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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Spatial factors of regional development
Vasileva D.

The complex of multilevel system of social relations, linked by horizontal and vertical links is nation's economy. The classic hierarchy of the country economy includes 3 levels - the micro-level , meso and macro level. In this case, the displace is on the meso-level blend when regions are not just market participants, and defining its strategy, choosing development trends, as well as the self-position themselves in the global space. Consequently empowering the regions «economic independence» will increase their competitiveness and sustainability in relation to fluctuations in the world economy. Still we must not forget that the development strategy for individual regions is impossible without considering spatial factors, especially relevant for Russia's regions, for reason of geographical size of country. Moreover this will allow the possibility of extensive growth of agriculture, industry, transport, infrastructure development. This will change-over from regional strategic planning to the space, moreover it will make it possible to consider the development of the region in association to the adjacent territorial domains.

For the Astrakhan region, as the border region, the spatial factors of economic development are very important. Take into consideration the location of the Caspian Sea, Astrakhan region maintains ties with the Caspian countries, as well as working closely with nearby regions.

Nevertheless in the analysis of spatial factors, an important indicator is the turnover of all modes of transport. For example in spite of improvement in the region's industry for 3 years, it falls, and this decline is almost 1000 million tons-km. In 2013, it will amount to 19700,9 million tons -km for according to forecast data. The decrease observed in handling and sea and rail transport. To put it simply the transit potential of the Astrakhan region is not used to full capacity.

The Astrakhan region is located at the intersection of two rapidly developing Euro-Asian transport routes: the North-South and West-East. The International Transport Corridor North- South mainly involved only for the bilateral direction - between the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Consequently for comprehensive understanding of the existing problems of the North- South is necessary the cooperation and search ways to solve them. Firstly decrease of various administrative barriers, through the adoption of tariff rates and the establishment of a logistics support of transportation. Secondly to draw attention of Russian's state-owned corporations to the possibilities of the corridor.

Also in the long term of the transport system of the region will dominate the direction "East - West ". Astrakhan region due to the current structure of the areas of oil transportation is still poorly integrated into this rapidly growing segment of the transportation services. The main point "anchor" of the region on the market - river-ports system "Astrakhan" and one of the biggest river-port of Volga river «OLYA» - has a relatively modest share of oil transshipment in the Caspian Sea. Today the market is actually divided between companies of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, uncompetitive and closed.

Hinders the development of effective spatial underdeveloped transport infrastructure - the largest port in the region «Olya» has not yet reached its design capacity , the development of road traffic between the Astrakhan region and nearby territories of Kazakhstan prevents poor road conditions, the combined system for the carriage of goods by different modes of transport are not effective.

One of the most important priorities of the spatial development of the Astrakhan region - is to strengthen «Olya» in the Caspian region and the Caspian Sea. However the problem is geo-economic. The Caspian countries still have not come to a comprehensive agreement (the Convention) on the legal status of the Caspian Sea and consequently are not differentiated economic zones of coastal States. The decision "Caspian node" will give a ripple effect for the economy of the region.

If we talk about the specialization of the region, the major economic sectors of the region is oil and gas production, shipbuilding and agriculture. The development of different sectors of the economy in a given time also requires consideration of spatial factors. It shipbuilding cluster is working closely with various companies in the Caspian region, as well as other Russian companies.

Astrakhan shipbuilding companies are now actively implementing a number of projects for companies, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and China. In addition, they perform subcontracting work.

From there, the sustainable development of the Astrakhan region depends on its spatial priorities - focus on the Caspian Sea region. This will allow the full capacity use of the transit potential of the Astrakhan region.

Bibliographic reference

Vasileva D. Spatial factors of regional development. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24379 (22.02.2025).