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The dominant of pregnancy as a unique integrating center in cortex [1] is formed on the basis of resource organization of subject, where individual resources characterize the functional capacity of adaptation [2], which provides the level of implementation of behavior control. Behavior control is an indicator of the level subject organization [3].
Behavior control plays an important role in achieving and maintaining the optimal state of the functional system ‘mother-fetus' during pregnancy. It serves as the basis of behavior mental regulation as fundamental factor in adaptation to childbirth [4]. The adaptation of the functional system ‘mother-fetus' is the subject's activity to objectively assess the situation during pregnancy and childbirth, to assess the individual resources, to select and realize the appropriate behavioral strategies in the child-bearing. The state of functional system ‘mother-fetus' is a structure of individual resources updated during pregnancy that characterize mechanisms of the subjective behavior regulation developed in specific environmental conditions, whose uniform integration makes an individual control of behavior.
The optimal state of functional system ‘mother-fetus' means an equivalent of the level of behavior control implementation to adequate mobilization of individual resources in order to effectively adapt to childbirth. The comprehensive analysis of current state of system ‘mother-fetus' is essential for purposeful orientation in processes of behavior mental regulation during pregnancy.
Control of behavior characterizes a system of individual resources, determines the subjective psychological readiness to childbirth. Psychological readiness to childbirth is an important subjective assessment by subject of the objective situation in pregnancy. It is a specific personality formation, the core of which is a generator of corresponding ratio to pregnancy and childbirth. This is a set of psychic self-regulation mechanisms, joining upon the occurrence of pregnancy, to direct its preservation and creation of conditions for a future child development, forming the ratio of women to their own pregnancy, their behavior strategies [5].
Psychological readiness to childbirth is a subjective model of childbirth which is strictly individual and thus has natural characteristics [6]. In addition, it is a component of more complex and personal system such as willingness to motherhood describing the latest in its regulatory aspects. Psychological readiness to childbirth is a qualitative new growth of pregnancy. It is regarded as a specific cognitive-affective complex, which characterizes the resistance of subject to stress during childbirth. It characterizes the functional state of system ‘mother-fetus' and is determined by the level of implementation of behavior control. Hence, control of behavior in pregnancy determines the subjective psychological readiness to childbirth in accordance with its level structure.
The system-genesis of personality during pregnancy is shown in the specificity of dynamics of the state of functional system ‘mother-fetus' by means of the intralayer and interlayer analysis of behavior control as a self-regulation basis. The state of functional system ‘mother-fetus' characterizes the mechanisms of behavior mental regulation, and determines an effectiveness of subject adaptation to pregnancy and childbirth by selecting individual resources and behavioral strategies.
This work was supported by the research grant 11-06-00015-a from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
2. Maklakov AG. Personal adaptive potential: its mobilization and forecasting in extreme conditions. Psychological J 2001;22(1):16-24.
3. Sergienko EA, Vilenskaya GA, Kovaleva YV. Control of behavior as subject control. Moscow: Institute of Psychology RAS. 2010.
4. Kovaleva YV., Sergienko EA Control of behavior at different pregnancy. Psychological J 2007;22(1):70-82.
5. Dobryakov IV. Diagnosis and treatment of neurotic disorders among pregnant women. Perinatal Psychology in obstetrics: Conf. proceedings. St. Petersburg. 1997:57-61.
6. Prokhorova OV. The subjective model of childbirth ‒ myths and reality. Proceedings of the Conference on Perinatal Psychology. St. Petersburg. May 25-27, 2001.
Chistyakova Natalia V., Elena A. Sergienko, Kirill V. Savost`ianov Resource basis of behavior control during pregnancy. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24401 (22.02.2025).