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Recently interest in waves with circular polarization appeared again. On the basis of these waves it is supposed to develop new devices for information transmission. Here we consider peculiarities of circularly polarized waves overlay propagating in longitudinally magnetized plasma, the parameters of which have the properties of nonreciprocity. For non-reciprocal structures and processes, interference media were previously considered only for acoustic resonators [1]. Our analysis shows that the non-reciprocity significantly affects the interference pattern.
For simplicity, let us consider the imposition of forward and backward waves of equal amplitude propagating along the axis 0x in mutually opposite directions in the magnetized plasma field along the 0x axis. Let the phase velocity of the waves in an isotropic medium is
. If we include a field magnetization along 0x axis, the media acquired the properties of non-reciprocity for forward
and backward
waves, which give an interference pattern in the case of an identical polarization forward and backward waves.
In a longitudinally magnetized plasma waves it is possible for the right and left circular polarization. In the one-dimensional approximation the sum of forward and backward waves can be represented:
where for longitudinally magnetized plasma - are wave numbers of forward and backward waves,
- diagonal
- and no diagonal components of permittivity tensor,
- frequency,
- plasma frequency,
- gyro magnetic resonance frequency, N , e, m – concentration, the charge and mass of electrons. The role of non-reciprocity parameter is played by value of the field of magnetization
= 0 the structure possesses mutual properties). For the resulting wave process, the length of the standing wave
, wave number
and velocity
are defined the following way:
When, medium or a waveguide structure has non-reciprocal properties. The first factor of equation (1) - is the amplitude, which in contrast to the usual standing waves depends not only on the coordinates but also the lengths of the forward wave
and backward wave
. The second factor in contrast to the usual standing-wave indicates the presence of the wave process with the phase velocity
. For ordinary standing waves this factor describes the fluctuations in phase at all points located between the nearest nodes of a standing wave. The direction of the wave propagation, formed by nonreciprocity, depends on polarization type and direction of magnetization field. In the case of magnetization absence, (
= 0) the medium has the properties of reciprocity
, so generalized equation reduces to the familiar equation of a standing wave. The manner of overlay wave process of forward and backward waves in non-reciprocal media depending on the coordinate and time is shown in Fig. 1. Non-reciprocity properties of the medium lead to a spatial beats.
Coordinates of the nodes and the distance between them are defined by:
and depend on.
the distance between the nodes is
(the structure of the standing wave is compressed). The amplitude for all the points (except nodes) changes over time (Fig.1) and is periodic.
Fig.1. The interference of forward and backward waves in non-reciprocal media
Conclusions. The interference of the forward and backward coherent waves in the non-reciprocal media has its own characteristics. Standing waves are unsteady - the distribution of the standing wave is superimposed by the wave process, the characteristics of which depend on the degree of non-reciprocity, defined by the magnitude of the magnetizing field. Oscillations of the neighboring points loose the synphasal property.
2. Glushchenko A.G., Zaharshenko Е.P. Stimulated by the penetration of the waves is not transparent media with active parameters. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 2011. 186 с.
Glushchenko A.G., Glushchenko E.P. WAVE INTERFERENCE WITH THE CIRCULAR POLARIZATION IN PLASMA. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24341 (11.03.2025).