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The ethno-artistic culture of a country is created because of its steady traditional character. It carries a centuries-old experience of a people's life, criterions of true and beauty, ethical standards and behaviour standards inside each ethnos and between different peoples. A considerable experience in ressearches of many questions of studying of a national artistic heritage in a successive system of education was accumulated with russian science. (1)
The renewing system of russian education is characterized with the indispensable inclusion of ethnocultural components in projects, concepts, programms of different areas of education, wich represent a rather large pattern of special points of view, conceptual purposes, a degree of a oneness of ethnocultural phenomenons and their interaction in an educational process(2).
The National Doctrine of education begins to take root in a pedagogical practice. Its objectives are providing of a historical succession of generations, preservation, propagation and development of national culture, training of solicitious attitude toward historical and cultural heritage of Russian peoples, training of Russian patriots, citizens of a legal, democratic state, respecting rights and freedoms of a person, possessing high morality and showing national and religious tolerance, respectful attitude towards languages, traditions and culture of other peoples.
Belonging of a person to ethnic culture means large possibilities for social and cultural self-actualization, moral development of a person, much larger than in any other social group. " Ethnic culture, keeping and transmitting its own traditions with cultural inheritance, forms a sort of a cultural person, beginning from the first steps of a person, having a decisive value in the education of a person" (3). The present-day phase of the development of Russian society is characterized by the increasing interest to the national culture wich influence is actual in train of civil, moral, spiritual and professional self-determination of a person. The last time Ivanovo region shows some positive tendencies in the most of areas of the socio-economic development. The region is shown as one of the upcoming in russian economy. The priority-oriented trends of economic development in Ivanovo region are: forming of a textile-industrial cluster, small-scale business and middle business, tourism, agriculture. Leads of the regional government underlied the Concept of socio-economic development of Ivanovo region before 2020 wich forms the basis of constructing of patterns of the regional development. The documents for the competition of ressources of an investment fund for reallizing the biggest brand project of the region - a textile-industrial cluster are preparing.
The cycle of the socio-cultural events "Russian holidays all the year round" in Shuya - is an actual and opportune project, wich is especially necessary in the conditions of the posteconomic crisis. The realization of this project may influence the process of formation of the new look of the provincial town and the textile branch of industry in the town and the region, it should help enterprises, specialists and creative young people to overcome obstacles and with the common efforts to keep cultural and textile traditions of Ivanovo region and to lead the town out to a new level of economic and social development.
The aim of the project - is the creation of the model of the socio-cultural activity "Russian holidays all the year round" (on the basis of the folk calendar) in the ancient town Shuya. The forward-looking objectives of the project are: the strategical development of Ivanovo region, of Shuya town in directions of economy, culture and tourism: the popularization of the traditional russian culture and ethno-artistic specificity of the region, creating and development of the new consideration of the traditional fields of Ivanovo region and of Russia, such as production of the ecologically clean, esthetically attractive, practical and moderate by its price textile production; increasing of the investment attraction of Ivanovo region and Shuya town; creating and development of the new aspect of the textile industry in Ivanovo region in conditions of XXI century; determination of the role of traditional artistic fields, textile in the contemporary society, consolidation of the attractive textile brand of Ivanovo region.
The principles of realization are: the principle of integration of traditions and contemporaneity, the calendar principle, the principle of dialogue of cultures, the principle of cultural relations with other regions, the association principle, the principle of brilliance and staginess, the principle of communicativeness and interactivity, the principle of regional originality.
The succession in transmission of experience gives the opportunity to restore the rupture between generations, and our traditions in particular can accomplish this inportant mission. That's why different forms of combination of folks traditions and modern technologies and tendencies of the socio-cultural activity carries only a positive source. Their introduction into the educational process or into the domain of supplementary formation is necessary to form the ethno-artistic culture of a contemporary russian citizen.
[i] «The work implementation with the financial support of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation under the program «scientific and Scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia for 2009-2013» years»)
2. M. A. Nekrasova " Russian popular art in the modern culture." - Moscow: "Kollektsiya M", 2003.
3. T. Sapojnikova " Russian folk dress" - 2006.
Makarova N. R. PROJECT "RUSSIAN HOLIDAYS ALL THE YEAR ROUND" IN THE SOCIO-CULTURAL AREA OF SHUYA TOWN IN IVANOVO REGION . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24371 (22.02.2025).