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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Women´s personal name written materials in Tobolsk XVII century
Vykhrystyuk M.S.

Personal name should be considered as one of the special category of words in antroponimii until the XV century, had the widest value. Man, like many objects and phenomena of reality, could be called, narekat, name, nickname, etc., and hence rich synonymic line of the word name in terminological definition of personal name, «advertisements», «name», «nazvische» «nickname», «title», «nickname», «proimenovanie» [Tupikov 1892: 15].

In XVIII-XIX centuries there was some differentiation in the system of terminological anthroponymy. The term name began to be used for the naming in general, and the verbal sign the name (or names) became an individual concept, a symbol of man. V.I. Dahl noted in the dictionary: «The name of the object - the name and the name of the animal - the name and the name of a person - the name on the saint, angelic, sign of the cross and that in old time not announced» [Dal 1991: 43]. Thus, personal names are used not only in life but in the documents in the legal practice, where the slightest inaccuracy in the name entry leads to undesirable consequences.

Traditions associated with naming, different peoples have been different. In some ethnic groups children in infancy were given some names, and when they reach a certain age, previously used names were replaced with new ones. Among the Eastern peoples name was given in accordance with the location of the heavenly bodies, and also depending on the date the child was born, and it did not change throughout life [Nikonov 1993: 18].

In the works on the Russian historical onomastics less attention to forms of naming women because they did not have legal rights, rarely mentioned in the monuments of business written language of the XVII. Social illegality of women in XI-XVI centuries is reflected in the naming it in the official written language, and ways of naming were not ordered and did not differ because of this uniformity.

Manuscripts and printed works business content of the XVII century stored in Tobolsk State Archives, represent a vivid palette of personal names of the residents of the town of different nationality and social class in this period. In the «Patrol book» 1624 [I]; «Census book» 1625-1626 years. [II]; «Vedomosti (list homestead) 1633» [III]; «The estimated lists 1638 1691gg.» [IV] is a wide range of men's personal names of Christian and non-Christian origin. In the documents of the XVII century, as a rule, appear the names of men and women's names are usually omitted: «... a quick return man Samoshki Larionov with wife and children» (I 1624: 21), «...how do I arcana when they came to his house i asked razboloksya the wife of his that you have parilis de...» (IV 1638: 70), «... rassprosnye speech daughter evo Andrei Sokolov » (III 1633: 63), «...petitions polikarpovskoy wife » (III 1633: 6).

In a few fund personal female names inhabitants of Tobolsk only three non-canonical nominations: «Goluba, Milava, Ulyba. Dvor Stepanida yes ... the young women smiling girls...» (I. 1625: 13), «... located near Nebo in the service of the young women Pelageya black Ivanov daughter, but the girl of yard Blue yes Milavu send in work...» (IV 1638: 75). Their small number and use of the singularity does not allow a definite and clear conclusions about their stylistic coloring, the functional significance.

In the documents of the XVII century female names are part of the single-word models: proskurnitsa Daria prosvirnitsa Domnikeya, abbess Catherine Fetyushka, backyard Zhonka, yeah girl Hanka, Fevronitsa girl, the daughter Ulka, Katerinka (I 1624: 7); antroponimov two-word: «Marfa Ivanovna, Great bayou» (II 1625: 32), «Boyar Irina Nikitina» (III 1633: 19), «A quick farmer's daughter Avdotitsa Fedorov» (II 1625: 32), «Widow Arinitsa Afonaseva» (II 1625: 32), «Matyushkina Avdotitsa wife, Aristova daughter Sofitsa» (II 1626: 51); trehslovnyh claim: «...noblewoman Stefanida adoch S. Morozova, the widow Maria Ivanovo wife Letovski, Ofrosinya Maksymivna wife Bolkashina, backyard girl Aksyushka Filipov daughter Kryukov, Kirilov Anashki daughter Aksyutka, Kopeyschikova Ivanov zhenchishka Zheltukhina Aksyutka» (IV 1638: 22), and multi-word structures: «Ulka Emelyanova daughter Mikhailova Naumkina wife Shcherbakov», «Ignatieff mother Maria Cherkasova Fedorova daughter», «Savelyev Ivanovo Bulatov Hruska wife, widow Kondratievskaya wife Efrosinitsa Volodymyrska daughter» (III 1625: 34).

The composition and structure of the list of names of women depended on the genre of a document naming repetition in this text, literacy status of the scribe, and the social status of the media naming. The analysis of women's naming of the XVII century shows that the process of unification of women's anthroponimical structures, compared with the male has not completed yet. Perhaps this is explained by women's less freedom at the time, most of her affection to her husband, his father.

1. Dal VI Dictionary of the Russian Language in 4-x volumes. – Moscow: Russian language, 1991.

2. Nikonov, VA Dictionary of Russian surnames / Comp. Krushelnitsky E.A. – M.: School - Press, 1993.

3. Sokolov, Russian names and nicknames in the XVII century. – Kazan, 1981.

4. Superanskaya AV The general theory of proper names. – M., 1974.

5. Puffins, NM Notes to the personal stories of the ancient Russian proper names – M.: A Bibliography, 1892.

6. N. Frolov Anthroponimics and Speech. – Tyumen: TSU, 2004.

Bibliographic reference

Vykhrystyuk M.S. Women´s personal name written materials in Tobolsk XVII century. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24339 (22.02.2025).