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At the present stage in the Republic of Kazakhstan gained great importance issues of patriotic education. In this context, it is particularly important to understand holistically the fundamental contribution of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the construction of a sovereign Kazakhstan, the experience to establish the Kazakhstan model of interethnic and interreligious harmony. Our country is a unique country in its ethnic diversity and religious composition, which is a consequence of the characteristics of the historical development of the country. Kazakhstan is home to 140 representatives of 17 ethnic groups and religions [1, 32].
Peace and harmony between peoples who speak different languages and confess different beliefs were predetermined. And this, of course, much of the credit of President Nursultan Nazarbayev. These days we have to fully rely on the accumulated experience of centuries of friendship between peoples, which has always been for us a basis of unity and mutual understanding ". [2]
President Nursultan Nazarbayev since the first days of independence announced the core of the entire domestic policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan harmonization of interethnic relations. The country's leadership has never sought to assimilate all nations into a kind of unified community and reject any form of artificial squeezing the non-indigenous population, while many countries of the former Soviet Union chose a different path, even a policy of naturalization (the Baltic States). Our government has always supported the fact that each nation had lived a full life, revived the traditions, culture and language, so that all people of Kazakhstan have equal rights and opportunities regardless of their nation and tongue, felt themselves to be citizens of a sovereign Kazakhstan and proud of it.
The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan on international consent subject of a series of articles, which emphasizes that any action that would violate international consent, is considered unconstitutional and will be prosecuted to the full rigors of the Kazakhstan legislation. Preamble to the Constitution begins with the words: "We are the people of Kazakhstan, united by a common historic fate, creating a state on the indigenous Kazakh land ..." [3]. This solemn phrase has become a kind of documentary evidence of the efforts of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan to defend the new state as the state of the multinational people of Kazakhstan. In the book, Nursultan Nazarbayev, " In the stream of the history " says: "We are building a multi-ethnic state with equal rights and opportunities for all." Here the President acts as the guarantor of the Constitution, shall be liable to all the people of Kazakhstan, in front of all nationalities and peoples ". [4]
At the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, March 1, 1995 was established the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. Integration potential, the ability to consolidate the interests of ethnic groups, dialogue with the government, inter-ethnic communication, turned it into the main instrument of national policy in the country. The Assembly of People of Kazakhstan has provided the resurgence of ethnic identity and culture, and creates a political, legal, cultural field of ethnic processes, contributing to the preservation of peace and harmony in the country.
While recognizing our achievements, the UN in its report in 2009 included Kazakhstan in the category of countries with high human development. It is an undeniable evidence of our increased prosperity. Over the decade, the owners of property were 350,000 households are approximately 1.2 million people. [5]
Today, looking back on the path traversed the country is safe to say that the head of state, Nursultan Nazarbayev has successfully solved the most difficult and certainly the most important task of the creative process of Kazakhstan's statehood. It is natural that the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev is a recognized leader and creator of the unique Kazakh model of interethnic and interreligious harmony. Our leader on a par with prominent politicians of the world, such as Charles de Gaulle, Franklin Roosevelt, Deng Xiaoping, Lee Kuan Yew, Mahathir Mohammad, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Mahatma Gandhi, who managed at the time to put forward their state in the number of advanced and developed countries on the planet . On the part of the international community there are high expectations of what our "know-how" will contribute to the global spread of ideas of tolerance and ethnic harmony. It is no accident Kazakhstan today is the driving force behind many of the integration processes in the Eurasian space - that of the CIS and EAEC and SCO and the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the OSCE and CICA. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev is fully aware of the mission and made great efforts to promote peace and stability at the regional and global level.
2. N. Nazarbayev A word to the people. Vol. 2, 1991. - P. 11.
3. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan., Almaty Kazakhstan, 1998. - P.49.
4. Nazarbaev.N.A. In the stream of the history. Almaty Atamura, 1999. - C.4-5.
5. N. Nazarbayev New Decade - New Economic Growth - New Opportunities for Kazakhstan "/ / Country and world.-2010. - February 1.
Tursynova Janagul Patriotic education of youth an example of the President of Kazakhstan.. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24234 (22.02.2025).