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Distinct from traditional approaches and study modes, progress in information technology enables new techniques and procedures in educational processes [1- 4]. Focusing on independent or individual work, a judgment based component might be integrated in the traditional education process.
The report introduces an electronic practical work on the following sections of the course " Methods of the decision of problems with many criteria ": method of concessions, method of an ideal point, Folding method, method of restrictions. The teaching material of the electronic practical work is done according to the uniform model of the pedagogical script which includes: idea of method, algorithm, example, exercise.
The training elements are arranged and carried out by means of mathematical applets (written in Java), that gives students an opportunity to visualize the process of decision, constructing and concluding. The electronic practical work realizes individualized training, releases from routine calculations, solves the problem of visualization. While generalizing spatial experience, comparing theoretical questions with putting them into practice the work forms skills of creative activity due to the prevalence of cognitive approaches of representation of knowledge.
If we develop a judgment based approach we integrate these four aspects within a holistic pedagogical "control" process. This is only possible if we realize a knowledge representation allows a quantitative and qualitative learning progress which consists of adaptive elements. Therefore, we have to structure the material/curriculum in order to "master the complexity" of a specific scientific area. For each pedagogical scenario we summarize and focus on: Problem statement, Key idea, Underlying methods/ procedures ( algorithm, examples, exercises, test exercise) . These approaches should be supported by an interactive navigation interface. The system is characterized by relevant examples and suitable procedures.
Different scenarios are embedded, which are characterized by judgment based components, while planned errors are used to confront the user with decision phases.
Key elements of the visualization tool are the combination of analytic models and graphical illustration techniques. Both refer to cognitive behavioral representations which enable a dynamic learning process. The process is characterized by the fact that:
- Occurring changes might be stored: therefore, the user can analyze how one aspect influence others
- The user can directly influence geometric figures or ranges of functions
- Changes of geometric objects can be tracked
- Geometric objects on the computer screen can be changed smoothly, achieving performance of those or other conditions, and object characteristics can be analyzed comfortable graphical user interface.
In the examples, training functions are used for judgment and information Enhancements which acquaint the user; they are inseparably linked to the comments which provide personalized feedback (see comments on the right side). Supervising functions are additionally applied - the degree is estimated by considering the errors, knowledge, level of understanding, etc. Focusing on special (numerical) algorithms and decision procedures, it is a challenge to determine a correct selection and division of the teaching material into smaller parts. As we divide the learning process into a multi-stage process we prepare the basis for a so-called "multi-stage decision process" within special scenarios. Practical use of program complexes has shown that computer modeling of educational process on the basis of information technology is an effective remedy of an individualization of training and also renders the essential help in work of the teacher.
ISSN 1436-4522, P. 397-410
2. Izhutkin V. Virtual Electronic Practical Work on Matrix Games. // Abstracts of the Symposium on Operations Research (OR2008),Augsburg, 2008. P.189
3.Izhutkin V.,Pickl S..An Interactive Learning Software for Modern Operations Research Education and Training// Abstracts of the Symposium on Operations Research (OR2010), Muenchen, 2010.PP.222-223
4. Dupuy A.,Izhutkin V.,Pickl S.,Tschiedel R..Judgment Based Analysis via an Interactive Learning Software for Modern Operations Research Education and Training // Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research (Selected Papers), Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2011. PP. 623-628
Izhutkin Viktor, Tatiana Zolotova, Stefan Pickl Virtual Electronic Practical Work on Methods of the Decision of Problems with many Criteria. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24296 (31.03.2025).