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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Drandrov G.L.

Psychologists affirm that the high level of the self-concept determines the proactive attitude to the life, the ability to self-knowledge and self-esteem of personal ambitions, life goals and potential abilities. Meanwhile, the influence of the self-concept on the personality development of sportsmen is not well studied.

Therefore, the aim of our research is to investigate the influence of the self-concept on the development of motivation and volition of sportsmen.

11 highly skilled swimmers (5 masters of sports and 6 candidates for the master of sport) were involved in our research.

The following indicators were defined:

  • self-concept;
  • motives for sport;
  • motivation to succeed and the motivation to avoid failure;
  • competitive and training motivation.
  • volitional qualities of dedication and persistence .

It is determined that the most developed components of the self-concept of sportsmen are self-value (7.80 points), self-confidence (7.20 points) and self-devotion (6.90 points). In other words, they highly assess themselves, they are confident and satisfied with themselves as a person.

Correlation analysis of the relationship of the self-concept indicators revealed two groups of test persons according to their relations to the self-concept.

The first group included self-confidence, reflected self-attitude, self-value and self-devotion, which are interconnected. In particular, self-devotion is connected with self-value (r = 0,74), self-confidence (r = 0,77) and the reflected self-attitude (r = 0,68). Self-value is positively correlated with self-confidence (r = 0,76) and with the self-conscious at the level of the trend (r = 0,54).

The second group included the indicators of internal conflict, self-blame, self-acceptance and self-leadership. There is also a valid or nearly significant positive correlation between these indicators. Internal conflict correlates with self-reproach (r = 0,87), self-leadership (r = 0,64) and with self-acceptance (r = 0,56) at the level of the trend . Self-blame is positively connected with self-leadership (r = 0,77) and self-acceptance (r = 0,55).

The negatively directed connection is observed between the indicators of two selected groups according to the self-attitude to the self-concept. In particular, the internal conflict is negatively correlated with confidence (r = -0,80), with self- value (r = -0,59) and self-devotion (r = -0,53). There is a negative correlation between self-acceptance and self-value (r = -0,60).

The research of the influence of the self-concept on the sports motivation revealed that the indicators of the first group are positively connected with the motive to achieve success and civil-patriotic motive which are adequate to high performance sport. In particular, sportsmen with different self-devotion (r = 0,59), self-value (r = 0,75) and self-confidence (r = 0,63) have got a higher level of development of the motive for success; sportsmen with high levels of self-worth (r = 0,57) and the self-reflection (r = 0,59) have got a higher level of civic and patriotic motives .

In addition, the sportsmen with low self-value are characterized by high importance of rational-willed motive (r = -0,73) and the motive of preparation for professional activity (r = -0,56). As it is known, these motives are enough significant to inspire the sportsmen for the highest achievements in sports.

There is a negative correlation of the power of self-leadership motive with physical self-assertion (r = - 0,65), openness with the severity of the socio-emotional motive (r = - 0,60). Sportsmen with high levels of self-acceptance have got more developed social and moral motivation (r = 0,71).

It is determined that self-confidence (r = 0,44), intrinsic self-value (r = 0,52), and in particular, self-devotion (r = 0,72) influence on success of motivation. These components of the self-concept promote significant competitive motivation (r = 0,48; r = 0,46 and r = 0,64) and volitional qualities commitment (r = 0,57; r = 0,34 and r = 0.71). Dedication is also positively correlated with the self-conscious of tested persons (r = 0,52). Volitional quality of persistence is stronger developed in individuals with high rates of deliberate self-relation (r = 0,76) and self-devotion (r = 0,67).

Summarizing the results of our research, we can conclude that:

1) highly skilled sportsmen are characterized by a positive value relation to their identity, self-confidence in their abilities, their self-concept satisfaction ;

2) these components of self-concept are developed in a close relationship with each other. The higher the level of development of sportsmen, the less they are prone to internal conflict and self-incrimination;

3) self-confidence, self-value and self-devotion result in a high level of development of the motive for success, motivation to achieve success and competitive motivation, commitment and persistence.

Bibliographic reference

Drandrov G.L. THE INFLUENCE OF THE SELF-CONCEPT ON THE MOTIVATION AND VOLITION OF SPORTSMEN. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24402 (07.03.2025).