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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Tretyak S.V.

The concept of humanitarianism in the modern sense was formed not at once. In the period of Greco-Roman antiquity thought everything related to man and his culture was thought to be humanitarian (lat. humanitas- a feature of human nature, in human terms). The best qualities of man were assumed by this term - generosity, compassion, intelligence. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance the concepts of "humanity"' and "humanitarianism" split apart semantically. The former referred to anthropocentric world view, the attitude to the human as to the basic and supreme value. Humanitarianism as a term characterized the scope of historical-philological and philosophical knowledge (lat. studia humanitatis). In the middle of the twentieth century there was a well-defined border line between the contents of these concepts. The success of science, overcoming of idealism and subjectivism in social sciences - all this formed the basis for the development of a profound philosophical orientation on objective knowledge, free from the influence of a man as the bearer of the subjective consciousness. Since the 20s of the twentieth century scientists have either denied the specificity of humanitarianism, or on the contrary, strictly distinguished between the natural sciences and the humanities. But further, the main differences between the Humanities and Natural sciences were revealed.

In contrast to the study of nature, in the very object of humanitarian cognition there is a human as a subject. A subjective matter can be apprehended only through understanding, and not by learning. This understanding is the mechanism and the product of communication. It is in the chain "cognition of the subject - communication - understanding" lies the main difference between the Humanities and the natural sciences. Natural sciences are a monologue form of knowledge: the intellect watches a thing and examines it. But the subject in the Humanities can not be seen and studied as a thing, as being a subject, he can not be dumb, therefore, the cognition of it can only be dialogic.

Clarifying the differences between natural science approaches and humanitarian approaches is important for future doctors for the formation of an image of a patient - whether to approach it as an object of the treatment process or as a subject, fighting together with a doctor against a disease. The former traditional approach to teaching in medical universities, along with important knowledge and skills, used to create on an unconscious level the illusion of the possibility of cognition of a human by studying his body, thereby identifying the patients with a sick body, and promoting natural science approach to the study of a human. This approach is erroneous and leads to de-humanization of medicine, as soon as it deforms the morality of future physicians and generates incorrect image of a patient.

Summing up, we stress the value of the Humanities-oriented consciousness development in students of medical educational establishments, which makes them estimate a phenomenal diversity of the human world, focus on social and spiritual realities of today's world and admit the responsibility for the life and fate of the patients.

Bibliographic reference

Tretyak S.V. HUMANITARIAN PARADIGM OF MEDICAL EDUCATION AS A FACTOR OF MEDICINE HUMANIZATION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24290 (22.02.2025).