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The name of the new scientific direction occurs from the Greek word «kyndunos», that means «danger», therefore some authors pronounce it like «kindinik». Developers of this scientific direction treat it as a new philosophy of management which is based on specifics of control of global risks.
Achievements of science of Sindinika were discussed «behind the round desktop», carried out in 1994 in New Orleans during the RIMS conference - Society which is engaged in questions of risk management and the insurance and unifies experts in the field of a risk management for the purpose of an exchange of practical experience and development of concepts of risk control.
Sindinika, implementing the system approach, tries to consider all factors and elements which explain different dangers, define their nature, their relations and their consequences.
The principal result of study of risks and dangers which is offered by Sindinika, need to develop the preventive actions, allowing to reduce influence of risk factors or to eliminate threat.
In the works across Sindinika scientists generally such a notion as «hazard» instead of «risqué». It is possible to define danger as circumstances which can affect thus studied system in such a way that it will lead to deterioration or impossibility of its functioning and development. Danger is a status in which there is a possibility of causing damage to society.
Let's consider where, according to the scientists who are occupied with the science Sindinika, there are conditions for origin of dangers and implementation of risks.
Sindinika offers the concept «hyper spaces» - space in which danger is created, there are reasons that cause its origin.
It is known that in traditional idea of risk sources of danger are identified and are classified depending on their frequency and gravity, allowing to regard level of specific risk as critical. Thus a two-sized matrix is used probability and consequences.
Schematically Sindinika's specifics as a sciences of study of risks can be presented in a following way.
First of all, it is necessary to define a dangerous situation (a sindinic situation). It will be formed by a network of characters participating in the system and the relations in between. Then it is necessary to define also circuits - temporal and spatial - in which there is this network of characters. Secondly, you have to define the position of this network in hyper space from the point of view of five directions. Thirdly, deficits or gaps in each of networks and dissonances between two separately taken networks are evaluated. As soon as all this will be found out and assessed and the risk is already obvious, then a development of a complex of preventive measures is.
Part of a possible risk analysis in Sindinika's theory is a research of catastrophes, that is directly sequences of stages of dangerous situations and disasters.
Such analysis of a risk degree uses comparison of the registered data, receiving from it statistics that allows calculating probability of further disasters.
Moreover, accumulation of sindinic deficits or gaps in the system and sindinic dissonances generates feeling of discomfort, feeling of alarm, inevitability of catastrophe, it is expression of growth of sindinic potential.
Deviations between existing and desired situation generate necessity to transform the current sindinic situation, and also to implement preventive campaign for the purpose of preventing of origin of a dangerous situation.
The great value of sindinic potential and its growth leads to risk implementation, to accident, catastrophe. It needs to be changed due to development and application of preventive actions which consist in abbreviation of sindinic potential.
While control of crisis is the little overdue response which purpose is a restriction and damage lowering, than warning is a search of means of reduction of deficits and Sindinika's dissonances.
In Sindinika preventive campaign consists in holding negotiations between characters on a network, to come to the agreement concerning five directions of hyper space in which the sindinic situation is described: numerical information as statistical reality, is assumed as a basis models, the purposes, rules and values, among which - level of an acceptability of risk. Then follows development of preventive measures, their implementation and the subsequent assessment of their efficiency.
Sindinika is applicable in different areas. For example, it use for an assessment of industrial risks, technological - so was at the first stage of development of this science, namely in 1987 - 1994, and also for study of risks in the field of IT-infrastructure and technologies.
And, of course, Sindinika is applicable to natural risks of natural disasters, economic risks, to risks to which the cities are subject, to psychological dangers, global problems, in case of study of social movements.
Achievements of science of Sindinika were discussed «behind the round desktop», carried out in 1994 in New Orleans during the RIMS conference – Society which is engaged in questions of risk management and the insurance and unifies experts in the field of a risk management for the purpose of an exchange of practical experience and development of concepts of risk control.
Sindinika, implementing the system approach, tries to consider all factors and elements which explain different dangers, define their nature, their relations and their consequences.
The principal result of study of risks and dangers which is offered by Sindinika, need to develop the preventive actions, allowing to reduce influence of risk factors or to eliminate threat.
In the works across Sindinika scientists generally such a notion as «hazard» instead of «risqué». It is possible to define danger as circumstances which can affect thus studied system in such a way that it will lead to deterioration or impossibility of its functioning and development. Danger is a status in which there is a possibility of causing damage to society.
Let's consider where, according to the scientists who are occupied with the science Sindinika, there are conditions for origin of dangers and implementation of risks.
Sindinika offers the concept «hyper spaces» - space in which danger is created, there are reasons that cause its origin.
It is known that in traditional idea of risk sources of danger are identified and are classified depending on their frequency and gravity, allowing to regard level of specific risk as critical. Thus a two-sized matrix is used probability and consequences.
Schematically Sindinika's specifics as a sciences of study of risks can be presented in a following way.
First of all, it is necessary to define a dangerous situation (a sindinic situation). It will be formed by a network of characters participating in the system and the relations in between. Then it is necessary to define also circuits — temporal and spatial — in which there is this network of characters. Secondly, you have to define the position of this network in hyper space from the point of view of five directions. Thirdly, deficits or gaps in each of networks and dissonances between two separately taken networks are evaluated. As soon as all this will be found out and assessed and the risk is already obvious, then a development of a complex of preventive measures is.
Part of a possible risk analysis in Sindinika's theory is a research of catastrophes, that is directly sequences of stages of dangerous situations and disasters.
Such analysis of a risk degree uses comparison of the registered data, receiving from it statistics that allows calculating probability of further disasters.
Moreover, accumulation of sindinic deficits or gaps in the system and sindinic dissonances generates feeling of discomfort, feeling of alarm, inevitability of catastrophe, it is expression of growth of sindinic potential.
Deviations between existing and desired situation generate necessity to transform the current sindinic situation, and also to implement preventive campaign for the purpose of preventing of origin of a dangerous situation.
The great value of sindinic potential and its growth leads to risk implementation, to accident, catastrophe. It needs to be changed due to development and application of preventive actions which consist in abbreviation of sindinic potential.
While control of crisis is the little overdue response which purpose is a restriction and damage lowering, than warning is a search of means of reduction of deficits and Sindinika's dissonances.
In Sindinika preventive campaign consists in holding negotiations between characters on a network, to come to the agreement concerning five directions of hyper space in which the sindinic situation is described: numerical information as statistical reality, is assumed as a basis models, the purposes, rules and values, among which — level of an acceptability of risk. Then follows development of preventive measures, their implementation and the subsequent assessment of their efficiency.
Sindinika is applicable in different areas. For example, it use for an assessment of industrial risks, technological — so was at the first stage of development of this science, namely in 1987 — 1994, and also for study of risks in the field of IT-infrastructure and technologies.
And, of course, Sindinika is applicable to natural risks of natural disasters, economic risks, to risks to which the cities are subject, to psychological dangers, global problems, in case of study of social movements.
Maksimov D. Sindinika – the science about global risks. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24373 (01.04.2025).