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Health in school-aged Children as one side and their moving activity from the side is a subject of great reason for anxiety for some education and health services. Social-economic transformations occurred in Russia within two last decades, lack of efficient health services results in kids and teenagers health worsening. That is why health and social-pedagogical factors of health and standards of a health living of school-aged children formation is a pressing problem of nowadays.
An international research project «Health Behaviour in School-aged Children» is drafted in the frames of an international research program «Health Behaviour in School-aged Children» with some support of World Health Organization and Regional office of Europe coordination. A purpose of the project is some health and social-pedagogical factors of health of school-aged children study as the first one; increase of a health and behavior criteria knowledge as the second one; a search of the way of health and standards of a health living of school-aged children formation as the third one.
The international project embodies an information collection under a single program with some worked out technique and data processing using. An exploration process includes a standard sociological questionnaire of a special form for 10-15 teenagers, and also some technique of the school-aged children relation to a physical culture analysis, social-pedagogical factors of health and standards of a health living and physical activity of school-aged children formation and evaluation of some results.
For the first time the similar exploration was held in 1984 in three countries, the second was in 11 countries, the third was in 17 countries. The fourth one of 1994 has been visited by 22 countries representatives; the only region of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) was presented there. The fifth one of 27 drafted representatives was held in 1998. Since 1998 some partners-organizations of Russia were the Ural (Tcheliabinsk) and Kuban (Krasnodar) State Academies of Physical Culture. The sixth one was held in 2002 in 36 countries of Europe and World; 10 thousand respondents in all the seven Federal Districts took part in the sixth one. The seventh one was held in more than 40 countries of the World. 20 areas of Russia took part in. The eighth one was held in 2010. Tobolsk-sity of Tumen area has been taken in as the first time. The tenth one will be held in 2014.
Physical activity of school-aged children level getting information is a main purpose of the project «Health Behaviour in School-aged Children». Some unbiased test indices have been taken for a reveal of a level of an adequately school-aged children self-evaluation. A questionnaire data analysis presented an evaluation difference of the different-aged children, but giving both good and bad marks. Questionnaire results comparatively with some moving activity getting ready test results have showed no adequately school-aged children self-evaluation always. Endurance self-evaluation is higher than right one of school-aged children, especially of the 6th grade often but coordination capabilities are lower than right ones. Teenagers of the 10th grade give the higher self-evaluation for their coordination capabilities. School-aged children give the higher self-evaluation for their speed possibilities. Boys of 10th grade's self-education give adequate speed possibilities, but girls are in contra verse. The adequate self-evaluation is getting higher with the age.
The test-results have been influenced by some lack of the school-aged children enough knowledge of the professional terms for some sports and physical culture. Some meaning of a sports-training, physical culture lessons, specific knowledge is getting higher by the questioning on the program of the international project undoubtedly. The results give a possibility to reveal a condition situation on the health and moving activity of the school-aged children of the Ural region. The results are possible to compare with the same ones for a similar age children both for the other regions of Russian Federation and for different countries of Europe and North America.
It gets higher both research and practical results meaning of the international «Health Behaviour in School-aged Children» project.
Semeonova G.I. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children of Ural Region in Russia. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24301 (31.03.2025).