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A complicated content of social-ecological education of the youth requires special conditions of its mastering. One of such conditions and ways, in our point of view, is a differential approach. The phenomenon of differentiation is being studied not only at general theoretic level, but at specific-scientific level as well. Achievements of scientists-pedagogues represent a certain interest in context of the offered research. Let us study the fixed positions.
We should underline that differentiation is a traditional pedagogic problem, and it is linked directly to the process of upbringing. Thus, differentiation of training is described as a form of organizing educational activity of primary and secondary school students, in which their inclinations, interests, and expressed abilities are considered. Using differentiation within the process of education does not decrease the general (basic) level of educational training students, unlike furcation [3].
This problem has its own distant history. Up to the middle of XIX century it has been mostly linked to individual training: by the end of this century - to professional self-definition. At the same time, studies of educational individualization in terms of mass school problem started to realize, corresponding variants of organizing such schools were suggested, for example, Manheim training system. Later, in XX century different types of differentiation have been absorbed in school practice: differentiation according to abilities, intellect, incompetences [7].
The idea of differential education has found its reflection in regulative documents and its implementation in school practice of the Russian educational system. Thus, in the beginning of the XX century (1918) an ability to divide students into groups or training specialties from 14 years with preservation of equal rights for education among different social groups. Starting with 1920s various types of differentiation have been developed in experimental-representative bodies of Narkompross: differentiation according to interests (natural or human science), Dalton-plan, selective profile (cancelled in 1930s) (same).
In 1920s, regardless of the necessity to carry out state course of a unified school, the idea of differentiated school continued to develop, mostly in terms of basic specialties of the studied subjects - natural and human science, and, secondly, as a condition of deep and wide content of the studied material. This idea obtained its urgency in 1950s, when the necessity of developing social production and demand for specialists arose. Here has its origin consolidation between school and life, increase in efficiency of preparing students to work in different sectors of national enterprise. From the end of 1950s the idea of differentiation has been introduced into school practice as optional courses, classes on interest, deepening of the mastered subject. These forms, as the experiment has shown, proved to be quite efficient and are implemented nowadays. 1960s are described by preservation of these forms and introduction of new ones: specialized classes and schools with a deep study of a certain subject. As a bourgeois phenomenon, study of the problem has been terminated as a bourgeois phenomenon in 1970s [3, 7].
Searches on the problem of differentiation continued in 1980s at both theoretic and practical level. Thus, G.I. Schukina outlines differentiated method in her list of approaches towards education, and it grounds upon consideration of abilities and individual features of students [8]. A concept of differentiated training in secondary school has been developed (M.N. Skatkin, N.M. Shakhayev, Y.K. Babanskiy). The scientists underline that educational-training process is called differentiated in case it is described by consideration of individual abilities of students, and training in terms of this process is called differentiated education. Besides, specific types of differentiation are studied as well: internal and external, differentiation according to abilities, incompetences, projected profession, interests [1, 3].
In 1990s Russian pedagogic theory and practice does not exclude the phenomenon of differentiation from its points of interest. The idea of differentiation finds its realization in development of philosophic-pedagogic knowledge (B.S. Gershunskiy), problems of educational technologies and its separate aspects are: the essence, structure, means, internal and external forms (D.G. Levite and others) [2, 4]. Generally, the Concept of differentiated training in an institution of basic education of 1990s (V.M. Monakhov, V.A. Orlov, V.V. Firsov) implies profiled training at a higher level, courses of selection, optional classes. Besides, schools and classes with a deep study of certain subjects, secondary special musical, choreographic, sports, artistic educational institutions exist. It allows students to solve problems of pre-profile training in secondary school, when their stable interests towards a certain area of knowledge of practical activity display [5].
The beginning of the XXI century has signalized the necessity of further reformation of Russian educational system that is defined by the state demand for independently-thinking persons who are creative, initiative, able to solve problems of developing postindustrial society. In its turn, this problem requires re-realizing the nature of relations between tutors and students. In this case a student becomes the central figure of the cognitive process. In other words, according to scientists (E.S. Polat, M.Y. Bukharkina, M.V. Moiseyeva, A.E. Petrov), urgent becomes personal-directed education that implies differentiated approach towards training considering an intellectual development level of a student, his readiness for a certain subjects, abilities, and talent. Researchers consider that it can be realized with help of new pedagogic technologies: training in collaboration, method of projects, training of different levels, "Students portfolio", individual and differentiated approach towards education, abilities of reflection that are realized in the listed technologies [6].
Thus, even preliminary analysis of the problem of differentiated approach has shown presence of ways to solve various pedagogic objectives, including the system of social-ecological education of the studying youth. Explanation of these abilities is the objective of the further research.
2. B.S. Gershunskiy Phylosophy of education, Moscow, 1998.
3. Secondary school didactics, Ed. by M.N. Skatkin, Moscow, 1982.
4. D.G. Levite Practice of education: modern educational technologies, Moscow-Voronezh, 1998.
5. V.M. Monakhov, V.A. Orlov, V.V. Firsov Differentiation of training in secondary school // Soviet pedagogy, 1990, №8.
6. New pedagogic and informational technologies within the system of education / Ed. by E.S. Polat, Moscow, 2000.
7. Russiam pedagogic encyclopedia. In 2 volumes, Moscow, 1993/1999.
8. G.I. Schukina, Pedagogy, Moscow, 1977.
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24264 (22.02.2025).