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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Kubaev Kazila Erikenovich, Baisholanova Karlygash Sovetovna

State planning in our Republic is based upon yearly Addresses of the President to the people of Kazakhstan. And all those Addresses have common target that lies in raising the well-being of the people This is how the social character of development of Kazakhstan is ensured with the participation of all branches of government. The process of such activity planning of the State is a characteristic feature of Kazakhstan.

Therefore, the purpose of this article was to analyze and identify the features of strategic planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the first years of independence.

The period of sovereignty of Kazakhstan commenced on December 16, 1991. The President N.A.Nazarbayev signed Constitutional Law "On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan". That act came to be the greatest event in the history of the Kazakh people. Planning is one of the main functions of state administration. Upon gaining independence the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan put more attention to planning, with special emphasis placed on the strategic planning. The State executed planning procedures basing upon global experience and Kazakhstan peculiarities. The evidence of the fact that the State in its earliest period of establishment paid much attention to planning and forecasting is establishment by the presidential edict of the Council for Stable Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan reporting directly to the President of State.

The Mission of the country lies in raising the well-being of the people.

As important as the strategic planning is the current planning. Here, based upon accurate analysis and scientific forecasting the Government submits to the Parliament a three-year indicative plan of social and economic development of Kazakhstan on a yearly basis. Such approach ensures implementation of the globally approved and practiced cyclical planning pattern in accordance with which three-year analyses and forecasts are detailed and corrected from year to year. The basis for indicative planning of the State is the strategy and long-term priorities specified in the above documents.

The first stage of economic reform of years 1991-1997, the years of macroeconomic stabilization, can be separated into three periods for the sake of convenient analysis: the first period - years 1985 - 1991 - reforms in the Union (initial period); the second period - years 1991-1993 - period of reforms in the ruble area; the third - years 1994-1997 - period of the policy aimed at stabilization and economic growth in the conditions of national currency.

In 1997 a tendency for industrial growth was clearly seen. It is evident that the highest political power was constantly aiming at combining all types of planning - strategic, economic and budget in one and the same state authority - since it has been a shared process with shared objective stated in the first Address of the President that was to ensure raising the well-being of the people.

Strategic priorities articulated by the President of NA Nazarbayev in his address in 1997 "KAZAKHSTAN - 2030" were forecast and formed the basis of the periods of development of Kazakhstan. Strategic, operational, and current plans for nominated resources are long-term mechanism for the implementation of these priorities.

The state walked has consistently towards the harmonization of strategic, economic and budget planning. Three-year plans were adopted for such purposes. Indicative and budget planning have been closely tied through legislative basis.

The planning, as is shown in the research work, was consistently adapted in power structures during initial stages of independent development. The President kept abreast of the process and formed it into an individual independent state authority.

1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 16.12.1991 year “On the State Independence OF KAZAKHSTAN”, 1996. – 48 p.

2. Nazarbayev N.A. The Strategy for development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until the year 2030. [Electronic resource]. – URL:http://www.akorda.kz/ru/category/gos_programmi_razvitiya (reference date: 20.08.2013).

3. Nazarbayev N.A. Keys to the crisis. [Electronic resource]. – URL:http://kazpravda.softdeco.net/k/2009-02-03 (reference date: 20.08.2013)

4. Jeffry D. Sachs, Felipe Larrain B.Macroeconomics in the global economy Prentice Hall, 1993. – P.641-647.

5. Kubaev K.E. Effective state management. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2006. – 218 р.

Bibliographic reference

Kubaev Kazila Erikenovich, Baisholanova Karlygash Sovetovna STRATEGIC PLANNING OF KAZAKHSTAN’S DEVELOPMENT IN THE INITIAL PERIOD OF THE COUNTRY’S INDEPENDENCE. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24369 (22.02.2025).