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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Academic mobility as an integration tool of Russia into the international educational and scientific space
Bubnovskaya O.V.

In modern socio-economic context of the educational systems development of processes of globalization and internationalization of higher education are important. International cooperation in the field of education, science and culture, participation in integration processes are designed to help in solving Russian problems, set out in the main policy documents: Concept of long-term socio-economic development of until 2012, Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation and the Concept of Russia's participation in the international development assistance.

Purposes, mechanisms, tools, and terms of cooperation between Russia and foreign countries in the development of academic mobility are defined in «Concept of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of training of national specialists for foreign countries in the Russian educational institutions».

According to the Council of Europe's definition, academic mobility - training, teaching, research abroad, then a student, teacher or researcher returns to its basic educational institution [4] . In this analysis of the latest documents of the European higher education area allows you to emphasize the institutional mobility and mobility programs and humans [5].

Academic mobility in Russia is payed close attention, as it contributes to the development of human potential and high-tech industries, enhance the global competitiveness of basic industries, a positive image of Russia, the promotion of the Russian language and culture, as well as the protection of the rights and interests of Russian citizens and compatriots living abroad, the consolidation of the Russian diaspora.

National Fund of Personal Training in 2013 demonstrated the results of systematization and evaluation of Russia and foreign countries cooperation mechanisms in purpose of academic mobility development: the legal framework, tools and practices [2].

The analysis of international agreements shows the distribution of bilateral agreements is mostly represented by the agreements of the recognition of educational certificates on, scientific and technical cooperation, and also cooperation in the field of science, culture, education and sports.

Most bilateral agreements related to the EU, CIS and Africa. The main science and education platform of international cooperation between Russia and other countries are the international organizations and associations: the EU, the Council of the CIS Heads of States, the Arctic Council, the Council of Baltic States, the SCO, CBEAR, EurAsEC, BRICS, ASEAN, APEC, the BSEC.

Most agreements focused on the realization of physical exchanges of scientists, researchers, students, postgraduates and teachers. At that modern development priorities of academic mobility are insufficiently reflected in the appropriate national documents and international agreements. Only 6% of them implement joint programs and projects in the fields of education, science and culture.

The Russian education development programs are intended to the realization of incoming student mobility, outgoing mobility of teachers, students and postgraduates, carrying out of joint research. It should be noted that in most programs, Russia has the status of the partner country, it does not allow to promote national interests, choose research priorities and adjust performance targets.

Let's analyze the learning situation of foreign students in Russia. As noted by Social Research Center of the Education and Science Ministry of the Russian Federation, the number of foreign students as full-time and part-time education in Russian universities grows from year to year [1].

Higher Education Institutions with the highest number of foreign students are leading universities of the country (Table 1).

Tab. 1. Russian universities with the largest number of foreign students (2008-2013)



Friendship University of Russia


Modern Humanitarian Academy


Lomonosov Moscow State University


Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics


St. Petersburg State University


Russian State Social University


Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University


Bryansk State Agricultural Academy


Setchenov Moscow Medical Academy


Tyumen State University


State Russian Language Institute


Moscow Institute of Technology, «The World Technological University»


National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University


Moscow State University of Railway Engineering


Smolensk State Medical Academy


New Moscow Law Institute


Russian State Medical University


International Institute of Economics and Law


Moscow Aviation Institute


Russian State University of Tourism and Service


The Russian state scholarships for foreign students are often awarded to the countries of CIS, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, and less often - for the countries of Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Balkan countries, the countries of Western Europe and the Baltic states, as also the Nordic countries (Table 2) .

Tab. 2. The countries leading in the number of its students studying in Russia

before 1990

in the early 90's

since 2000

Eastern European and Balkan countries


CIS countries

Asian countries


Asian Countries

Countries of Africa


Countries of Africa

The Middle East countries


The Middle East countries

The Latin American countries


The countries of Western Europe

The countries of Western Europe


Eastern Europe and the Balkan countries

North America


North America and Oceania

Oceanian countries


The Latin American countries

Nordic countries


Nordic Baltic States and Northern Europe

Meanwhile, in the strategic documents the following regional priorities for international cooperation are identified: The European Union, Commonwealth of Independent States, Asia-Pacific region, The Black Sea region, The United States and Canada, Australia and New Zealand, The Barents Euro-Arctic Council and the Arctic countries, Africa, Balkan region, Middle East, Caspian region, The Baltic countries, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Academic exchanges and joint research are particularly necessary with countries that are leaders in innovation - EU countries, USA and Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea. Most international agreements were entered before 1999 (and 30% - before to 1992), it does not provide for the solution of actual problems.

There were changes in the choice of specialization, although interest in the study of engineering, medical, humanitarian and social professions preserved (Table 3).

Tab. 3. Specialties that have studied foreign students in Russia

before 1990

after 2000

Engineering profession

Engineering profession

Natural science specialty


Humanitarian and social sciences

Economics and Management

Medicine and Pharmacy

Russian language

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

Humanitarian and social sciences

Veterinary science

Natural and exact sciences

Law degree

Computer Science

Art and Culture

Education and Pedagogy

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

About a half of the students were enrolled on the program Diploma specialists, almost a fifth - Bachelors, one tenth - Interships and Preperatory Courses, one twentieth - Masters and Post-graduates, the rest - Doctorals, Residents and Interns.

It should be noted that only 6.2% of international agreements aimed at collaborative research and training in priority industries. Agreements provide for the least amount of scientific and technical cooperation in the field of extraction of natural resources, oil and gas, electronics, machinery, textile and light industry, aviation space technologies.

Sectoral policies and programs are not fully focused on the integration of the international educational and research space, not all of them include the objectives, priority areas and subject areas of international cooperation.

According to studies, the «brain drain» is in all industries, but the best part - in the priority areas of industry (aerospace, applied and theoretical physics, chemical engineering, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, mathematics and programming [3].

In general, Russia follows the main trends of the internationalization of higher education and academic mobility: in the domestic legislation of the Russian Federation are such priorities as academic mobility, strengthening ties with foreign educational and research institutions, the expansion of initiatives to develop the network of partnerships between Russian and foreign organizations, active the use of forms of distance and continuing education. However, a number of indicators Russia lags behind developed countries, suggesting the need for enhancing academic mobility.

Need to update the base of international agreements, their focus on the development of cooperation in priority sectors of Russian industry, the improvement of existing and creation of new tools for academic mobility and intercultural communication.

In addition to the development of a regulatory and legal framework, mechanisms and instruments of implementation of academic mobility, it is equally important to create legal, infrastructure, socio-economic and other conditions for the development of international cooperation in the field of education and science to attract foreign students and scholars to learn/work in Russian universities and scientific organizations.

1. Foreign students in Russian universities//Proceedings of the meeting-seminar rectors and vice-rectors of Russian universities in international activities (Moscow, December 5, 2012).

2. The results of the systematization and evaluation mechanisms Russian cooperation with foreign countries in order to develop academic mobility: the legal framework, tools and practices (National Fund of Personal Training, 2013).

3. Ryazancev S.V., Pismennaya E.E. Emigration of scientists from Russia: «circulation» or «brain» drain // SOCIS, № 4 (336), 2013. - P.27.

4. htpp://www.coe.int/t/dg4/highereducation/resources/mobility.pdf

5. htpp://archive.ehea.info/search

Bibliographic reference

Bubnovskaya O.V. Academic mobility as an integration tool of Russia into the international educational and scientific space . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24398 (22.02.2025).