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Asgarov S. (Azerbaijan), Alakbarov M. (Azerbaijan), Aliev Z. (Azerbaijan), Babayev N. (Uzbekistan), Chiladze G. (Georgia), Datskovsky I. (Israel), Garbuz I. (Moldova), Gleizer S. (Germany), Ershina A. (Kazakhstan), Kobzev D. (Switzerland), Kohl O. (Germany), Ktshanyan M. (Armenia), Lande D. (Ukraine), Ledvanov M. (Russia), Makats V. (Ukraine), Miletic L. (Serbia), Moskovkin V. (Ukraine), Murzagaliyeva A. (Kazakhstan), Novikov A. (Ukraine), Rahimov R. (Uzbekistan), Romanchuk A. (Ukraine), Shamshiev B. (Kyrgyzstan), Usheva M. (Bulgaria), Vasileva M. (Bulgar).
1.Introduction. Let , and
, (1.1)
be the set of a linear means of Fourier series and conjugate Fourier series. In various questions of the analysis there is a problem of behaviour of (1.1) and (1.2) when . Here
are complex Fourier coefficients,
is infinite sequence defined by the values of parameter . In a case of discrete h the similar problems for (1.1) have been studied by L.I.Bausov ([1]).
We consider the semi-continuous methods of summation corresponding, basically, to a case of ,
, where
, (1.4)
and function is continuous on [
and twice differentiated on (
. We are extending, in particular, a case of Poisson-Abel means (
Let be a norm in Lebesque space
be a conjugate function ([2], v.1, p.402). Define ;
2. Results. Estimates of -norms. The sequence (1.3) is called as convex (concave), if
The sequence (1.3) is piecewise -convex, if
changes the sign a finite number of times,
Theorem 2.1. If the sequence (1.3) is convex (concave) and
, (2.1)
for each then the estimates
; (2.2)
; (2.3)
Here will represent a constant, though not necessarily one such constant.
The estimates (2.2) - (2.4) remain valid, if a piecewise -convex sequence (1.3) satisfies to the condition (2.1) and there is constant , such, that
| (2.5)
for all
Proofs of both statements are based on the Abel transform of sums (1.1), (1.2) and on the estimates of Fejér means ([2], v.1, p. 148) by maximal operators
3. Convex and piecewise -convex еxponentially summarising sequences. Consider a case (1.4). Let restrict oneself, basically, to consideration of functions
Theorem 3.1. Let function be twice continuously differentiated on
and exp for everyone
. Then the estimates (2.2)–(2.4)
are valid and the relations
, (3.2)
hold almost everywhere (a.e.) for everyone and in metrics
The results follow from theorem 2.1, if we note the convexity of (3.1) for and
. Тhе convergence a.e. and in metrics
follows from (2.4) and (2.2) by standard arguments ([2], v.2, p.464-465).
4. Examples.
4.1. Let then
The sequence (4.1) satisfies to conditions of theorem 3.1 when and it is piecewise-convex for
and satisfies to condition (2.5). Hence, the relations (2.2) – (2.4) and (3.2), (3.3) are valid for all
4.2. If then
. (4.2)
The sequence (4.2) is convex when and it is piecewise-convex for
. By this reason the relations (2.2) – (2.4) and (3.2), (3.3) are valid for all
[2] Zygmund A. Trigonometric series. Vol. 1, 2. Moscow: “Mir”, 1965. V.1 –615 p., V.2 – 537 p.
Nakhman Alexander D. ЕXPONENTIALLY METHODS OF SUMMATION OF FOURIER SERIES. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24312 (22.02.2025).