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The study revealed that the implementation of the information of a personality-oriented teaching technologies technical and computer graphics is the availability of a number of conditions:
- individual approach to training students in technical and computer graphics, variational approach to the organization and individual regulation of the training and creative activities with regard to the tempo and the peculiarities of the development of abilities of each student;
- integration technical and computer graphics;
- optimal and technologically justified the use of traditional graphics and visual means of computer graphics;
- information saturation of educational material and implementation of the principle of interactivity of its development;
- application of the methods of problem-based learning (algorithmic, research, heuristic) in conjunction with the associated method and method of computer modeling;
- variability of graphic tasks with the elements of creativity;
- a focus on individual student choice in content, tools, ways of teaching strategies art-project activities and free operation of different types of decision-making;
- flexible and individual approach to setting the time parameters in the process of implementation of graphical tasks with the elements of creativity;
- the formation of students' productive personal position, positive motivation and emotional attitude to the implementation of the training and creative activities;
- systematic, differentiated and centric control over the training and creative activities of students.
On the basis of the results of theoretical research found that the optimal development of students' abilities to design activity in the learning takes place in a situation art-project search, which allows students as to demonstrate independence and creative activity.
It is revealed that the determining factor in solving the problems of the development of students' abilities to design activity is to increase the degree of their independence in overcoming the stereotypes, the inertia of thinking, formation of techniques and ways of transforming objects. It is shown that a conscious and free operation of different ways of shaping in project activities to suit individual preferences, speed and strategies of mental activity, contributes to compensate for adverse prerequisites for the development of abilities to design creativity in graphic activities.
It is established that the efficiency of the development of students' abilities to design activity in the process of training of technical and computer graphics improves when their optimal use in the educational process. It is established the presence of graphic images, informative images when using computer training graphics disciplines stimulates the emotional perception and, as a consequence, the process of knowledge and development of abilities of students. In the process of teaching graphic disciplines at the University appropriate combination of various forms of presentation of information: text, explanations of the teacher, the use of visual AIDS, training programs, interactive graphics, Internet etc.
2. Azhgikhin S.G. The content of training of students of higher education institutions to design in graphic design//Аrt Pedagogics: electron. scientific magazine. 2010 . №. 2.
Marchenko M.N. TRAINING OF STUDENTS TECNICAL AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24411 (22.02.2025).