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The management methodology uses of resources is a science about approaches and methods of the given kind of administrative activity in a social production, and agroindustrial - in particular. It, according to the researches executed by us, also the logic scheme of the administrative activity assuming interconnected understanding of the purposes, reference points, and also means and ways of their achievement.
From the point of view of a management skill this ability to see, distinguish, understand, estimate and consider dependence which open the maintenance of problems economy of resources, and is prompted by ways of their decision. Advantage specified definition is coordination theoretical (the purposes and reference points) and practical aspects (means and ways of achievement) management methodology uses of resources, its representation not only as the scientific concept about methods, but also tools of efficient control savings of all kinds of economic resources.
For working out of methodology of resource management in agroindustrial manufacture we offer to allocate its following components: paradigms, approaches, problems, priorities, reference points, criteria, alternatives, procedures of a choice, means and management methods, and also restrictions of resources.
Applied aspects of optimisation of industrial resources, and also revealings and uses of reserves ресурсосбережения were investigated in V.G.Gusakova, S.A.Gorodkovoj, I.P.Denisovoj, V.E.Kerimova, V.N.Semenova, G.R.Hamidullinoj, O.P.Jakovleva's works and others.
So, V.G.Gusakov on the basis of the deep analysis of merits and demerits of a traditional and innovative way of development of national economy has proved use of the innovative approach to management of resources agroindustrial manufacture. On the basis of the approach developed by it we offer to form economic model and the management mechanism economy of resources in agroindustrial manufacture.
S.A.Gorodkova investigated methodological approaches to management of expenses, as management efficiency reflexion economy of resources in a cost cut. I.P.Denisov, V.E.Kerimov, V.N.Semenova, G.R.Hamidullina, etc. investigated separate aspects (within the limits of theories of state regulation of market economy) management methodology economy of resources.
In modern conditions, according to the analysis of works of E. Ostrim spent by us, J. Stigliz and other scientists investigating efficiency of the government in market economy, new mechanisms economy of resources, based on innovative institute of the property, for example, the offered E. Ostrim institute of the "partial" property are required.
Thus, it is necessary to notice that the methodological private aspects of a problem of management stated above economy of resources in works of the western and domestic economists are presented widely enough, but a uniform position concerning a place of a subsystem of management resources in the general control system of competitiveness with reference to regional agriculture is not developed yet.
Besides, many works carry either purely theoretical character, or especially applied - technological, and do not consider specificity and features of system work of the enterprises of agriculture in new conditions. It is known that activity of the enterprise for economy of material resources in each branch of national economy, has the features caused by the production technology and use, consumed within the limits of the given branch of raw materials, materials, fuel and energy.
The carried out analysis has shown that there are distinctions in terminology, methodological and methodical approaches to a question on management of resources in separate branches. Besides, methodology of management of process of increase of efficiency of use of resources as the complete system of operating influences on potential economy of resources the enterprises, branches, complexes was not considered till now.
The specified circumstances define necessity of studying of problems of methodology of economy resources and its major categories. Thereupon we systematise the general representations about basic elements of methodology of management resources for the purpose of their specification and addition with new elements (table 1).
The essence of traditional methodology of management resources consists in primary use of organizational-administrative methods (the instruction, orders, orders), an establishment branch specifications of consumption of resources and energy, control of performance of a target indicator economy of resources (a parity of rates of increase of cost of made production and expenses resources). Offered by us during a critical estimation new elements of methodology of management resources (table 1) allow to raise efficiency of use of resources of the organisation at achievement complex (social, economic, ecological) effect.
Table 1 - the Theoretical analysis of basic elements of traditional methodology of management resources
Elements |
The maintenance |
Widespread kinds |
Critical estimation and the analysis |
The approach |
Most printsipi-alnyj a methodology component, oprede-ljajushchy a choice and use of its other components |
System, programmno-target and design |
Do not consider new laws of economy resources processes. Therefore new approaches, for example the behavioural are offered |
Paradigm (from гр. paradeigma - an example, the sample) |
The initial conceptual scheme, the system of concepts reflecting judgement of essential lines of the validity, model of statement of problems and their decision. |
F.Tejlora's administrative rationalism, A.Fajolja and M.Vebera's functional differentiation |
Do not consider new tendencies of development organizational structures: network and virtual. It is offered to prefer the person with accent on management of knowledge |
Problem |
The main contradiction of the purpose and situation (living conditions and system development) which permission will define change of a situation in a direction of the accepted purpose |
Achievement of a target indicator which is in turn adhered to total indicators of the organisation |
Transition from a solution of a problem of economy resources on the basis of an estimation of their economy in relation to the plan to calculation resursoeffektiv-nosti is offered the organisation in the conditions of the market |
Criteria (from гр. kriterion - means for judgement) |
In management methodology consumption of resources are criteria of an estimation of management efficiency of resources |
Base criteria javlja-jutsja achievement of the established level of total indicators |
The system of criteria of social, economic and ecological efficiency is offered |
Orien-shooting galleries |
The objects, allowing to be defined with the purposes |
Strategic and tactical |
Social and ecological groups of the purposes are offered |
The note - Is developed by the author on the basis of the analysis of sources
From the table the basic conclusion that in the conditions of innovative development the traditional methodology of management resources demands specification and addition of its basic concepts according to an estimation of level of economic relations and features of object economy of resources follows.
For more effective utilisation of resources, in particular decrease volume of resources agroindustrial production, it is necessary to know and consider features of management resources agroindustrial manufacture. We make attempt to define such features. They consist in the following:
1) Presence of threshold level of a heavy use of natural resources (for example, ground, water and biological resources) at which excess additional expenses of other resources are required at corresponding level of productive forces and relations of production.
2) the Situational approach to change of dynamics of consumption of the economic resources, connected with seasonal prevalence of agricultural production.
3) the Establishment of balance, balance or parity of the price mechanism of agrarian sector and the industrial branches connected with it by deliveries of resources.
4) Interrelation highly skilled and simple work, its complexity, set of aspects and an accessory to public and individual sectors of agrarian economy.
5) Stage-by-stage and long on duration of a production cycle a chain of formation of value of the agrarian product, subject to influence not only institutional, market, but also environment. Influence of institutes is shown through rules of law and system of state regulation of agroindustrial manufacture. In the conditions of the modern market environment, increase of level of globalisation it is possible to speak about formation of new integration model uses of resources, based on two principal views of economic relations - the commodity and investment streams concentrated in various organizational forms. Environment influence is shown through non-uniformity of receipt of incomes. So, within a year rupture between incomes and expenses which defines necessity of application of the is functional-cost analysis of expenses is observed. The theoretical analysis of features of agroindustrial manufacture and their influence on management resources is presented by us in table 2. From the features of agroindustrial manufacture revealed by us and management of resources in table 2 the conclusion follows that the ground resource is defining in achievement of a level of production of agrarian production, and fertility essentially differs on sites that demands various level of expenses of material resources on fertility improvement (application of fertilizers, machining) and managements of them.
According to spent by us of researches, under economy resources it is necessary to understand not only economy of the live and substantiated work, but also rational use climatic, water and other kinds of natural resources. However, considering special limitation of natural, natural resources, impossibility of reproduction, not a reflexivity some kinds of natural resources and thereof, high cost of reproduction of natural resources, a core of strategy of a resources consumption is economy resources. As to strategy of economy resources in agriculture it is based on soil science and agriculture laws: about irreplaceable and equivalent factors of life of plants; limiting factors (the law of Libiha); a minimum, an optimum, a maximum (Saxophone), set of action of factors of life of plants (Mitsherlih).
Table 2 - the Review of theoretical concepts of influence of features of agroindustrial manufacture on management resources
Features |
Authors of researches |
The characteristic of new directions of researches of management resources in agriculture |
Efficiency of use of resources depends on functioning of all links of agriculture |
Andrjushchenko S.A., Ganders of Century Г, Gorfinkel I.S., V. A, Leshchilovsky Item IN, Minakov I.A. |
Growth of separate kinds of production observed in last years on agricultural and the reslave-tyvajushchih the enterprises has expenses ths character and does not provide increase of efficiency of their work. |
The Earth - the main means of production |
V. F, Ganders of Century Г, Zaremba AND, Nosov S., Golub I.N., Lamert D.A. |
The Earth as the means of production concern non-reproducible resources, new approaches to management of savings of the earths therefore are required |
Seasonal prevalence of agrarian manufacture |
Nazarchuk L.M., Chirkova A.D., Gruzinskaja E.V., Shundalov B. M |
Seasonal prevalence generates necessity of working out of new approaches to use of investments |
Non-uniformity of zone distribution of resources |
Mozol A.V., Vinnik O. G, Leshchilovsky Item IN, Gajdukov A.A., Lebedev E.I., Rulko S.M. |
Studying of laws of territorial administration by resources and their mobility, revealing of economic and institutional factors of distribution of resources |
Presence of resources of a various origin |
V. S, Sajganov A.S. |
Studying of a combination of own and got resources in agroindustrial manufacture |
Mobility of separate resources of agroindustrial manufacture |
Rajzberg B. A, V. N, Tur A.N. |
Studying of aspects of intrabranch and interbranch mobility of resources in conditions clasters and network economy |
Use of biological resources (actives) |
V.R.Boev, V.I.Dragajtsev, Pochatkova O. V, V.P.Valko, etc. |
Increase of power "price" of each additional calorie, increase in danger of infringement of natural balance |
The note - It is made on the basis of generalisation and studying of sources
Along with stated, us it is established that it is necessary to observe principles of interrelation of biological and industrial energy, priorities uses of natural power ground resources, adaptabilities of energy in agroecosystems. At the same time it is necessary to consider that the natural resources which have been not involved in agrarian manufacture - a reserve for formation of the majority of material resources. The natural natural resources which have been not involved in manufacture, possess potential possibility effectively to participate in process of reproduction of means of production, a manpower, a public product.
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URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24400 (22.02.2025).