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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Yapparov A.H., Degtereva I.A., Ezhkova A. M., Ezhkov V. O., Yapparov I. A., Aliev Sh. A., Khisamutdinov N.Sh., Sharonova N. L., Bikkinina L.M.-H.

Introduction. Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies apply at the different fields of agriculture. Nanotechnological methods in work with traditional raw material resources, including agrominerals, allow increasing an efficiency of their use for needs of agricultural producers. Therefore, the State Scientific Institution Tatar Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences carries out active research work in the field of agromineral use in agricultural production and at a remediation of the oil-polluted soils.

The purpose of researches - creation and introduction in agricultural production of new highly effective nanomaterials based on natural agrominerals.

For the first time on the basis of the institute from agrominerals of the Republic of Tatarstan obtained nanostructured material with a particle size of 5-95 nm. In the study of their physico-chemical properties established increase substances ground area, and ion adsorption capacity. Nanostructured materials used in the cultivation of indigenous microorganisms and for growing a variety of crops and animals in the laboratory, greenhouse experiments, research-and-production experiments.

For example, nanostructured water phosphate suspension (NWPS) at adding to the soil and at the pre-sowing treatment of seeds promoted increasing of productivity of corn green mass corn up to 45,0% and improved its quality: content of protein and cellulose increased by 10,0%, sugar - by 20,0% and chlorophyll - by 28,0% comparison to control. In the soil CO2 excretion increased by 24,5-46,9%. Agrochemical properties improved: mobile phosphorus content increased by 15%, exchangeable K by 5% and the amount of absorbed bases by 15.9%.

At the pre-sowing treatment of tomato seeds (sort Severnaja maljutka) and foliar treatment of tomato plants with NWPS increased the yield by 19,0-45,0% in comparison with standard fertilizers. The quality of production improved: content of β-carotene and ascorbic acid increased by 14,0-29,0%.

In condition of industrial greenhouse (protected ground) there were cultivated cucumbers sort Kurazh (parthenocarpic hybrid). The pre-sowing treatment of seeds with NWPS at 0,25 and 1,25 kg/t of seeds and foliar treatment of plant with 0,25% NWPS promoted increasing of plant root air-dry biomass up to 18-30% and plant productivity up to 17,0-24,0% compared to control.

These methods of treatment can be recommended for use at cucumber cultivation in a small-volume technology sawdust peat soils. The use of nanostructured zeolite as fertilizer increases the yield of buckwheat varieties Cheremshanka by 38.0%, the content of total nitrogen in the grain by 13.0% and fiber - 2.1 times.

From different soils of Tatarstan allocated effective indigenous diazotroph, phosphate mobilizing and hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms that are identified by the establishment of a nucleotide sequence of 16S rRNA and depositing in the collection of FSUE GosNIIGenetika. When using nanostructured agrominerals (nanobentonite, nanovermiculite, nanosapropel, nanofosmuka, nanozeolite​​) revealed a stimulating effect on the growth of biomass collection of microorganisms up to 10 times compared to the control.

Based diazotroph and phosphate mobilizing microorganisms created biofertilizer complex action to increase yield and improve nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition of plants. The effectiveness of joint use of complex biofertilizer and nanostructured organic manures and water-phosphate suspension at growing maize varieties 704 of is much higher than nitrogen fertilizer and industrial biopreparation mizorin taken as a comparison. Biofertilizer based consortium collection of microorganisms and inserting NWPS promotes active growth ammonifying, nitrogen fixing and phosphate mobilizing microorganisms, increase of microbial biomass and respiratory activity. The advantage of indigenous strains is antagonistic activity to soil micromycets - phytopathogens. Joint use of a biopreparation and NWPS stimulates root development of corn plants is 2.4 times more control without fertilizer and increases the yield by 31,0-40,0%.

The Institute developed a technology for remediation of oil contaminated soils using as sorbent nanostructured bentonite and indigenous hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms, which is approved in Aktanysh, Aznakaevsk, Almetyevsk and other district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

For example, in OOO "Sulchinsky" Nurlatsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan hydrocarbon content in the soil in the areas of emergency was 15,1-73,3 mg/kg, and after remediation using the above presented technology has decreased significantly - up to 1.3-1.4 mg/kg.

Remediation technology using nanosorbent and indigenous microorganisms-destructors is environmentally friendly and allows a relatively short period of time to restore the broken oil-contaminated sites and bring them back to an active land use.

The use of nanostructured materials broiler chickens resulted in increase in body weight: the use of bentonite - on 13,5-27,8%, phosphorite - on 10,8-31,7% zeolite - 19,7-23,2% sapropel - 15,0-28,9%, vermiculite - 19,6-33,6%. The content of heavy metals - cadmium and lead - in meat decreased by 8,3-66,7%.

Thus, application of nanotechnologies in agricultural production and remediation of oil-contaminated soils are perspective and economically sound.

Bibliographic reference

Yapparov A.H., Degtereva I.A., Ezhkova A. M., Ezhkov V. O., Yapparov I. A., Aliev Sh. A., Khisamutdinov N.Sh., Sharonova N. L., Bikkinina L.M.-H. APPLICATION OF NANOTECHNOLOGIES IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND REMEDIATION OF OIL CONTAMINATED SOIL. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24278 (22.02.2025).