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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Svechnikov Vladimir

Analysis of the studies of magic reveals two basic interpretations of the nature of magical thinking:

1. Sociological interpretation.

2. Psychological interpretation.

Sociological Interpretation of magic was most fully articulated by E. Durkheim. This approach leaves out the form and content of magical rituals. It was subjected to an analysis of magic position in society.

Psychological interpretation of magic was proposed and developed by D. Frazer. This method revealed the connection between science and magic. Conventionally, these two interpretations of magic can be called rationalist.

This methodological approach is opposed to another school learning the basics of the origin of magic and religion, which can be called mystical.

The most characteristic of all these studies is that they consider only the outer side of magic. All of the researchers only interpret certain observations draw conclusions based on their own beliefs, not backed up by concrete knowledge of magical practices. None of the researchers examine magic as a social technology. Both schools - rationalist and mystical - attributed to the magic of a perfect sphere, and do not seek to identify its practical possibilities in the field of material existence without considering its socio-technical and socio-psychological tools and techniques.

Socio-cultural approach to the study of magical phenomena should be, above all, the system and allows us to consider both external and internal relationships of subjects and objects of magical interactions. Relation to the magical phenomena, in our opinion, is in the society in accordance with the Thomas theorem: "If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." Therefore, if a group has a belief in magic, the magic of the consequences of any, real or virtual, generate virtual reality with broken causal relationships, defined as the result of a magical interaction.

Therefore, we should take for granted the existence of magic, depending on the belief in its efficiency. It will be wrong to methodically separate existence as a kind of magic of the real phenomenon of belief in the existence of such a phenomenon.

Lack of expertise among researchers affects the depth of understanding of the nature of magic in Russian Society, many years closed to the penetration of the information Society.

Sorcerers, performing some magic rituals, apply a complex socio-technical and socio-psychological techniques, creating with the help of them illusory virtual reality. In this case, magicians always pursue certain goals, but as a rule, they conceal or misrepresent, and declare very different goals.

We hypothesize that, in accordance with the magic - it's not real or supernatural phenomenon, but peculiar, not recognizable by untrained observer or participant, a communication process that uses the methods of communication as a huge range of non-verbal and verbal encoding the information.

Virtual reality is being promoted in the perception of the participants of the communication process, replaces or supersedes their own model of reality. The communication process is not recorded by observers. That is why the change of reality, the violation of causal relations is often defined as a kind of paranormal phenomenon.

Not familiar with the essence of magical practices, researchers have interpreted magicians created virtual reality or as paranormal, unexplained on the basis of the materialist scientific paradigm , but have very real physical basis, or as a result of the intervention of supernatural forces. Carefully designed and conducted secretly magician communication process, eluded their perception, so the interpretation of the observed phenomena, and in fact, and in another case, was of distorted.

Knowledge that allows the magician to manipulate virtual reality and available to the researcher, sociologist will give the opportunity not only to understand the mechanisms of social interaction in systems "Magician - Observers", but also to develop ways to recognize the hidden mechanisms of perception management and analysis of the situation . This, in turn, will allow to develop effective mechanisms to counter such "magical secretive" management.

The specifics of magic are, first of all, not seen in the study. Moreover, this closeness is not a quality inherent magic itself. In this case, researchers, aware of such a closure, would try to sneak behind its veil. The paradox of magic concluded, in our view, is that this closeness is not visible "to the naked eye". The researchers suggest a certain interpretation of the situation, the falsity, artificiality that, they are usually not recognized.

The main method, which allows a high degree of reliability check on the practice put forward a hypothesis, it is expected to use a particular method of direct personal involvement in magical practices. In our opinion, this method will only investigate and verify the effectiveness of virtually identified methods and tools available to magicians to construct illusory realities.

Bibliographic reference

Svechnikov Vladimir MAGIC AND VIRTUAL REALITY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24378 (22.02.2025).