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One of the areas directly connected with the development of value orientations of a person is the aesthetic sphere. Therefore, the development of aesthetic culture of personality affects not only its spiritual aspect, but also leads to the integrity and maturity of a person, forms its opinions, tastes, ideals and in the sphere of art culture, and in everyday reality.
Aesthetic culture student is part of the common culture of the student, which presupposes the development of the main components of aesthetic consciousness (aesthetic needs, aesthetic values, aesthetic ideals, aesthetic evaluations, aesthetic judgments, aesthetic feelings, aesthetic taste). The necessity of its development should be emphasized first of all students enrolled in higher education working.
The aesthetic feelings of the students is the multi-component structure, including emotional responsiveness, cognitive activity, external manifestation of emotions (including assessment and behavior), the understanding of unity and interdependence of moral and aesthetic. The significance of their formation is explained not only by the necessity of formation of common cultural and professional competencies for future professionals, including receiving and higher workers ' education.
In this connection the development of the aesthetic feelings of students enrolled in higher education working, is considered by us as an important component of a system of aesthetic education of a future professional and teacher, and is understood as a process of deliberate and purposeful influence on the sphere of aesthetic feelings of personal constructed with the account of socio-cultural conditions for the existence and individual peculiarities of the personality. This process requires the widest possible direct communication of students with high designs artistic and aesthetic creativity in its classical and modern forms.
Among the factors affecting the efficiency of the process of development of aesthetic feelings among students focused on getting the higher education working, we, after PM Jacobson identify the following: internal psychological conditions personality, including moral sensitivity, readiness getting better in the eyes of others, understanding social norms of ethic-aesthetic sphere and adopting them as norms; external socio-cultural conditions that promote the assimilation and acceptance of social norms of moral-aesthetic, request personality to develop their aesthetic and moral feelings.
We give the conditions conducive to the realization of mechanisms of development of aesthetic feelings in educational and research activities of students of pedagogical universities: the selection of the actual material objects for analysis, the most aesthetically expressive, emotional and attractive; appeal to the wonderful qualities of a person of outstanding scientists, figures of literature and art; analysis and evaluation of the aesthetic qualities of the studied scientific and artistic works; selection and analysis of aesthetic concepts; establishment of interdisciplinary connections between learning objects and works of art; artistic level of training of the scientific research; statement of the educational and practical tasks aimed at the formation of professional and aesthetic skills; pedagogical and methodical skill of the teacher, researcher; creatively emotional attitude to the subject of studies and teaching and the student audience; the ability to create a positive emotional background of teaching and research practice.
Effective in the development of aesthetic feelings for students of pedagogical universities is and extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work can be very different: this optional courses on art and the problems of aesthetics; lectures, concerts, seminars, practical classes; independent creative activity in the field of art, aesthetic education; artistic circles; the creative associations and collectives; tours; Hiking; conferences, disputes, meetings with workers of arts; oral magazines, festivals, contests, exhibitions of works.
Presented organizational-pedagogical conditions of the development of aesthetic feelings for students of pedagogical universities are an important component of professionally significant growth of future teacher, capable of recreating the interaction with the subjects of pedagogical triad (student-teacher-parents), developing the need to share these feelings, attach them to the other.
Paramonov I.F. The development of the aesthetic feelings of the students, focused on getting the higher labour education. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24417 (22.02.2025).