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Formed in today's conditions the labour market and supply of educational services strictly defines the necessity for such institutional phenomenon as a competence. Having set a high aim is to cultivate regional managerial elite city-forming enterprises of the region, we must clearly realize that for every little bit successfully mooved manufacturing, business, and labour market specialist, today requires not just honed to «automaticity» skills and «jagged» the knowledge got during the training, and, first of all, you need: experience, the presence of a number of competencies, relevant place of work and the implementation of the object of labour relations.
Thus, it is important to note that the professional experience - there is nothing like the presence of a number of competencies, relevant place of work and protruding object of labour relations and a key component of competitiveness in the labor market. In our opinion it is possible to allocate the following educational competence:
- Value-semantic competence. This competence in the sphere of worldview related to value systems, the ability to see and understand the world around, navigate it, to understand their role and purpose, to be able to select the target semantic installation for their actions and deeds, to take decisions.
- General cultural competence means awareness, the possession of knowledge and experience in matters of national and universal culture, of the moral foundations of life and humanity, and cultural foundations of family, social, public phenomena and traditions, household and cultural and leisure activities.
- Educational-cognitive competences are a combination of competencies in the field of independent cognitive activity of the individual, including the elements of the logical, methodological, educational activity, correlated with the actual known objects.
- Information competencies occur using real objects and information technologies, forming the ability to search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, convert, save, and send it.
- Communication skills - include: the value of the required languages, ways of interacting with others and remote people and events, team work, possession of various social roles in the team.
- The labour and social competence means possession of knowledge and experience in the sphere of civil society (execution of the role of the citizen, the observer, the voter representative), in the social labor sphere (consumer, producer).
- Competence of personal self-improvement are aimed at mastering the methods of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, emotional self-regulation and self-support. Data competencies include the rules of personal hygiene, personal health care, sexual literacy, domestic environmental culture. It also includes a set of qualities associated with the basics of safe livelihoods personality, and also «self - concept» personal thesauri individual.
At formation of the basic educational programs of the higher school of possible division of competences: General cultural, professional (depending on a direction of preparation) and instrumental.
Competence of the higher school:
- General cultural (social performance)
Implementation of individual abilities (the ability to Express feelings and relationships, the ability to critically the reality, the ability for self-criticism)
Social skills associated with the processes of social interaction and cooperation (ability to work in groups, take social and political commitment)
- professional (majors). Vary by types of activity: (management: professional competence varies by groups on organizational and administrative, analytical and business. Personnel management - organizational and administrative, analytical, socio-psychological and engineering )
- instrumental (skills)
They combine the skills, facilitating the achievement of high professional results (methodological abilities, ability to understand and manage the environment, organize your time, develop strategies of self-learning, technological skills, computer skills and abilities of information management, language skills and communication skills).
So we will allocate competence areas of management.
- corporate
- administrative
- professional.
Thus, analyzing the various competencies in their structure, classification and genesis we find a manifestation of the one we believe is very important problems of interaction of the Russian higher school and Russian business. His roots - discrepancy of professional competence of young specialists and conceptual models of development of business and production. Accordingly it is important to develop first of all, compensation mechanisms of mutual pressure competencies with further transfer into the synergetics competence of a specialist and business. As a result, the enterprises of small cities of Russia once again will have the opportunity to educate, train and engage in production management at all levels, right up to the higher of their young professionals from local managerial elite, motivated not the accumulation of momentary capital, and primarily on the needs of their enterprise, small homeland, family and relatives.
The main aim of the presented project of development of the region is the identification and promotion of talented youth and product use its innovative activity in the process of realization of programs of social-economic development of the region, formation of the managerial elite-forming enterprises. The project objectives are to:
ensure the participation of youth in the process of collective management of public activity and in the process of self-government in their activities;
to develop young people's positive skills of individual and collective management of social life and the economy;
the involvement of youth in socio-political and socio-economic life of the region.
To achieve these objectives, it is planned to implement the following tasks:
support capable, self-motivated and talented young people;
development of youth entrepreneurship and business activity youth;
the promotion of the youth for development and research of the issues of importance for the development of the region;
attraction of youth in the creative, scientific, and sports associations;
introduction of the system of developing, role plays, sports games, competitions and festivals of spheres of activity and interests of the youth;
involvement of young people who lives in Belgorod innovative international projects in the sphere of education, science, culture, technology;
popularization and propaganda of success of Belgorod region;
the formation of the mechanisms of involving young people in diverse social activities aimed at improving the quality of life of young people of Belgorod;
development and support of youth initiatives, directed to the organization of volunteer work by young people;
creation of conditions for maximum flexible inclusion of a young man in new types of activities and to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests;
support and promotion initiatives and initiatives of young people in socio-economic sphere, in the sphere of IT - technologies and scientific and industrial developments;
introduction of forms and technologies of the professional and socio-legal education and orientation of young people, assistance in the planning and development of efficient career youth in the labour market;
implementation of effective programs for the development of social, educational, communicative competence of youth needed to promote the labour market;
dissemination of effective models and forms of youth participation in the management of public life;
development of models and programs of training youth leaders;
attracting young people to take part in political life, the involvement of young people in the activities of local government bodies in different spheres of society;
attracting young people to work in the Executive and representative bodies;
attraction of the youth to participate in the design, management, and research activities;promotion of the ideas of active, innovative participation of youth in public-political and social-economic spheres.
The project considers as the recipient of all young citizens of the region aged 12 to 17 years, with steady motivation to activities in the socio-political, socio-economic and socio-cultural life.
The result of this work formed open and accessible for young people, the system of support of youth initiatives, aimed at solving the problems of improvement of quality of life in the region. In addition, young people have the opportunity to express themselves and realize their importance in society, which will lead to attraction of talented youth to realization the programs of social-economic development of the region, as well as the formation of the managerial elite in various spheres of life of local communities.
Speaking today about the education of an entirely new generation of young managerial elite of the region, we cannot reject the fact that this young man should be,primarily, healthy. So there are new approaches interested in both health organization and motivation to practice healthy lifestyle from an early age.
Health saving technologies in our opinion, is not only hot lunches, gyms, swimming pools and school buses, but the smile, the friendly atmosphere created by all the teachers, all classes, all subjects! Subject, which is led by a teacher, not a goal, but a tool for the education of not only a specialist, but a whole person, preparing children for adult life. And the purpose of any teacher, including, subject, - not a preparation great, but the unfortunate mathematics or historian, and the development and formation of harmoniously developed and able to become a happy person and citizen.
Problems of health, as well as all the problems of the people, and accumulate, and are addressed, first of all, not in the health care institutions and in institutions of the system of education and training.
Healthy physically and spiritually, children should be brought up daily and hourly. Avicenna wrote that every thought leads our body to action. I've thought of a man destroy something immediately energy in the channels begins to destroy the cells of the internal organs. Do parents think what movies watch our children ? The militants, «a horror! What, then, do we expect from children? Because good health is good, kind thoughts. Good health - good speech, because profanity also destroys the soul. And the right time to declare everywhere a real fight to evil on the street, in public transport, not only educating the public in general, but enforcing legislation and its application practice by law enforcement officers.
Want to grow healthy and kind child - you have to take him in the field, in the forest, teach of admiring the blue sky, a blade of grass, flower. Health is normal emotions, lots of traffic, joy, love and laughter. We must teach the child to take care of their relatives, for a small country, about Russia, about our planet, everything that surrounds us. Teach him the love, patience, generosity justice. Help to give up not only bad habits, but also envy, aggression, meanness. Teach to manage your life on the basis of harmonious worldview, the fundamentals of environmental ethics - ethics of human existence together with nature. This path is precisely to health and longevity.
Progress is impossible without investments, innovations, institutions, infrastructure, intelligence.
Special attention should be paid to the support of the innovational way of development of the economy in all its directions and even not traditional for our region - whether bio-nanotechnology, or alternative energy, or something else. And it is important to understand that money is not the main thing. The main thing is the idea - or rather, their carriers for which we have to create a new innovative environment, the essence of which primitive can be summarized as:
First: the region should grow annually by the intellect, i.e. the quantity of creative, intelligent people;
Second: the balance between the leakage and inflow of brains must be positive;
Third: the coefficient of use of the intellect, in other words, turning it into a finished product, representing an economic or social interest, should be the maximum.
Thus, the formula for prosperity of the region can be represented as a simple formula: the number of creative people, multiplied by a factor of their use.
The most important thing here - the sphere of education, which produces smart, creative people, prepares the younger generation of Belgorod, passionately wishes to cognize and transform the world, the perfecting it.
What a secondary school graduate should be in the region:
First. All well and good-mannered - education should be put on the first place.
A second. Have the necessary training, that is, the necessary amount of knowledge.
Third. To be physically healthy and have a tendency to engage in physical training, sports and after-school.
Fourth. Possess professional skills:
- have a driver's license
- to master one of the most popular professions.
Fifth. Possess good communication skills:
this is, first of all, knowledge of English language;
- free use of information communication technologies.
«The man who stops learning, stop in its development and regardless of age and physical health becomes spiritually and intellectually decrepit...» emphasizes in his sermons Patriarch Kirill.
Therefore, considering the concept of formation of the managerial elite-forming enterprises of the region consider «self - concept» personality.
Self - concept is relatively stable, more or less conscious, perceived as a unique system of representations of the individual on the basis of which he creates his interaction with other people and belongs to himself. Holistic, though not without internal contradictions, self-image, acting as setting himself and including components: cognitive - image of its qualities, abilities, appearance, social significance, etc. (self-awareness); emotional self-esteem, self-love, self-depreciation etc. and estimated percentage of volitional - the desire to improve self-esteem, gain respect and etc. «self - concept» is a prerequisite and a consequence of social interaction. Its components are the real «I» (picture of yourself in the present time, the perfect «I», (what the subject, in his opinion, should be), dynamic I (what the subject is going to be fantastic, «I» (what subject would be, even if it obviously turned out to be impossible, emotional attitude to these ideas and beliefs about yourself, relevant behavioural responses) and other «self - concept» - an important structural element of psychological image of the personality that is prevailing in communication and activities, an ideal representation of the individual in itself, as in other Formation of adequate «self - concept», and above all, self-consciousness is one of the important conditions of education. The degree of conformity of «self - concept» real «I» different people have different aims. The more real «I» is different from «self - concept», the more likely conflicts with others and with yourself. They arise, and the reason is not that the person behaves and expects attitude toward itself on the basis of «self - concept», and are surrounding him on the basis of the representations, which are normally close to «I» real. The greater the contradiction between «self - concept» and the perception of a person available to others, the more contentiousness of interpersonal interaction. Formation of adequate «self - concept is an important condition for preventing any conflicts.
The new economic model of development of the region initiated by the Governor of Belgorod region E.S. Savchenko, built on an equitable and moral content, where the main thing is not only a goal - gaining profit, but is a mission which is above the target, the well-being of employees, collective nature, of the territory as a whole; requires us and new ethical, behavioral approaches to the process of formation of the talented youth, based on environmental (environment - the environment (English) (ecological) ethics, offering inclusion in the interpretation of the image of life not only socio-cultural, and environmental terms, considering among the basic categories of «ecology of human being» in the moral-ethical, spiritual, ecological and physiological technical and social aspects. Indeed, as noted by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill: «Strong personality, strong and large family, solidarity society are consequences to our way of thinking and the way of life that come from a sincere and deep Faith».
Helping young people find their way in life, strengthen the Orthodox Faith and confidence in their own success, learn to live not for yourself, not for others, but with everybody and for everybody - that is our model of national education and the existence of Belgorod youth in the conditions of dominating until around «civilization instinct». Ideas, innovations, our thoughts and deeds of the young inhabitants of the region should be so compelling to both the authorities and society could firmly rely on the younger generation in all the most daring designs and projects for the name of prosperity of our Holy Belogoriya.
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URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24243 (22.02.2025).