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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Basic directions of scientific work of Chita state medical academy (1953-2013)
Loboda Marina

Opening Chita state medical institute (since 1995 academy) was the first of October 1953. The first annual scientific plan was based on three basic problems: ‘Basic mechanisms of the activity of nervous system and their role in the regulation of the function of an organism', ‘ Regional pathology and epidemiology' and ‘ Application of physical and resort factors in medicine'. It is remarkable that the work of A.A. Goncharova about gamasid mite in Transbaikalia was included in this plan. This work started the large work of the whole collective body of the department of common biology which was dedicated to natural focal diseases of man in Transbaikalia [2].

Every year the volume of scientific researches rаised, research work of the institute on the most important problem for Chita region regional pathology, epidemiology and study local resort resources. Already in 1959 4/5 of all department which took part in research of scientific subjects joined to research of regional pathology Transbaikalia: endemic goiter, urovskaya disease, silicosis; some skin diseases and internal diseases such as hypertonic disease, leukosis and etc. [3]. Employees of the institution worked on researches on establishment of mechanisms of control neuropharmacology of brain by brain, functioning spinal centers and subcortical cores. The results which receive during research of neuropharmacology of brain under the direction of E. B. Arushanyan were presented on the international congresses and workshops in Warsaw, San Francisco, Vroclava [4].

In the second half of the 70th years large efforts on the organization of Central scientific research laboratory (head Candidate of Medical Sciences B.A. Tolpyshev) and reorganization of the work on study disease of Kashin- Bek (head Candidate of Medical Sciences A.V. Voshcenko) were undertaken in the institution. as a result of the research A.V. Voshcenko and his employees presented detailed characteristics of selenium food chain of nine districts of the region, gave clinical biochemical characteristic of a cardiomyopathy of deficiency of selenium (Keshan's disease). At that time scientific schools of academician of Russian academy of medical sciences (RAMS) V.N. Ivanov (research of influence of microcells, physical and biological factors of environment on health of population) and honored worker of sciences of RF B. I. Kuznik (study of interconnection of immunogenesis and hemostasis in various pathological conditions ) were formed in the medical institution [9, p. 26-27].

Now, the Academy has formed a number of scientific schools that received recognition not only in Russia but also in other countries of the world: the school of Cardiology of Professor A.V. Govorin, school psychologists of Professor B. I. Kuznik and Professor Y. A. Witkowski, a school psychiatrist of Professor N.V. Govorin, school pathophysiologists of Professor N.N. Tsybikov. Scientific researches in the Academy are conducted in 15 key areas [5; 6].

Given the achievements Academy's scientists at the problem-solving and central research laboratories in 1994 by the Ministry of Health was organized the Research Institute of Medical Ecology (Research Institute of Molecular Medicine, Head Professor Y.A. Witkowski). The main directions of the research institute are the research on the influence of environmental factors on the functions of the body: immunologic, hemostasis etc. [7; 9, p. 27].

Since the 1980's international cooperation is expanding in the following areas - educational activities (Dalian Medical University, Qiqihar Medical University (China), number of Republic of Mongolia schools, and joint research (Tel Aviv University, "Pluristem" Co., Ltd. (Israel). Employees of a number of clinical departments of the Academy are actively involved in the multi-purpose Russian and international research on various aspects of clinical medicine [10]

Since 1996, are being published scientific and practical journal "Medical Journal of Trans-Baikal" (from 2001 - Regional), in 2010 is registered in the depository of electronic publications and is included in the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) list of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journal [1].

The outcome of research activities for the 60-year period of its existence is protection by employees about 90 doctor's and 600 master's theses, the edition about 200 monographs and 370 manuals and methodical recommendations, development of 230 inventions protected by copyright certificates and patents of the Russian Federation. Academy scientists have made a significant contribution to the development of national and world of medical science. For a variety of scientific fields Academy occupies a leading position in the country and enjoys a good reputation both in Russia and abroad [8].

1. Govorin A.V., Smekalov V.P. Chita State Medical Academy / Small encyclopedia Trans-Baikal region: health and medicine. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2011, P. 200.

2. State Archive of the Trans-Baikal region, the fund R-2198, inventory 2, case 2, page 1-2.

3. State Archive of the Trans-Baikal region, the fund P-5920, inventory 1, case 7, page 26.

4. State Archive of the Trans-Baikal region, the fund R-2198, inventory 2, case 36, page 5-7.

5. Scientific schools [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://chitgma.ru/nauka/nauchnye-shkoly (date of access 22.07.2013)

6. Basic directions of scientific work of Chita state medical academy [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://chitgma.ru/nauka/nauchie-napr (date of access 22.07.2013)

7. Research Institute of Molecular Medicine [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://chitgma.ru/nauka/nii-med (date of access 22.07.2013)

8. Rogovа L.N. 60 years of Chita State Academy (1953) / Calendar and memorable dates stories Health Trans-Baikal Territory for 2013 - Chita, 2013. - P. 111.

9. Khyshiktuev B. Science in life. From theory to practice // Zabaykale.-2003. - № 2. - S. 26-27.

10. Chita state medical academy [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://www.lvkgmu.ru/chgma.html (date of access 22.07.2013)

Bibliographic reference

Loboda Marina Basic directions of scientific work of Chita state medical academy (1953-2013) . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24329 (22.02.2025).