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Modern methodology of studying the phenomenon of childhood is based on the idea of the uniqueness of the human being, his special place in the society, self-worth childhood subjectivity of the child and his immanent pledged ability to self-development and self-expression. At the heart of humanistic psychology and pedagogy on the ideas of recognition of self-worth of the human person, the uniqueness of its potential, the manifestations of which are: self-development, self-actualization, self-realization and self-expression.
Artistic and aesthetic development of the child in preschool educational institution is a prerequisite for extensive education of a harmonious personality, able to be creative. At the beginning of transformative art and creativity in the development of a whole person in his investigations indicated one of the first LS Vygotsky [ 1, p. 12]. He believed that the content of the artistic creativity of man historically and socially conditioned, since it is implemented the actual level of culture accumulated by humanity. Research ( LN Slyadneva, AA Slyadnev, etc.) have established the obvious connection between society and the individual, which is manifested in the following structure : the culture of the society - artistic creativity - consonance signaling systems - functional interaction of hemispheres of the brain - an integrated personality. The conceptual status of " art " is associated with the designation of the term productive activities aimed at creating an aesthetically unique expressive forms. Artistic creation is revealed through the person and personality of the child. Therefore, to study the products of creativity necessary as the personal creation, objectifying the individual child's mind -creator; phenomenologically in the context of the spiritual life of the activity of the creative person, the subject - creativity as a result of externalization artistic and aesthetic abilities, technologically - creativity as "algorithmization existence" and paradigm znakotvorcheskoy activity.
In the preschool years is necessary to create certain conditions conducive to ensuring that the need for aesthetic impressions grew into unsatisfying educational interest and artistic needs, projecting as a way of self-expression and self-development of children in art. It involves an act of satisfying the needs of the child in creative activities on the mastery of the subject needs, organizing the child holistically, his intellect, will, emotions, and so on to meet the needs of the Act speaks a universal impetus to the formation of artistic and creative activity of the child. In this artistic creativity is expressed in child -dimensional semantic structures generated by the transforming his artistic and aesthetic experience.
Preschool age is a sensitive period for the development of a child strategy of creative expression, as in this period of life are beginning to form new mechanisms of activity and behavior that can serve as the basis of creative activity. In the context of the research question expression of personality in art of fundamental importance to the assertion that the senior preschool age one of the central acts of neoplasms arbitrariness in the management of behavior and activities, the arbitrariness of psychomotor and mental processes. It is these age-related neoplasms in the future determine the child's readiness for creative self-expression and the ability to be the subject of this action.
An important aspect of the principle is the definition of the selected essence of the phenomenon of self-expression in art. The concept of " self-expression " is regarded as "an expression of himself and his personality." It is noted that the need for self-expression is one of the most important in human life, and to meet human needs adequate forms are culturally developed tools. The principal research question is to understand the nature of children's art, which has its own specificity, as the products of this activity often have no objective value to society. The manifestation of creativity in preschool children, as noted by psychologists ( Vygotsky, Zaporozhets, etc.) [ 1], there is a gradual, because in the process of child development is a transition from simple to complex forms of expression. Any kind of art is based on the development of aesthetic perception, shaped repose, creative thinking, imagination, and that contributes to the enrichment of all kinds of children's activities. According to researchers (T. Kazakov, TS Komarova, N. Sakulina, EA Flerina, etc.) the value of the fine (art) works for the child is determined by what are backed by certain emotional mood, it appears effective means of stimulating creative expression preschoolers. In his artistic work actively child discovers something new for yourself, but for others - about themselves.
In a multi-level integration of the different types of creative work designing the content of art in preschool, according to IA Lykova [ 2, p. 210 ], is possible under certain conditions: 1 ) requires the transformation of art materials, resulting in the children themselves are the way of " opening " of knowledge and learn methods of action in artistic creation, and 2) serves as the knowledge is not " frozen " information, and the process of excretion, ie, modeling the artistic process ( LV Scholar ), and 3) " generation " of knowledge occurs as the creative process of a real or mental experimentation with art materials in order to comprehend the aesthetic sense of the phenomenon.
In studies of the problems of creativity ( VI Salyutnova, AG Suleymanyan, etc.) extends the statement dichotomy of spontaneity and creativity of the arbitrariness in preschoolers. Based on these allegations, the child's creative expression in fine arts activity can be arbitrary and spontaneous character. The arbitrariness of creative self-expression arises as a consequence of the target set, formulated as a teacher in the process of organizing creative activities, subconscious or conscious desire of the child to stand or present a product of creativity. Involuntary nature of creative expression is the natural process of manifestation of the child his or her identity by means of emotions and acts in various forms of self- expression as an emotionally self-presentation of themselves, their creative achievements of adults and peers. Self-expression in art is manifested in encouraging and sustaining the aspirations of children to express their natural creativity and abilities.
The process of self-expression in art child is accompanied by moments of artistic experiences. Thus, Janssen (Janssen, 1981) pointed to a peculiarity of art ( figurative ) the experience, noting that the formation of the creative "I" is closely related to motor development and falls on the subphase of individuation, differentiation of self and object, as well as the development of ideas about themselves and constancy of objects [ fr.constant - a permanent, unchanging, steady ]. In the process of working on creative expression primary task of the teacher is understanding, acceptance of the child and his creativity. Through the creative artistic process is stimulated by the ability of the child to self-regulation, new experiences and the acquisition of a unique personal experience that further worked out and assimilate get a visual expression of the products of artistic creation.
Thus, self-expression in art as a multidimensional phenomenon, reflecting the emotional state of the child and his procedural behavioral characteristics defined individually -personal willingness to manifest creativity and self-change. In the logic of the study isolate the main aspects of the implementation of the principle of self-expression in art child:
o personal and individual aspect - is based on the psychological characteristics of the child, especially the development of the individual and the age that determines readiness for creative expression in the fine arts activity - as motivated by a desire to show the child individual creativity;
o creative- activity aspect - is a reflection of the level of cancer ( creative imagination ) suggests variability of non-conventional painting techniques, art materials and techniques of creative expression baby in expressive activity ;
o effectively - productive aspect. An important factor in the realization of creative potential are the "natural preferences" ( E. N. Shulga ), which are supported by the child and are classified as subjective ( preference in the selection of art materials, methods and techniques of creative activity). This aspect is evident in the use of original forms of self-expression through the creation of new child product of creativity, expressing a subjective relationship to reality.
On the basis of logic, we come to understand that the principle of self-expression child in art provides a preschool education system of subject- action-oriented, which implies the formation of the methods and techniques in art activities. Self-expression of the child is seen as an integral value based on personal characteristics and intense emotional experiences that determines the need, willingness to be creative through the perception of the world and works of art.
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3. Self-development people: innovation in the educational space / / International scientific- practical conference. - N. Novgorod: Acad VGIPU. - Part 1. - 2007. - 282.
Butenko, NV The implementation of the principle of self-expression in art child. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24399 (31.03.2025).