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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Glazyrina N. L.

During the training of the development of research abilities, junior schoolchildren should possess special knowledge, skills of research search: to see problems; to ask questions; to put forward hypotheses; to give definition of the concepts; to classify; to observe; to spend experiments; to do conclusions; to structure material; to prepare their own reports; to explain, prove and protect their own ideas[1, p. 275].

The development of general skills of research in children on the example of one subject area doesn't allow to use all the research methodological material, and, therefore, will not allow to develop all possible skills. In this case the modern school applies the principle of interconcreteness.

One such subject is a study of local lore. The study of local lore belongs to the complex sciences. In the term « a study of local lore» is concluded its definition. It not only studies the nature, history, economy, population of the region, its culture, mode of life, but also values significant of the events, value of the monuments, beauty of the landscapes, reveals general for country and regions, as well as especial features, unique to its [2].

We shall bring some examples of the development of the research abilities on the example of the local history material of Kostanayskoy region and Republic of Kazakhstan.

There are some tasks for the development of the skills to ask questions.

We carry out in the form of the game: «Guess, what they have asked about», «Questions to the machine of the time», «Stranger questions» and others.

The game «Guess, what they have asked about».

Some cards with questions are given to the pupil, who has gone to the blackboard. He does not read question aloud and does not show what is written on the card. But he answers the question aloud [1, p. 305].

For example, on card is written: «What is the name of the city where you live?» The Child answers: «I live in Rydny». The other children should guess what the question was.

Example of the questions: When was Rydny founded? Who is expressed on the coat of arms of the city Lisakovsk? On what river is Kostanay built? What does gain the enterprise «Kostanay minerals»?

There are some tasks for the development of the skills to give the definitions.

The concept is logically decorated general idea of ​​the class of objects, phenomena, and the idea of something [3].

These tasks are used to develop the child's ability to generalize and formulate concepts.

To such tasks pertain: description, feature, explanation by means of example, comparison, distinguishing, riddles, crosswords, charades and another. The assignments include: description, characteristics, an explanation by way of example, comparison, distinction, puzzles, crosswords, charades, etc. There are some examples of charades.

Male and feminine name + the pilot of the aerobatic = the city of Kazakhstan (ZHanatas).

The unit of the measurement of the weight of the jewels +the shout of lost man = the city of Kazakhstan (Karatau).

There are some tasks for the development the skills to classify.

I) On separate card are given the names: Bozshakol, Kulykol, Tuz, Blizkopa, Kayrankol, Chelkar-Teniz, Tuzdykol, Zharsor, Sarykopa, Taldykol, Sholakkopa, Salmankul, Shoshkakol, Shoptykul, Teniz-Karakamys, Zharkol, Batpakkol, Koskopa, Taktakol, Sarybalyk, Maybalyk, Kiikkol, Balykty, Sasykkol, Tengiz, Zhamankol, Baynazarkopa, Alakol, Kashkanteniz, Bilikol, Karasor, Tuzkol.

The Questions: Divide the names of lakes in the group. Explain your choice.

After offered variant read the reference for pupils. The information for the pupils is read out after the proposed options.

Among the lakes of northern and central Kazakhstan was allocated several types: «sor», «tuz», «tengiz», «kol». This classification is based on the local Kazakh names of the lakes that reflecting their particular features: for example, more often the clean freshwater lakes, are affixes «kol»; the quagmire lakes are marked with the word «cop», which means the swamp. The names can note other features, such as Zharkol. This is a lake with steep (the «zar») banks [4, p. 21].

II) The names : Arkalyk (1), Astana (2), Pavlodar (3), Kostanay (4), Aksu (5), Lisakovsk (6), Ekibastuz (7), Almaty (8), Baikonur (9), Rydny (10), ZHitikara (11).

The questions: Divide the names of the city on the groups. Explain your choice.

The important feature of the local lore is that it is not only science, but also the activity: it is creative activities which is aimed at the preservation of natural and cultural-historical resources of the region; and it is popularization activity, opening something new, valuable for the General public [2].

Developing research abilities, using the local lore material, we will also explore and conserve the nature of the region, to study its history and culture, to promote the knowledge about the region.

1. Savenkov A.I. The Psychological bases of the exploratory approach to education: Scholastic allowance. –M.: «Axis- 89», 2006. – p. 480

2. Avduevskaya I.A. The Study of a particular region. URL: http://abc.vvsu.ru/Books/kraeved_up/default.asp

3. Ozhegov S.I. The Explanatory dictionary of the russian language. World and Formation, Onyx, 2011. - p. 736

4. The most Most important water-marsh lands north Kazakhstan (within Kostanayskoy and west part North-Kazakhstan areas) / Under editing T.M. Bragina, E.A. Bragin - M.: Russian university, 2002.- p.156

Bibliographic reference

Glazyrina N. L. THE DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH ABILITIES OF JUNIOR SCHOOLCHILDREN ON LOCAL LORE MATERIAL. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24405 (22.02.2025).