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In the general course of the future innovative development of Russia, technological innovations and innovative entrepreneurship are the backbone of economical growth of small business. In this context it is especially important to estimate the evolving trends of their innovative activity. In particular, the data obtained in the course regional survey of small entrepreneurship of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2010 [4], allowed us to formulate the following general conclusions.
1. Entrepreneur activity of small business is still on low level: from the total number of patients (more than 13000 thousand) only 82 companies (0.62%) in the territory carried out the innovation activity. Evaluation of possible causes of current situation shows that the least active in innovation are trade companies which had the most unfavorable business climate.
2. The volume of innovation production sales was 717.1 mln. rubles per one innovative active company, what is only 5.8% of the total volume of domestic production of small business in Krasnoyarsk Territory.
3. More than a half (52.7%) of a total regional production of innovative active small business is in manufacturing industry and more than a third is in construction. The smallest share of contribution to the formation of innovative production operations of small business in the region have small enterprises engaged in the financial sector (0.003%) and in education (0.005%).
4. Sales on innovative production were mainly concentrated on domestic market of Russian Federation: almost 90% of the 97 existing markets were on the territory of Russian Federation, 50.6% of which were located in the entity where small business acts. This suggests a territorial limitation of innovation production sales due to the difficulties with access foreign market or the deliberate targeting small business of Krasnoyarsk Territory on saturation domestic market with innovative products.
5. There is a high activity and effectiveness of region's small business in developing new markets for innovative products: small business managed to reach 59 new markets (almost 61% of the total). It is the sign of the demand for manufactured innovative products on the market, including its high competitiveness.
6. All surveyed innovative firms of the territory spent 363.2 mln. rubles on financing technological innovations, per enterprise 4.4 mln. These figures were characterized by relatively high economic returns of the costs: each 1 thousand rubles expenditure on technological innovation by small business brought innovative products on 161.9 rubles to the region. In this case, with the increase of cost on technological innovation, increase the sales of innovative products per one innovative firm what indicates a direct relationship between the quantity of such costs and results of innovative activity.
7. A significant part (23.3%) of funds from the total cost for technological innovation of the region's small business was directed on research and development of new products (services), and methods for their production (transfer). In this vector of innovative activity small business cooperated actively: almost 38% of companies realized joint projects. This indicates their desire to meet the challenges of innovation development of the region by the communicative method, which forms the premise of ensuring the active innovation development of regional economy in the small business segment.
In summary, we emphasize that the study shows a casual relationship between low innovative activity of small business in Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2010 and unfavorable state of their business environment, a detailed evaluation of which was set in other article. [2].
2. Poklonova EV Business climate of small businesses in Krasnoyarsk Territory / E.V.Poklonova , O.Yu.Dyagel , E.V.Knor / / Regional Economics: Theory and Practice. - 2013 . - № 10 ( 289). - P.14 -27.
3. Statistical Yearbook of Russia. 2011: The Statistical Compendium. / Rosstat . - M., 2011. - 795 p.
4 . http://www.ias-stat.ru/module/Free/News.aspx
Vladimirova O.N., Diagel O.Yu., Shchitnikov A.S. The main tendencies in innovation activity of small business: regional aspect. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24306 (22.02.2025).