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Within the last decades the criticism concerning professionalism of teachers sounds. However nobody answers a question what has to be the teacher today, in particular the elementary school teacher. The question becomes aggravated due to the need of implementation of the Federal state educational standard of the primary general education (FSES PGE). There is a need for ideal definition - a modern image of the elementary school teacher focused on his competence and competence.
The term «competence» (from armor - I achieve, I correspond, I approach) means a circle of questions in which the person is informed, possesses knowledge and experience. Scientists defined the following groups of key educational competences of the teacher: 1) the valuable and semantic competences providing the mechanism of self-determination of the teacher in situations of educational and other activity, depend on them an individual educational trajectory of the teacher and the program of his activity as a whole; 2) the common cultural competences directed on knowledge and experience of activity in the field of national and universal culture, spiritual and moral bases of human life and mankind, experience of development of a picture of the world extending to culturological and understanding common to all mankind of the world; 3) the educational and informative competences providing ways of the organization of a goal-setting, planning, the analysis, reflection, self-assessment, creativity, their functional literacy; 4) the information competences promoting their optimum activity in relation to information; 5) the communicative competences directed on various ways of interaction; 6) the social and labor competences providing abilities to analyze a situation on a labor market to work according to personal and public benefit, to own ethics of labor and civil relationship; 7) the competences of personal self-improvement directed on development of ways of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, emotional self-control and self-support [2: 133-139].
Competences aren't reduced only to knowledge or only to abilities, they are the sphere of the relations existing between knowledge and action in practice. The elementary school teacher has to provide implementation of requirements of FSES PGE at the heart of which system and activity approach lies. He assumes «... transition to strategy of social design and designing in an education system on the basis of development of the contents and the technologies of education defining ways and ways of achievement of socially desirable level (result) of personal and informative development of the being trained; orientation to results of education as the FSES backbone component where development of the personality being trained on the basis of assimilation of universal educational actions, knowledge and development of the world makes the purpose and the main result of education; recognition of a crucial role of the content of education, ways of the organization of educational activity and interaction of participants of educational process in achievement of the objectives of personal, social and informative development being trained» [4: 4-5].
One of requirements of the standard is formation at younger school students of the universal educational actions (UEA) as their nadpredmetny abilities of the independent organization of own activity according to the solution of tasks and problems, as readiness for most change, self-education and self-development. At the same time, modern elementary school has no the prepared shots (Asmolov A.G. Zabrodin YU.N. Margulis A.A. hems of B.B., Kalina I.I., etc.), capable to realize requirements to planned results of training of younger school students. The elementary school teacher for the today's moment is reproduced by old models of activity as UEA not enough own, and don't know how to form them and to diagnose for pupils. In this regard the modern image of the elementary school teacher has to possess the professional kompetentnost connected with new requirements of a sociocultural situation in the country and modernization of education.
Professional competence of the elementary school teacher - the integrative property of the personality including set of business qualities and abilities of the expert: possessing pedagogical knowledge, abilities and the experience, necessary for training of younger school students according to the norms of pedagogical activity accepted in society; competitive on a labor market, having the created motivational and valuable relation to a profession of the teacher; ready to cooperation with pupils, their parents, colleagues and administration; able competently to create the positive professional image at work and in surrounding society; capable to self-improvement in a profession of the elementary school teacher.
In 2010 devoted to Year of the Teacher, our chair of pedagogics and a technique of primary education of KSU together with the Krasnodar city scientific and methodical center held the competition «Portrait of the Elementary School Teacher of the XXI-st Century». Many teachers and methodical associations of elementary school teachers of Krasnodar participated in this competition. In the works they generalized the concept of the ideal identity of the elementary school teacher from a position of pupils, teachers, parents, representing his image differently. As the main, they recognized the professional qualities of the elementary school teacher connected with specifics of primary education.
First - the elementary school teacher works with pupils of younger school age therefore he has to be ready to protection and childhood maintenance, ensuring intellectual and moral development of the younger school student taking into account his age, psychobiological and gender features, i.e. to possess high level of psychological culture. Secondly, at elementary school pupils have to seize system of the universal educational actions making a basis of their ability to study is the main feature of FSES PGE therefore the elementary school teacher has to be ready to implementation of requirements of the standard.
Thirdly, primary education - an important stage in education and development of qualities of the identity of the younger school student therefore the elementary school teacher has to possess high level of culture, i.e. at it personal values, norms of behavior, motives and abilities, and also high level of methodological culture have to be developed. Fourthly, he is a universal expert and conducts a set of subjects which are based both on didactics, and on private techniques of training therefore he has to own in perfection all these fundamental theories, unlike subject teachers who teach only one subject.
Fifthly, the elementary school teacher is a shrewd psychologist, especially if it works on L.V.Zankov system (it is necessary to investigate constantly the general development of pupils), he surely has to know and be able to carry out pedagogical diagnostics. Sixthly, according to all contestants, he has to love the pupils and the profession, it defines its successful professional activity.
In the pedagogical theory also there are certain views of a problem of a modern image of the elementary school teacher. So on the basis of the principles of a humanization and democratization of education the concept of pedagogical education was developed. In it, considering that work of the teacher not only a profession, which essence to broadcast knowledge, but also high mission of creation of the personality, statements of the person in the person, the purpose of system of pedagogical education is presented as continuous common cultural and professional development of the teacher of new type. It characterize:
- high civil liability and social activity;
- love of children;
- original intelligence, spiritual culture, desire and ability to work together with colleagues;
- high professionalism, innovative style of scientific and pedagogical thinking, readiness for creation of new values and adoption of creative decisions;
- need for continuous self-education and readiness for it;
- physical and mental health, professional working capacity.
In Markova A.K. works. by definition of criteria of professionalism of the teacher the expanded description of structure and the contents professiogram is submitted. Object of the labor of the teacher, according to the author, pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication and the identity of the teacher are. Thus the identity of the teacher - the rod factor of its work defining a professional position in pedagogical communication. In such way, in pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication and the identity of the teacher it is possible to allocate the following components:
- professional pedagogical and psychological knowledge;
- professional pedagogical abilities;
- professional psychological positions, installations of the teacher;
- the personal features providing mastering by him with professional competence.
The professional and psychological position of the elementary school teacher consists of steady system of the relation of the teacher to the younger school student, to itself, to colleagues and define his behavior. It expresses its professional self-assessment, level of its professional claims, the relation to that role which it carries out. Thus it is possible to allocate an all-professional position - to be the elementary school teacher and concrete professional installations depending on kinds of activity: installation on a certain subject, on younger school age, for work of the tutor, the psychologist, etc.
Psychological features (qualities) include as the informative sphere (pedagogical thinking, observation, a reflection, self-estimation), and motivational (a goal-setting, a motivational orientation of the personality, etc.). Markova A.K. includes in professiogram the teacher such qualities, as:
- pedagogical improvisation, pedagogical imagination, pedagogical observation (definition by the teacher of an essence of the pedagogical phenomenon on external insignificant signs, penetration into an inner world of the pupil on the basis of tracking of nuances of his behavior);
- pedagogical optimism (approach to pupils with an optimistic hypothesis, with belief in reserves of his personality);
- pedagogical reflection (anticipation of in a pedagogical situation and decision justification taking into account it).
According to this scientist the teacher has to be able to operate the emotional condition, giving it constructive character, possession ability to apply the receptions promoting this or that level of interaction, communication with pupils: to prefer use organizing influence, democratic to style, to be capable to take a different position in communication and flexibly to reconstruct it in process of situation change, with humour to treat separate aspects of a pedagogical situation, not to fix attention on some negative moments; to show aspiration to listen and understand the pupil [3: 48-91].
In the conditions of modernization of education modern pedagogical activity as
Kabanina L.A. considers. demands from the teacher of versatile activity, effective and competence-based efforts on the self-organization, allowing him to carry out personally focused educational process as the subject - subject interaction. Modern pedagogical activity rejects simple sense of duty, passivity and installation on the standard relation to professional duties.
In a modern sociocultural situation, according to teachers (Belozertsev E.P. Bondarevsky E.V. pots of B.B., Markov A.K. Sergeyev N. K. Slastenin V.A. etc.) teachers are necessary to school: 1) capable not only to appropriate the world of subjects and ideas, but also to make them, to transform, realize and accept problems of activity at all stages of its implementation, and in necessary cases independently to define them; 2) owning approximate bases of the activity realized according to accepted or independently developed installations and tasks; 3) realizing own importance for other people, responsibly relating to results of the activity, able to choose the right decision in situations of the collisions, seeking to define, prove a choice in the «I»; 4) capable and aspiring to a reflection, feeling need for it as a condition of conscious regulation of the behavior, activity according to desires and the accepted purposes.
For achievement of this ideal of the elementary school teacher each teacher needs to develop: a) active position of the personality in all above manifestations, beginning from a conscious goal-setting, dialectic operating and constructive correction of ways of activity; b) aspiration and ability initiatively, critically and innovatively to reflex and predict results of activity and development of the relations; c) orientation on realization «ITSELF» - self-education, self-education, a self-assessment, introspection, self-determination, self-identification, self-determination, self-realization; d) ability independently to introduce amendments in the activity, circumstances, it accompanying, taking into account a goal; e) internal independence of the outside world, external influences - independence not that is their ignorings, and that is stability of views, belief, meanings, motives, their corrections, change; e) the most important procedural characteristics of the personality (versatility of abilities, independence, creative potential); ё) uniqueness of the identity of the teacher which is a basis for the fruitful intersubject relations, stimulates aspiration to interaction, cooperation, communication.
So, the image of the elementary school teacher presented above, acts as a strategic ideal image. Its strategichnost is set first of all by those values, vital meanings which form a kernel of model of his personality capable to self-realization in professional pedagogical activity.
2. Krayevsky V.V.Osnovy of training. Didactics and technique: ucheb.posoby for stud.vyssh.ucheb.zav./V.V. Krayevsky. A.V.Hutorskoy. – 2nd prod. I erased. – M: prod. Akademiya center, 2008. – 352 pages.
3. Markova A.K. Work teacher/A.K psychology. Markova. – M: Education, 1993. – 192 pages.
4. Federal state educational standard of primary general education. – M, 2010.
Mikerova G. Zh., Sergeyeva B. V. PROBLEM OF FORMATION OF THE MODERN IMAGE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24414 (22.02.2025).