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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Frolov S.V., Lyadov M.A.

Monitoring the health of children is a complex information process, starting with the collection of relevant indicators enrollment by nurses, finishing centralized generalization of the information received at the regional level. This factor has become a prerequisite for the establishment of an information system for monitoring of schools, health centers and data center.

An automated information system (AIS), "Children's Health" [1] was created as part of the research work supported by the Office of Health Tambov region at the department "Biomedical engineering" of Tambov State Technical University in 2011.

The system performs self-assessment expert body mass index, blood pressure and physical fitness of students, entry of health groups, athletic teams, management of acute and chronic diseases in accordance with the directory of the ICD-10.

The basic principle of the AIS "Children's Health" is applying of a central database and sharing of information space in the database between schools, thereby ensuring the integration of their uploaded data into a single information space. Each school, participating in the monitoring, established the local database that represents a smaller copy of the central database, and client-server software. The data collection process is carried out through periodic landings database into an encrypted file and transferring the file to the data center via a secure VPN. Such asynchronous data replication is due to the necessary of protection the data and the high cost of creating a secure direct connection between the jobs of school nurses and the central database.

AIS "Children's Health" consists of three subsystems: "School", "Administrator" and "Health Care". The subsystem "School" provides the working of school nurse at school: managing the registry of schoolchildren, entry of data according to the survey for identification of complaints conducted by class teachers, reflecting the presence of the child nutrition-related conditions. The school nurse enters data for all students on physical fitness, and automatic calculation mode of the level of physical fitness on a scale on the entered data is assessed. These height and weight come from the hardware part of the complex CMD "Healthy Child" (production - of "TVES" Tambov), whereupon a body mass index automatic evaluation of health indicators is held . Also, the nurse enters the data of acute and chronic diseases in accordance with the international standard ICD-10. The calculation and evaluation of all parameters is performed using an apparatus of relational algebra [2, 3].

The subsystem "Administrator" solves the problem of information interoperability of data that are exchanged between the individual components of an information system among themselves. The functions of the subsystems include logging feature background information, the job of an authorization for the users of the system, as well as the privileges to access the data.

The subsystem "Health Care" provides a view of the data on the health of children throughout the region. Report generation module includes mechanisms for flexible customization. Reports can be compiled for a particular child, class, school, district and region. The report may indicate the combined data for the beginning and end of the school year, as well as a comparison with the previous year. If the report shows the number of students then displayed as absolute values and relative performance in percentage terms.

Currently, AIS "Children's Health" is set in 102 schools in the Tambov region. The database contains data of more than 80,000 students, including acute and chronic morbidity, the grouping of health, physical culture groups, physical development, physical fitness and blood pressure.

Thus, the AIS "Children's Health" is largely optimized the work of school nurses and health management, making it possible to conduct comprehensive monitoring of children's health in the Tambov region.

1. Frolov S.V., Lyadov M.A., Komarova I.A. Regional information system for monitoring the health of schoolchildren. // Vrach i informacionnye tehnologii, №6, 2011. P. 24-33.

2. Lyadov M.A., Frolov S.V. Data processing system of medical examination and physical qualification of schoolchildren based on relational model // Informacionno-izmeritel'nye i upravljajushhie sistemy. 2012. №7. P. 55-62.

3. Lyadov M.A., Frolov S.V. Data processing system based on the incidence pupils relational model // Izvestija JuFU. Tehnicheskie nauki. Tematicheskij vypusk «Medicinskie informacionnye sistemy». 2012. №9 (134). P. 169-174

Bibliographic reference

Frolov S.V., Lyadov M.A. REGIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR MONITORING THE HEALTH OF CHILDREN. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24258 (31.03.2025).