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For many centuries the world community is in the midst of various types of migrations. Migration movements increased in Russia as in many countries and forced migrants constitute the major part of this process.
In the study were identified stages of entering of migrants as the individuals into the new social environment: the stage of acclimation-personal integration, social-psychological individualization and the stage of functioning of structural-dynamic system. The highest value for the optimal development of the individual is given to the initial period - the stage of acclimation-personal integration.
Phenomena of migrants generate by unregulated conditions at this stage: the phenomenon of misguided expectations of well-being in the long-term perspective, deferred future; phenomenon of emotional attachment to the past; the phenomenon of the loss of the desired personal position after the move with an adverse impact on the full development of the personality.
Program of psychological and acmeological support of migrants, consisting of several stages should be introduced to the passport and visa department, migration service for their prevention.
On the stage of «Psychological-acmeological immersion into the situation of change of residence» (1-3 weeks) is an immersion of migrants into the world of migratory move: familiarity with the terrain, climate and natural features of the region (tour by the city, acquaintance with the flora and fauna, visit centre of employment, familiarity with the vacancy, leading enterprises and institutions of the area). Migrants are defined by language courses, provided the guidelines for entry into a new living space. They are informed of the legal documents, rights and responsibilities. They are shown examples of the negative and positive impact of post-migration problems on the psychological, physical and economic well-being of migrants. It becomes an important issue of determining the place of work, the formation of focus on professional accomplishment, exceeding the previous results. The migrants are provided by the assistance in finding a place of residence, education of children, obtaining medical support. Various forms of non-formal educational process (conversation, self-study, training workshops, using interactive teaching methods, conferences, counseling, organization of active social work in a new environment, the use of internet resources) are used at the stage of «Psychological and acmeological explanation» (4-9 weeks). Migrant embeds in the life, begins to manifest himself as a member of the society, which takes place post-migration socialization by means of non-formal education.
The third phase «Creation of migrant» (10-20 weeks and further) is associated with the creation of his own projects on migratory life, defining objectives of the intellectual, moral, artistic and aesthetic development. Referring to the national and global experience, migrant constructs psychological and acmeological plan of his own productive development. Developing the knowledge of the migratory process in Russia's national and global scale, forced migrants acquire new psychological - acmeological technologies, form personal experience along the lines of others, for example, the great migrants (Aristotle, K. Levin, J. Rousseau, Ch. Chaplin, A. Schwarzenegger, F. Chopin, E. Erikson and others), migrants of Tatar nationality (G.G. Battal, M.Ya. Bigiev, Z.A. Validi, A.Gainullin, R.G. Ibragimov, G.G. Ishaki, U. Giffat, G. Karimi, S.H. Maksudov, R.H. Hamidi, S.G. Chagatov, A. Yarulla and others).
Informal educational process consists of three blocks with topics for discussion.
I. Natural science block: «The role of diet and nutrition in the adaptation of forced immigrants», «Exercise to ensure optimal adaptation of forced migrants to new environmental conditions», «Climate change», «Map of the city, republic, country», «Migration of animals», «The world of native plans», «Appearance», «Industrial manpower edge» and others.
II. Humanities aesthetic block: «From sayings and proverbs on migration to culture», «The image of migrant in fairy tales», «Art and music works, sculpture on migration», «Language and its role in adaptation», «Humor of migrant».
III. General-developmental block: «You and your name», «Migrants: Russians, Tatars, Georgians and etc.», «Contributions of migrants to the country's achievements», «Great migrants», «Migration processes in Tatarstan», «Legal Environment as a resource for social development of migrant», «Psychological characteristics of personal development of the forced migrants».
Psychological-acmeological maintenance contributes to a sense of life and life orientations, guides the development of the individual for a meaningful-produative way, prevents passive-fated, inert-pessimistic and adaptive-superficial of actual semantic status.
Sultanova Nailya Dautovna Psychological-acmeological maintenance of forced migrants of mature age. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24421 (22.02.2025).