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Negative growth trends of morbidity and self-referral of patients to the pharmacies leads to increased of requirements, which is lodged by heads of pharmacies to pharmacists. Also it leads to the growth needs of reliable pharmaceutical information [2]. So, the development of approaches to the optimization of activities of the first table pharmacists on the basis of modern information technologies is urgent.
To achieve this objective the concept has been developed. It includes three parts: a theoretical study of the current services in the area of pharmaceutical information; working out model of the needs in pharmaceutical care; the development of computer program complex for training, monitoring of pharmacists professional qualification.
As a result of the first phase has been revealed that currently two major directions of development of information systems in pharmacy are developing: the automation of accounting and document management; electronic directories and databases. At the same time, in Russia there is no information system to provide training and testing knowledge of pharmacy employees [1]. In the second phase has been developed the model of the needs in pharmaceutical care, which allows tracing the steps leading to the patient's treatment in the pharmaceutical care. The main environmental factor influencing the pharmaceutical care is the morbidity. It determines the magnitude need of pharmaceutical care and the structure of the pharmaceutical market.
Then the comparison of morbidity of the population of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Central Black Earth economic region. It is revealed that in the Belgorod region the average index in almost 1.5 times higher than in the Kursk region, and 10% higher than the data of the Russian Federation. The average growth of the total morbidity among all categories is 0.66%. This fact contributes on the growing needs of patients in the qualified pharmaceutical care.
Also during this phase the structure of morbidity according to The International Classification of Diseases has been composed. The leading position in the structure occupy by groups: Diseases of the respiratory system (33%), Diseases of the circulatory system (8.5 percent), Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (7,5%).
The negotiability of 500 residents of Belgorod region in pharmacies also has been revealed for determine the needs of the pharmacists in the pharmaceutical information. Diseases of the circulatory system (12%), Certain infectious and parasitic diseases (12%), Diseases of the digestive system (10%) are the most common reasons for pharmacies referral. It is established that a high proportion of patients treated with symptoms of undetected disease (27%), as well as with cosmetic and dermatological problems (9%).
Next, the questionnaire design of 62 pharmacists and head of pharmacies has been conducted to identify the areas of pharmaceutical information, which are in need of pharmacists. A large proportion of pharmacists is interested in receiving information on new drugs pharmacology (26.5%) and about the skills of effective sales (25,7%). Only 61.9% of the heads of pharmacies consider it necessary to conduct periodic monitoring of pharmacists' knowledge, but not implement it. Only 24.6% of managers have a set of situational tasks for this purpose, more than half of the respondents feel the need in such materials (57,1%).
Further the development concept of automatized software complex «PharmProfi» has been derived. It includes the following stages: definition of aim, development of complex structure, programming and addition complex with content, testing and commissioning. The aim is to creation of automatized software complex «PharmProfi» as a means of training and monitoring of pharmacists' competences. This software will raise the level of pharmacists' knowledge and indirectly improve the quality of provided pharmaceutical care. At the next stage the structure of the complex was developed. Information base of the program contains the training system, including specific aspects and algorithms for the provision of pharmaceutical care for various diseases and symptoms (module «the Electronic textbook» and «Algorithms»); testing system for the estimation of pharmacists' professional competence and job applicants in the pharmacy (module «Test»); multifunction database of medicines with the opportunity to search and compare medicines for 10 parameters (module «Compare medicines»). The developed system allows to optimize information and consulting activities of pharmacists and improve the quality of pharmaceutical care.
2. Svetlitskatya, T.G. The structure of the market of pharmaceutical products. / T.G. Svetlitskaya // Economic Bulletin of pharmacy. - 2003. - №5. - p.16-17.
Dudina Anna Sergeevna OPTIMIZATION OF PHARMACIST’S ACTIVITY USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24357 (22.02.2025).