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The concept of individuality of a student trained to become a teacher, understood as a pedagogical category, enjoys an independent pedagogical status. The model of individuality of a future teacher developed by us includes the characteristics of seven psychic spheres (intellectual, motivational, emotional, volitional, practical, existential and that of self-regulation). Each of these spheres contains a set of important professional qualities, which are newly formed in the course of students learning and practical training.
Key professional components of psychological spheres are:
In the intellectual sphere - it's a pedagogical mentality (it's an ability to analyze pedagogical facts, events, processes, systems; show creativity, flexibility, criticality, system, mobility, efficiency of mentality in pedagogical situations), pedagogical erudition, intuition, improvisation, vigilance and hearing, prevision, observation, imagination, prediction, creativity, special thinking (it's an ability to direct one's argumentation about professional activities, mistakes, errors to optimistic way);
In the motivational sphere - it's a motivation of professional activity (wish for acquirement of new technologies, wish for studying advanced experience, wish for realization of pedagogical mastery, motives in achievements of success in professional activity, desire to receive acknowledge among one's colleagues in pedagogical body and so on);
In the will sphere - it's a tolerance and self-control in pedagogical relations, perseverance in the realization of pedagogical activity and pedagogical wills, wills of self-actualization and self-development;
In the emotional sphere - it's an empathy, sympathy, joy, openness, tolerance, ability to control one's feelings and mood, ability to control emotional atmosphere in pedagogical sphere;
In the practical sphere of a subject - it's pedagogical talents and skills, professional ethic behavior;
In the existential sphere - it's possesses of reflection, purposeful attitude to oneself as an individuality and pedagogue, liberty in self-realization as an individuality in professional activity, aspiration for self-actualization, self-development, constant work on oneself, confidence in the right choice of a profession, one's professional position;
In the sphere of self-regulation - it's a pedagogical reflection, thinking, self-analysis and self-evaluation of professional activity and oneself reflection as a pedagogue, it's an ability to correlate a work, individual style of relations with social professional experience, ability to see merits and demerits both in the development of one's individuality and personality and in professional activity and behavior, ability to find a way of one's professional growth, ability to regulate one's pedagogical activity and thinking about it.
The above model of individuality possesses a number of functions. The descriptive function allows a common understanding of the individuality of a future teacher as a pedagogical phenomenon. The explanatory function of this new category discloses the genesis of individuality formation: from separate qualities and features belonging to different spheres of the psyche to the formation of a wholesome individuality. The prognostic function means that the model is reflecting an up-to-date image of a future teacher characterized by qualities and features rendering the student the status of both the trainee and the trainer. For students trained today to become teachers it is characteristic to acquire new qualities not only in the motivational, intellectual and practical spheres, but also in the existential sphere and that of self-regulation, which are responsible for the wholesomeness of individuality.
The individuality of a future teacher should be differentiated from the individualities of students of other specializations as well as from that of a full teacher. It cannot be considered as a mechanical combination of student s and teacher s individualities. The individuality of a future teacher is an integrative characteristic due to the inseparability of training and practical teaching in teacher education. Under these conditions, the individuality of a student has a more complex structure, different functions, different contents compared to the individuality of a person the same age but a different status. A developed individuality of a future teacher performs important functions: a) proffessionilization - confirming the correctness of the professional choice made, defining the professional Self-concept; b) socialization - the student is capable to match his own interests and values with societal values.
Grebenyuk Tatiana INDIVIDUALITY OF FUTURE TEACHERS: CONTENTS, FUNCTIONS, DEVELOPMENT. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24284 (22.02.2025).