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Reform of higher education system in Kazakhstan, connected to the Kazakhstani membership in the Bologna process, attempts to establish new educational programs that will resemble European principles of education system.
The primary features of the innovative education system are competency, modular construction and ECTS grade system. These features were built upon Bologna principles.
Orientation of the Kazakhstani educational programs toward European model guarantees variation of education process and academic mobility for students. Additionally, new model will increase graduates' competitiveness and thus they will have good job opportunities.
The foundation for the innovative educational program at the Karaganda Economic University is European project "TUNING". Conceptual ideas of this project were implemented in accordance with traditional educational values of the Kazakhstani education system.
For provision of the new model at the Karaganda Economic University, twenty two bachelor degree programs and fourteen master degree programs were developed. These developments were imposed in economic, judicial, and technical fields of study.
Process of implementation new educational programs directed to competency included following stages:
- definition of the objectives of the educational program and learning outcomes (development of competence model graduate);
- analysis of provision of educational programs with the necessary resources;
- definition of complexity of a program using the credit system ECTS;
- definition of didactic units (modules disciplines) program;
- estimation of the cost of credit (ECTS) and the time resource modules of the educational program;
- definition of types of lessons, to create the necessary organizational methods to achieve the relevant learning outcomes;
- selection and design of educational technologies for the achievement of relevant learning outcomes;
- determination of the elements of assessment, selection of methods for assessing achievement of learning outcomes and quality development of educational programs, the creation of the fund assessment tools;
- development of methods for assessing the achievement of program objectives and continuous improvement of the program;
- development and coordination of the curriculum of the educational program, the description of modules, updating directories elective courses and other educational materials for school organization.
The concept of each modular educational program is reflected in the standards developed by the University of modular training.
It should be noted that the structure developed at the University's educational program is somewhat different from the European model because of the existence of the model curricula and specialties, reflected in the state educational standards (SES RK). As the educational programs of the competency and the loan size suggests designing educational outcomes in terms of competencies indicating the level of education and training activities, for each educational program competency model of the graduate was developed. In this case, we have identified the following groups of competencies: general (instrumental, interpersonal, systemic) and professional (domain-specific and specific) competency.
In order to meet the requirements of the National and European qualification frameworks, all the syllabus and university catalogs' elective courses have been revised in accordance with the Dublin descriptors (A, B, C, D, E).
Thus, setting up educational programs enabled a more flexible scheme of education that focuses on learning outcomes that meet today's challenges.
2. Developing an Internal Quality Culture in European Universities // Report on The Quality Culture Project . – EUA, 2005. – 50 p.
Yessenbayeva Gulmira, Kakenov Kairat MODEL DESIGN OF EDUCATION PROGRAM AT THE UNIVERSITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BOLOGNA PROCESS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24308 (31.03.2025).