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Computer innovative technology, E-books and English language in education are actual subjects in our country. Computer technology and E-books may enhance the students learning and may assist most students in achieving their academic standards. When computer technology and appropriate English language teaching methods are combined, it may increase the academic achievement and ensure a satisfactory student experience.
Educational technology, especially computers and computer-related peripherals have grown tremendously and have permeated all areas of our lives. If technology is adopted in education, it will make better future. Also high productivity, beneficial education and long-term advantages are provided. Technology has had a huge impact on education that can’t be denied, and has done nothing but improve the quality and quantity of education.
The use of computer technology and E-books in universities has a great effect on not only students, but teachers as well. Today, we mostly think of technology as computers, but it is much more than that. Most students today use technology throughout their day. Some of the most widely used tools are found in the English Language classes. With technology students are also given advantages in learning how to read. Reading programs use drill-and-practice techniques to help with reinforcing young students’ reading skills. Using technology refers to the use of computers and computer technology as tools and aids to help teachers teach and students learn.
Computer innovative technology and E-books may keep more students interested in the subject matter for a longer amount of time. Many younger people today are attracted to computers and advanced technology. This attraction may keep them at a computer terminal learning about some subject longer than they would remain interested in a book or a lecture.
Educational technology, when used appropriately, helps the teacher and the students. The educator's role in this new era is to help our students find the knowledge in the information, to help them find the wisdom in this knowledge, and, most importantly, to help them find the life in living.
Sharp increases in English Language Learning lend importance to the task of improving the achievement of all students, especially those who face the greatest hurdles. The goal is to enhance English language learning through the study of science content and processes. Teachers must engage students in interactive classrooms using varied instructional approaches. The goal for all students should be to immerse them in challenges and for them to enjoy greater levels of success.
Structure of e-book. Our E-book «Professional English in medicine» consists of 8 units, each unit consists of three exercises – grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing.
Description of the rest 5 units is identical.
Unit 1. Exercise 1 (Grammar) – «Noun and Verb». In this exercise 5 verbs are given which must be converted into nouns, if the answer is incorrect button False is appeared, indicating on the mistake. Button Listen is provided to listen the exercise in audio format.
Exercise 2 (Vocabulary) – «Spinal column». In this exercise the picture of vertebra is presented with the exact description of all its parts (sacrum, coccyx, cervical vertebrae and etc.). For the filling of eleven empty boxes one should to point the numbers on the picture, if the answer is incorrect button False is appeared, indicating on the mistake. Button Listen is provided to listen the exercise in audio format.
Exercise 3 (Reading and Writing) – «Vertebra». In this exercise the text of vertebra is presented with the exact description of its connection, parts and weight and etc. For the filling of ten empty boxes in the text one should to select right word given inside the boxes of blue color above the text, if the answer is incorrect button False is appeared, indicating on the mistake. Button Listen is provided to listen the exercise in audio format.
Title page is presented on the picture 1, 2
Picture 1 – Workbook Picture 2 – Interactive CD
This worked out system is essentially universal for the practical classes. This e-book enhances the educational activity of students, allows students rationally plan learning time, and it may keep more students interested in the subject matter for a longer amount of time not only in the classrooms but also at home. Thus, the work of teachers is increased, and also his or her scientific, methodical and upbringing role in the individual specialists’ preparation.
In conclusion we want to add that worked out e-book “English for medical students” is very actual nowadays due to lack of books and materials for the medical institutions. It is also can be recommended for the students’ use, studying English language.
Kutebayev T.Zh., Akhmetova G.M., Asanbayev A.Zh. COMPUTER INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY, E-BOOKS AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN MEDICAL EDUCATION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24390 (31.03.2025).