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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Butova V.G., Gvetadze R.SH., Pershina T.L.

The heads of departments' readiness to the labor - professionally activity is allowed to be estimated the management competencies and their skills. For all this, the «Assessment & Development Consultants Ltd» well - known Consulting company's tests, having modified by us, have already been used. The competencies and the skills reasonable list, from our point of view, can be built, on the basis of the ontological scheme of the activity - socially system, in which the management activity is being performed.

So, the management competencies are being built, as on the manager's hard skills, on his purely occupational knowledge and their experience, well as on the soft and the basic skills - his, exclusively, personal skills and their abilities. For all this, the manager's skills and his leadership's abilities, for the convenience, it can be imagined, as the external, well as the internal ones. The external manager's skills and his leadership's abilities - is, among the other things, the ability to work with other people, the empowerment delegation, as the specific tool to be strengthened the efficiencies, and their effectiveness, the changes managements, and also their public speaking. The ability to be made the balanced solutions is especially highlighted, for example, under the risk and the uncertainty conditions. Then, the internal sills and the leadership abilities - is, primarily, the manager's and the leader's his personal efficiency and the effectiveness, including the targets proper placement technique, and also the necessary planning, and the time management.

For the purpose of the management competencies and their skills of the department heads of the dental outpatients' clinics to be identified, 127 executives of the dental outpatients' clinics survey of Moscow and the Moscow region on the specially developed and designed map has already been conducted by us. The competencies assessment of 130 department heads has been carried out on the five points scale.

So, the answers to the questions, having formulated in the map, are practically allowed to be evaluate the vocational training level aтd the basic stimuli to the labor and the work incentives of all these experts and the specialists. The special tests to be measured the management competencies and their skills of the department heads had been expressed by the total number of the points from 34 up to 85 points, and they had been characterized both, as the professional ones, well as the personal competencies, which were allowed data to be predicted these experts' and the specialists', and the professionals' further career.

Thus, department heads differentiation, by the number of the already collected points in four main groups has already been conducted by us.

So, the first group has been included the heads of the departments, having received from 34 up to 54 points. This category is made up 26,92% from the total number of the observations. Having taken account the quite low estimate (e.g. 2,51±0,11points) on the management competencies and their skills, this category should be reasonably used, as the regular experts' and the specialists' staff.

The second group has been comprised the heads of the departments, having received from 52 up to 67 points. This category is made up 33,08% from the total number of the observations. Having taken into consideration the satisfactory assessment (3,49±0,09 points) for all the competencies, and their skills, this category is, reasonably to be attributed to the strong leaders, but it is not seemed it quite possible. It is quite possible to be said on this category of the department heads, that their activities are practically influenced by the chances, and it may be more efficient and effective. For to do this, it is quite necessary for everybody to listen to the superior leaders' and the colleagues' opinion, more attention to be paid to the initiativity and to the creativity, the interest in the work, the planning challenges, greater and widely to be used the collective forms of the decision-making, to strive to be created and further to be strengthened the staff's and the collective's traditions. So, the prediction further career is come down to the constant monitoring of its direct activities, from the management's party, the organizing abilities and the skills further development, the gaining and the mastering necessary experience of the further work, as the head of the department and the training in «The Public Health Organization and the Social Health» specialty. This category of the experts, specialists, and the professionals can be contributed to the "Public Health Organizer" type.

The third group is practically made up the largest number - 36,92%, it is included the heads of department, having received from 68 up to 84 points, their management competencies and the skills have been evaluated, in average, of 4,5 points. They are sufficiently very cautious, thoroughly, carefully carry out the large amount of their work
(e.g. the «responsibility» competencies and the skills, «the volume of the work and «their quality» have already been estimated at 5); they are well aware of their management duties, and also they have their work experience, as the head of the manager and the organizer more, than 7 years (e.g. 84 months). The experts, specialists and professionals of this group are quite able to be achieved the set goals, they do not hesitate to the conflicts and the penalties. The career's prediction is the following: the stable tendency of the department's good work under their leadership, the training in the «Public Health Organization and the Social Health» specialty. This category of the experts, specialists and professionals can be attributed to the "strong manager-organizer" type.

The fourth group has been consisted of the heads of the departments, having received 85 points. This category is made up only 3,8% from the total number of the observations. Having taken account the excellent evaluation by all the management competencies and their skills, this category should be related to the "strong manager-organizer" type, who are quite able to be concentrated the necessary efforts on the most important and significant challenges, and also to make the further breakthrough. They, moreover, initiate the innovations, strive to the necessary surgery in the further reconstructions and the transformations, and they are oriented to be changed towards the business career. Having possessed the necessary management competencies and the skills, they are successfully adapted. This contingent of the general expedience should be attributed to the «management staff team» type.

For the use in the practical activity of the results obtained, in particular, during the period of the tested probation passing (e.g. three months or 90 days), the manager or the head of the dental organization may be carried out the candidate testing for the post of the head of the department, according to our developed questionnaire, and by the obtained results to decide on the management competencies and the skills level, and also on the forecasting activities of this expert, specialist and professional. Through the competence-based approach use, the opportunity has been emerged of the formulating and the solving challenges, concerning not only the further personal and individual development of the department head, but and also more pragmatic things - his career planning, as well as the actual and current level assessment of the expert's, specialist's and professional's further development, his ability to be integrated the knowledge and the habits, and the skills, their direct use under the constantly changing environmental requirements conditions. Then, the mastering of the basic competencies and the skills development techniques and the obtaining of the meaningful results in the practical activity - they are the two faces of the whole ensemble.

Having summarized the whole necessary information on the personal and individual characteristics, which are quite needed for the heads of the departments and also the corresponding heads of the offices, which he should have to be possessed, are the following: the developed and advanced organizational abilities and the skills, the flexibility, originality and singularity of the thinking and the comprehension, the communicative qualities and the skills, the volitional-emotionally characteristics, the motivational characteristics, special features and the peculiarities, the psychodynamic characteristics, and so on, and so forth. But, the others are contraindicated, which are the following: the high level sensibility and its sensitivity, the high level instability, the anxiety and the uneasiness, and etc.

Bibliographic reference

Butova V.G., Gvetadze R.SH., Pershina T.L. THE OCCUPATIONAL FUNCTIONING FORECAST OF HEADS DEPARTMENT OF DENTAL OUTPATIENTS’ CLINICS . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24293 (22.02.2025).