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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013



The analysis of dynamism and structural changes in economy and society of the XXI century showed that ensuring high-quality use of all variability of multipurpose loading of regions has direct link between development of business and range of regulation of a labor market. Social and demographic development, food independence, control over territories are defining concepts to which the leading part in economically developed, independent states is assigned almost. Therefore in a basis of dynamic development of employment and stable economic growth in all spheres of economic activity on medium-term and long-term prospect improvement of quality of life of the population through a full development of a labor market has to be necessary. In this context priority development of business will provide variability of regional diversification processes, will raise not only their competitiveness, but also appeal in respect of realization of trudoresursny function that, undoubtedly, will improve quality of life of the population, will raise its income, will provide creation of conditions for self-realization of the personality and education of future generations.

The labor market should be considered as the guaranteed platform of stable development of the regional production and economic complex, providing dynamic development of regions through comprehensive rational use of production and resource potential.

It is possible to allocate a number of the problems characterizing a condition of a regional labor market: inefficient employment in some branches of economy; weak enterprise activity; weak territorial and professional mobility of rural regions. The reasons of a serious condition of the social and labor sphere are: the intraeconomic - subjective abilities of businessmen effectively to develop economy; economic, macroeconomic - ability of bodies of the public and economic board professionally to regulate social and economic developments of regions.

Analyzing experience of the developed countries of the European Union and based on the general macroeconomic approaches it is possible to allocate a number of the principles providing sustainable and dynamic development of a labor market on the basis of modeling of new system of the social and labor relations, constructed on the basis of the optimum self-organization providing stable level of profitability of the population is the optimum and balanced accounting of social and economic and administrative features of development; providing equal conditions of investment availability in level of economic development of regions; labor market diversification as bases of the flexible adaptation to changing external conditions; creation of advancing system of preparation and retraining of personnel. [2]

Ensuring high-quality regulation of a regional labor market has to be based on differentially - the system approach assuming transition from model of neoliberal to model of socially oriented economic development where high-quality employment of the population is considered as a main objective of a macroeconomic state policy.

Thus strategy of formation of a steady labor market has to be not only purposeful, but also complex, stabilizing and maintaining all functional features of regional educations, first of all, high-quality reproduction of a manpower. It will create objective preconditions of perspective transformation of employment of the population, not only developing new and keeping existing workplaces in priority branches of economy, but also creating new highly profitable workplaces in all spheres of business activity. Thus balance will provide high-quality realization of a state policy of support of agrarian sector and business development in the agrobusiness sphere. [1]

From a position of modern concepts, specifics of Russia is in uneven and non-simultaneous passing of stages of regional development in different corners of the huge country that demands the differentiated approach of development of business activity on the allocated groups of territories, taking into account not only productive and economic trajectories of development, but substantially in orientation of perspective program actions to mentality of aboriginals. According to it in the remote prospect change of a paradigm of the regional development, consisting in change of reference points is necessary also: from the state paternalism to self-development with a support on internal resources and equal partnership of the state, business and the population.

1. Kundius V., Petsukh N. Diversification of agrarian sector and development of economy of rural territories //agrarian and industrial complex: economy and management. 2012 . No. 5. P. 72-78.

2. Tretjakovа, L. Strategicheskiye of the direction of formation of steady life support of the population of rural territories of / – Eagle: publishing house of ORELGAU, 2010. – 365 p.

Bibliographic reference

TRETYAKOVА L. REGULATION OF THE REGIONAL LABOUR MARKET. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24302 (22.02.2025).