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The process of learning a foreign language in a social situation of development creates the best opportunity to generate interest and motivation for the linguistic and cultural diversity of the world. It contributes to the development of communicative speech tact. Learning a foreign language is important at an early age that is why the necessity to find an effective ways to improve teaching methods.
The importance of the problem is also consists of updating the content of teaching foreign languages at an early stage, optimizing the teaching and learning process, and developing a new methods of teaching foreign language, which would correspond to the objectives and requirements of pre-school education.
However, in practice, the process of foreign language teaching preschool children often do not bring more due results for a variety of reasons, among which are the low cognitive activity, the lack of continuity between pre-schools and schools, the level of foreign language learning not corresponding requirements. Such authors as L.S. Vigotskii, D.B. Elkonin, S.L. Rubinstein, I.A. Zimnyaya, I.L. Bim, E.I. Passov, G.V. Rogova, I.N. Vereshchagina, E.I. Negnevitskaya investigated issues of cognitive activity by foreign language.
Opportunities for the development of cognitive activity in this paper studied on the example of preschoolers’ acquaintance with the world, nature, and in the course of daily activities.
The organization of cognitive activity by means of the English language was based on the novelty of the material and children’s interest. The selection of lexical material for storing was correlated with the content of lessons on cognitive development process of upbringing and education of pre-school institutions.
The process of cognitive activity contained work on a children’s dictionary, regular, coherent and expressive speaking, the use of words in their active vocabulary, the exact design in the speech of their observations, thoughts, desires, which became more differentiated.
The tasks of cognitive activity to educate with the environment are enriched representations preschoolers and getting truly scientific, accurate information about the environment. The content of the activities will contribute to the development of cognitive activity and the effective learning of a foreign language. It is include formation of children's knowledge and understanding of material world, the labor adults, on the phenomena of life and his native country.
Systematic organization of cognitive and practical actions on the basis of the integrated training allowed the children to see, understand, remember and is simply called dependencies that exist in the field of acquaintance with nature.
We are developing a cognitive activity by means the English language in the process of observation given the three main stages. At the first stage, the children heard the name of an object and get a general idea about it. In the second stage used a variety of techniques to identify and remember properties, qualities, attributes of the object of the behavior and lifestyle or condition, the necessary connection. In the third stage, summed up the observation generalize their knowledge. Each follow-up observation was related to the previous one.
In the content of the first observations of the walk included: observation of flora and fauna, observation of inanimate nature as weather and natural phenomena (see Figure 1):
- Viewing for flora (a tree, a bush, a flower, a grass).
- Viewing for fauna (domestic animals, wild animals, poultry, and birds).
- Observation of inanimate nature (water, stone, ice, steam, sand, etc.)
- Weather observation (sky, sun, cloud, snow, wind, etc.).
- Observation of natural phenomena (the appearance of the trees a lot of leaves, lawn flowers, freezing of puddle, the emergence of rainbow after the rain, etc.).
There were used a number of instructional techniques: description , discussion , comparison, problem solving , guessing , telling poems , didactic game , mobile game , experiment in the process of observing. We gave names and explanations of observed facts and phenomena of the "sun", "rain", "wind", "grass", "tree", "bird", "work", "help", "draw", "nest”.
Figure 1.The content of observations on the walk
Children showed such personality traits as interest in of environmental activities, aesthetic perception of the world, the ability to see the beauty of nature and using natural materials in the work, the need to commune with nature walks through the organization of the collective, the ability to shape their own opinion and ability to find a convincing argument in an interview In the development of cognitive activity by means of the English language. This can be considered a complex cognitive activity as a complex phenomenon, which involves the development of cognitive processes, which are different forms of the child's orientation in the world.
We can conclude that cognitive activity in learning the English language at an early stage cannot be the only effective means of learning foreign language material, but also to promote the comprehensive development of integrated personality.
Nikulina T., Grechman L. FORMATION OF COGNITIVE ACTIVITY AT PRESCHOOL AGE BY MEANS OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24391 (22.02.2025).