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The concept of development of fishery of the Russian Federation till 2020 determined the main directions of rational use of water bioresources by a way of development and deployment of the technologies providing improvement of quality and safety of production. One of the perspective directions is use of various ways of drying of waste of cutting of fishes with receiving qualitative and safe food.
In Russia the majority of the fish processing enterprises is used not rationally by products of cutting of fish that leads to violation of ecological safety. While the majority of these products are high-valuable raw sources not only fodder and technical, but also food appointment. By production of the traditional range of fish products (forcemeat, fillet, semi-finished products, etc.) a by-product of cutting is the myasokostny rest which now because of a lack of information on a chemical composition, the nutrition and biological value, safety is used only for production of a fish fodder meal and different types of mineral feed additives by which production the part of useful biological properties also because of use in production of rigid technological modes of processing is lost.
The work purpose - processing of by-products of cutting of fish, in particular the myasokost-ny rest for the purpose of receiving dry bases for production of broths, soups, sauces.
When developing technology of dry bases from the myasokostny rest of fish that fact is considered that costs of its processing have to be minimum, i.e. not power-intensive and didn't demand in use of expensive chemicals.
Researches conducted together with scientists of "Cars and Devices of Food Productions" chair of FSBEI HPE of "VSUET". The received product doesn't contain the forbidden or conditionally forbidden artificial food additives. Dry fish bases for broth represent the myasokostny rest dried up and crushed by a certain way received after separation of by-products of cutting of a cod (or other species of food fishes), placed in a package from thermowelded the filter paper.
The structure of a product includes only natural fish raw materials, salt, without preservatives and other food additives.
The prolonged periods of storage are reached at the expense of a low mass fraction of fat (0,6-0,8%) and moisture in a product (8-10%). Advantages of this product: doesn't demand special storage conditions - at t from 15 to 25 гр. With - 2 years; convenience of use - for preparation about 10 liters of broth (50 portions) is required to 1 kg of a dry basis, the package weighing 1 kg is located in capacity with cold water, to be led up before boiling and to cook within 15 min. then the package is wrung out and utilized. Broth is ready to application. Lack of a pungent fish smell (in the course of drying many aromatic substances disappear) allows to use such broth not only for preparation of transparent fish soups, but other - filling or vegetable. Comparative characteristic of broths: the quantity of extractive substances in broth from a dry basis of 11 g/m3 that corresponds to myasokostny and fish broth, also broth from our dry fish basis contains 10 g/m3 of full-fledged digestible protein.
Use of the developed dry fish basis in technology of preparation of first courses, allows to receive a product with high nutrition and biological value: the extractive substances containing in broth, promote allocation of gastric juice, and, therefore - to improvement of comprehensibility of food, broth impacts to first courses more saturated relish, protein of fish is most balanced according to the content of irreplaceable amino acids (the characteristic of the aminoacids is FAST for beef of 1 category - 144,48, pork of 1 category - 136,55, cods - 147,73, chickens - 141,06, milk cow - 136,25). Competitive advantages of this decision are in justification of actions and their hardware for the purpose of production of dry fish bases on the basis of objects aqua - and marcultural that will allow to let out foodstuff of high nutrition and biological value (broths, soups, sauces), to expand range taking into account market demand, to introduce technologies of products of a functional food for concrete groups of the population.
Not this technological decision has an unimportant role in the conditions of creation of the waste-free and low-waste enterprises in the fishery Russian Federation complex.
. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24403 (31.03.2025).