  by courses was 4,16 ± 0,77, 4,24 ± 0,83 and 3,73 ± 0,88. respectively.

Probably, in the internature, when students confronted with real clinical practice, which requires managing and integrating of knowledge received in Baccalaureate, students estimates their level of training, their readiness to make the right choice and decision more objectively than junior courses students.   In the opinion of students, this form of education developed their skills of team work. About 90,9-93,3%  students of all courses evaluated this statement on 4-5 points.

Introduction  such active forms of learning as TBL in clinical disciplines has relatively little experience. In Kazakhstan, the fundamental base for implementation of a new approach in the organization and support of the educational process became the Conseption of reform of medical and pharmaceutical education (2006) and transition on a new state education standards since 2007, in which one of the essential elements was the introduction of new teaching methods aimed at the formation of competencies, including professionalism, self-improvement, ability to a team work.

One of necessary condition of improving educational process is restructuring of stereotypes of both students and teachers, training methodology for tutors about active forms of seminars. During these sessions tutors need much more activity and creativity than using traditional form of education. Considering these facts the questionnaire was supplemented by questions that estimated the tutors. Most of the students marked that the tutor from the beginning of seminar clearly explained them what to do and what he expects of them on seminars The satisfaction of estimation of their work was marked by students of all courses- in 91.4% to 100% cases. According the 97,1-100% of the student`s opinion, the teacher tried to make practice seminars really interesting.

Thus, the results of the survey of students indicated  positive effect of training on technology TBL on the profetional skills, teamwork,  clinical mindset and education process formation.

Bibliographic reference

Turgunova L.G., Ibrayeva L.K., Vasilyeva N.V., Alina A.R. Evaluation of perception of command form of education by junior and senior courses students. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24233 (22.02.2025).