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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


About the effective epidemiological surveillance
Zhetybaev S.D., Kapasakalis, G. T., Akhmetova G, Zhetybaeva, Baizhanova A.U., Sybanbaeva Zh.Z.

Sanitary-Epidemiological Service of Zhambyl region conducted systematic study of influenza virus circulation in the region. The inclusion of the State Enterprise "Zhambylsky regional center of sanitary-epidemiological expertise" in the program "sentinel surveillance" (SS), recommended by the World Health Organization, the virology laboratory equipment and modern equipment for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), allowed to provide year-round testing of samples from outpatients with symptoms of influenza-like illness (ILI) and from hospitalized patients with symptoms of severe acute respiratory infection (SARI). According to the program of SS in the city of Taraz involved three hospitals and four clinics that provide all year round selection of patients for symptoms related to specific standards. As part of the SS were investigated by PCR method to test the system "AmpliSens Influenza virus A B-FL» 287 samples from patients with ILI and SARI, of which in 19 cases set influenza "B" in 45 cases - a flu-type "A"

(H 3 N2). The result is -22.3%. All the positive samples were studied under an approved algorithm virological technique for continuous culture of cells derived from dog's kidney. Of the 14 positive samples isolated strains of influenza type "B" and 2 strains of influenza "A" (H3N2), effectiveness was 25%. All isolates were retested and confirmed on the basis of area of virology laboratory in Astana and the reference laboratory "Scientific and Practical Center of Epidemiological Expertise".

At typing the first selected strain of influenza B Viskonsin (HAI 1:40) in the Reference Laboratory "SPCSEE" Almaty with influenza diagnostic sera WHO confirmed influenza virus isolates belonging to type in Malazia (HAI titer of virus in 1:1280). This strain was sent to the Regional Reference Laboratory (RRL) meeting in London. According to the results of the virus in the RRL WHO / Taraz 8/2013 as a result of identification with the vaccine virus antiserum V/Brisben/60/2008 showed the lowest titer and is included in the development of a vaccine in epidemiological season 2013/2014 years.

Along with the work on the system SS during seasonal rise SARS epidemic was investigated routine material from patients with suspected influenza of all health care organizations of the region, which were also investigated by PCR method. The experience has shown the importance of routine examinations for influenza, as they cover the territory of the whole area. From routine material influenza type "B" identified in 6 cases, influenza type "A" (H3N2) - in 16 cases, and influenza type "A" (H1 N1) pdm 09 - in one case with Korday district. Further studies of positive samples in cell culture MDCK possible to identify three strains of influenza type "B" and one strain of influenza "A" (H3N2). Thus, the introduction of sentinel surveillance allowed to monitor influenza viruses in Zhambyl for timely implementation of the Plan and anti preventive measures, as well as increase the capacity of the virology laboratory in providing influenza virus isolates national influenza laboratories to global vaccine strain selection. High performance virological evidence of the benefits of SS method in the indication of the influenza virus.

Bibliographic reference

Zhetybaev S.D., Kapasakalis, G. T., Akhmetova G, Zhetybaeva, Baizhanova A.U., Sybanbaeva Zh.Z. About the effective epidemiological surveillance. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24382 (22.02.2025).