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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Portnova T.V.

The live contemporary art practice is constantly generated the new non-traditionally genres, the techniques in the images creation, in the new way having synthesized and interpreted the features have already been well - established, the expressive - figuratively forms, which are familiar for the audience. Often, the talk on the works of the painting, sculpture, and architecture is limited at the theoretical level, basically, by their narrative side, which is reduced their professional rich in its content analysis.

In the light of the foregoing, it is legitimately to be asked the question on the excursion scientific character to the art and the culturological topics. The excursion practice and the sightseeing practice is shown, that even small information is considerably enriched the scientific character presentation, having organized the listeners' attention, and having helped him to be made his generalizations and the conclusions of the comprehensive assessment of the art objects.

In the excursion work, the knowledge theory can be considered not only from the side of the day trippers' mastering, having included the works of art into the excursion, but and from the side of the very forms of knowledge and cognition themselves, having used by the tour guide, regardless of the ideological content of the works; this consideration is implied the certain order among the knowledge and cognition categories, as the special kind of the norm. The listeners' and students' cognitive ability is dependent on their professionalism and the skills of the material's presentation by the tour guide. Firstly, the imaginative impression from the excursion is formed and developed at the certain level of the given information. Its deficit does not give the complete provision of the object; the excess can be overloaded and destroyed the image at all. The scientific character and the imagery one combination are very important and significant here not only because each work of art is borne in itself «the serious sense of implication», but also for the reason, that the most «serious work of art» should have a certain degree of its «lightness», in order to be made the maximum wide-scale impact upon the audience.

So, the scientific character principle is manifested, from the very beginning, of the trip training.

Also, the excursion training can be considered in the both directions: the new theme's development, and the tour guide preparation to the new theme and the subject for him. The tour's preparation is conducted sequentially by its stages. So, it is begun from the scope definition and also the excursion's main objectives. The objectives' correct formulation and its main tasks statement have their significant value, because everything is subjected and reported to them, as it will be shown, and it will discussed during the excursion conducting. There is the sites' selection for the future show. Here, it is taken into account their educational and their cognitive value, its fame, expressiveness, and also the place location.

And, the essential criterion is the selected objects' number (e.g. if they are only few, the tour and the excursion will be incomplete and defective, if they are too much, it will be become into the dilettante). After the excursion objects' and tour facilities' selection, it should be considerate and attentive study, having included into itself the natural full-scale inspection and the literature study. The work by the excursion objects' selection mapping and their study of the understanding tour facilities are finalized the route excursions making up, that can be built on the chronological, thematic or complex and integrated basis and its principle. Following the route development, it is taken its detour or bypass, in which the route of movement is specified; the objects' physical locations and their places; the entrances to them; the parking areas sites; the primary and the secondary (e.g. backup) points of the show are developed and introduced. During the process of its detour or bypass, the recorded timekeeping of the time (e.g. moving, crossing) is taken into account from one object to another for the accurately time calculation of the excursion. The work is begun on the drafting of the excursion text after the route detour. The tour text is included in itself the introduction and the conclusion, that is contained the objects characteristics, and their description, and the specific material, having associated with the given object, the conclusions and generalizations, the logical transitions to the next sub-themes. All the verified quotations and the quotes, the facts, the figures and the examples and at that necessarily always with the corresponding references to the sources are given in the control text. The tour guide' individual text is always constructed, in accordance with the methodological development, and it, accurately, is reflected the excursion's real and actual structure, having taken into account the time factor.

And, finally, the methodological development drafting is finalized the training and the excursions preparation on the specific theme and its topic, where the excursion and the route tour, the objects of the show, stops, duration, teaching methods of the show and the story are specified. The text of the trip and tour and the methodological development may be reviewed. There is in it all over the direct analogy with the methods of the scientific work. However, what it has been said - this is only the initial stage of the scientific principles formation, that have not yet been developed into the complete system, which could be served, as the science and the scientific character indicator, in general. By themselves, the preparation methods for the trips new topics and themes or the old ones reconstruction (e.g. which is quite natural, if to be taken into account that thoroughness, with which the tour and the excursion are being prepared) is not the scientific discovery, or the research. The science and the scientific character, above all, is required the full compliance with the contents of the authenticity categories' excursion.

So, the scientific knowledge is inherent with the same generality, when the basic and essential laws and regularities of the objective world are acted for the chaotic, externally random facts and the phenomena. The requirement of the science and its scientific character principle is usually extended not only to the material content; it must be strictly observed and in the course of its presentation: the scientific interpretation of the excursion facts, phenomena, and its concepts - the inherent quality of each excursion. However, there is a number of the qualities completely belonging to its alone in the Excursion-conducting assets.

Thus, the first and most simple - the visibility, which is not adequate and the same the illustrativeness, it, moreover, can be raised up to the certain full of vision, that is not available without any natural and full-scale review. The excursion objects, around which the excursion guide's story and is largely being built, is the visual backbone of any sightseeing excursion and tour.

So, the visible image of the demonstrated objects and its phenomena are transmitted the visual and space arts, which have their ability to be captured the natural reality, in particular, in the vivid and convincing form.

So, the collegiality is the other quality of the excursions scientific character. Any tour is brought the audience together; it is caused the need for their communication, discussion to be heard and to be seen. The deeper the material conceptualized, the more the need in their discussion. The tour guide, having addressed and referred to the history in his analysis, he resurrects the already past, in which the fact of history itself is interested not only and not so much, and its relationship to the present, that is allowed for everybody to be achieved a greater degree of the generalization.

So, the works of art are usually perceived not only, as the date with the already past, but, as the dialogue with the present and the future. The integrity category of the excursion structure is no less important fact, and, by its nature, is tended to be repelled and the knowledge of the world, wholly, in its entirety. That is why, the excursions and the tours can be helped to be confirmed and to be established the modern type of thinking, which is consisted in the ability simultaneously to be viewed and to be taken into account the spiritual, psychological, moral, environmental and economic aspects.

And, finally, heuristics, the best quality inherent, scientifically built for the serious excursions. They are usually set up for the creative perception, having contained the scientific information in them, they are developed the imagination, they are supposed and to be involved not only the ready-made conclusions, but also the questions, having stipulated the their own searches.

So, the detailed analysis of the ideological and artistic essence of the object being demonstrated is immeasurably raised the excursion's scientific level.

Thus, the challenges correct solution, having connected with the scientific principles in the art history excursions and tours, has not only the large cognitive, but also the large methodological significance. Here, as in the focus together and are overlapped to some key questions and categories for the Excursion-conducting and the Art History-conducting, as the objective and subjective ones, the emotional and intellectual ones, reality and imagination.

Bibliographic reference

Portnova T.V. THE SCIENTIFIC ASPECTS IN ART HISTORY-CONDUCTING AND CULTUROLOGICAL EXCURSIONS . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24332 (31.03.2025).