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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Mirza N.V.

Professional competence is being considered as a mental state that allows you to act independently and responsibly and as the possession of a person means and ability to carry out certain work functions, consisting in results of their labour.

According to V.Monahova, competence is represented as a combination of three aspects: notional (including the adequacy of the interpretation of understanding relation situations and evaluation), problem and practical aspects (providing adequacy of recognition of the situation in terms of purposes, tasks, norms), communicative (allowing to organize adequate communication in situations which correspond to certain cultural models of communication and interaction)[1].

The professional competence of a teacher is shown in self-confidence and self-realization in a professional activity. Consequently, competence acts as a form of the ideal professional activity.

The content of pedagogical education as a single whole can be considered as unity of knowledge and abilities, as experience of creative activity and experience of the emotional and valuable relation to pedagogical reality.

Pedagogical activity, as well as any other, has not only a quantitative measure, but also has qualitative characteristics. The content and organization of pedagogical work can be properly estimated only by defining a level of creative attitude of a teacher to the activity, which reflects the degree of realization of its opportunities in achieving their goals. Creative nature of pedagogical activity is its most important objective characteristic. It is caused by the fact that variety of pedagogical situations and their ambiguity require variable approaches to the analysis and solution of problems following from them.

Creativity is an activity that generates something new, not previously done, on the basis of the reorganization of experience and formation of new combinations of knowledge, skills and products. Creativity has different levels. The use of existing knowledge and expansion of their application is typical for one level of creativity; on another level it is a completely new approach that changes the usual look at the object or field of knowledge.

Educational activity is a process of constant creativity. But unlike the creativity in other fields (science, technology, art), work of the teacher is not intended to create something socially valuable new and original because it is always the product of personal development. However, there are not two creativity art alike. If we talk about the teacher, it is caused by the creative potential of the personality who is based on the accumulated experience of their social, psychological, pedagogical and specific knowledge, new ideas, abilities and skills to find and use the original solutions, innovative forms and methods, and thus improve the performance of their professional functions. The other side of experience shows that creativity comes only to those for whom it's typical to have the valuable attitude to work, which tends to professional development, enhancement of knowledge and learning of individual teachers experience and entire pedagogical collectives.

The creative potential of any person, including a teacher, is characterized by several signs of the person which are called features of a creative personality. The authors give different lists of such features. They give out a person's ability to notice and to formulate alternatives, to doubt the seemingly obvious, avoid superficial formulations, the ability to understand the problem and at the same time to break away from reality, put things in perspective, the ability to refuse the orientation to authorities, the ability to see a familiar object with an entirely new hand in the new context, the willingness to give up theoretical judgments, division into black and white, to move away from their familiar life balance and stability for the sake of uncertainty and search.

So, as distinct skill from pedagogical creativity, as A.Markova notes, pedagogical creativity is always searching and finding new, either for yourself (disclosure of non-standard variative teacher pedagogical methods of solving problems), or yourself and for others (the creation of new original approaches of individual techniques reconstructing known teaching experience)[2].

Each pedagogue continues the work of his predecessors. Teacher-creator sees wider and much more. Every teacher, anyway, transforms pedagogical reality, but only the teacher-creator actively fights for the fundamental transformation of himself and he represents a good example in this case.

1. Monahov V., Arnautov B., Nizhnikov A., etc. Technology of designing of trajectory of future professional teacher formation. - M.: Volte-face, 2011.

2. Gromkova M. Psychology and Pedagogy of professional activities. – M.: Unity-Dana, 2010.

Bibliographic reference

Mirza N.V. CREATIVE COMPONENT OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF A TEACHER. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24286 (22.02.2025).