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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Research of a stream of relativistic objects In an atmosphere a radar-tracking method
Sokurov V.F.

Getting in an atmosphere of the Earth, space beams generate a stream of secondary radiation, investigating which, it is possible to receive the objective information on a spectrum of primary radiation.

• The purpose of work: Studying of a stream of electromagnetic flashes in an atmosphere from particles ultrahigh энергий.

• Research problems:

To analyse effective methods of registration of particles ultrahigh энергий;

As a result of interaction with nucleus of an atmosphere primary space beams (basically protons) create the big number of secondary particles.

At passage of a primary space particle through an atmosphere of the Earth as a result of strong, weak nuclear and electromagnetic interactions the avalanche named wide atmospheric downpour (EAS) is generated.

One proton with energy more than 1014 eV can create 106-1011 secondary particles.

On surfaces of the Earth адроны a downpour concentrate in the field of the order of several meters, e-photon a component - in the field of ~3000 m, µ - several hundreds meters.

The stream of secondary relativistic particles - wide atmospheric downpour (EAS) - in space forms the disk of plasma moving with speed of light which generates electromagnetic flash.

In work [1] the method of radar-tracking sounding ионизационного trace EAS is applied. Range of a location allows to create the area of registration exceeding the area of existing largest installations of the world more than on two three рядка, i.e. from above than on the order to expand a power range of measurement of a spectrum of primary particles. However, a plenty of electric categories in an atmosphere have not allowed to apply this method.

In the present work radar-tracking sounding relativistic disk EAS is considered(examined). Selection of the reflected pulse is carried out on Doppler-shift of frequency of the signal reflected from a disk. The size of shift is characterized by the projection of a vector of speed of a disk directed on the observer:

v = │V•sin θ│ (1)

In laboratory system of readout frequency of electromagnetic fluctuations on an input of the reception device is received from transformations Lorrenc for time coordinate of a four-vector:

, (2)

Where f ' - frequency in system of the center of weights; φ - an azimuthal corner. Having substituted (1) in (2) and taking into account, that v~c, we shall receive

. (3)

Dependence of the attitude(relation) f/f ' from an azimuthal corner has been designed for various antiaircraft corners. As a result of the analysis of the settlement data the conclusion is made, that the probability of selection of a pulse - handicap, for example, from meteoric front of ionization, exists for antiaircraft corners ШАЛ θ ≈ 10-2-10-3 degrees and makes Р ≈ 10-4-10-6.

At calculation of допплер-shift the factor of reflection was accepted equal:

Where ωэ = 5,6•104 • plasma frequency электронов disk ШАЛ (nе - concentration электронов in a disk); ω - angular frequency of radiation of an electromagnetic signal.

Performance of this equality is possible at a choice of the certain frequency of radiation f/f ' for some threshold of plasma frequency ωэ.

Apparently from (4), plasma frequency ωэ depends on concentration электронов in disk ШАЛ.

Let's analyse change of concentration электронов in disk EAS with energy of a primary particle and we shall establish its threshold energy at which equality (4) would be carried out.

Concentration электронов in disk EAS with change of distance from an axis is definedby spatial distribution электронов EAS and can be received from expression:


Where I = 80 sm - 1 [1] size of linear ionization of a relativistic particle; f (r) function of spatial distribution of particles EAS.

Function of spatial distribution of particles EAS represents distribution of density of the charged particles depending on distance from an axis of a downpour. It is rather important characteristic EAS as the estimation of primary energy of downpours extremely high энергий on modern installations with big раздвижением detectors is made, as a rule, on density registered components ШАЛ on significant distances from an axis of a downpour.

On Yakut installation EAS primary energy is measured by a method kalorimetr losses of energy in an atmosphere and defined through density of the charged particles on distance of 600 m from an axis of a vertical downpour [2]:

Eo = 4.1•1017

Values ρ6оо in view of run of the absorption known from measurements on Yakut installation EAS, find from average Functions spatial distribution (ФПР) of the charged particles


Where rо - мольеровский radius, on the average rо ≈ 70 m; Ns - the average of the charged particles describing ensemble of downpours with given ρ6оо:


Where the dependence determined from the data of measurement with value ρ6оо = (2,0-20,0) sm2 in an interval of antiaircraft corners

θ = 0 ° - 45 °:


Values of concentration электронов in disk ШАЛ depending on distance from an axis of a downpour have been designed for энергий primary particle Eo=1017-1020 eV.

From spatial distribution of concentration электронов in disk EAS, submitted in linear scale, it is visible, that average concentration of distribution is defined(determined) on distance of several meters from axis EAS.

Thus, the effective reflecting surface on thickness of a disk is represented as a projection of a lateral surface of the plasma cylinder to a direction of sounding which length characterizes thickness of disk EAS.

Let's consider change of factor of reflection of a disk for various энергий a primary particle and various frequencies of electromagnetic radiation of a locator.

As a result of a variation of frequencies of radiation of a locator the optimal appeared value of frequency излучаемого a signal . For this value change of factor of reflection is received depending on concentration электронов disk EAS.

As a result of the lead(carried out) calculations the conclusion is made, that for the set frequency of radiation value of factor of reflection is close to unit for downpours with . It enables to calculate amplitude of the reflected signal from a relativistic disk of a downpour of the specified energy.

Density of a stream of the electromagnetic energy reflected from disk EAS:


Where - density of a stream of the radiated energy, Вт•см-2•ср-1

Ω - a solid angle of the purpose, ср; Sотр - the effective area of reflection, m2; r - distance from the purpose, m; Ω ’ - a corner of the review of the aerial, ср; R - factor of reflection.

As the density of particles ШАЛ on the fixed distance is proportional to full number of particles ШАЛ, and consequently, and energy of a primary particle (6-8 [2,3] the effective area of reflection will characterize energy of a primary particle on dependence . From here it is visible, that energy of a primary particle is proportional to the module of intensity of an electric field of the reflected wave: E0~EV.

From тактико-specifications of a locator it is possible to expect size of the module of the intensity reflected from disk ШАЛ from an electromagnetic signal, about units a millivolt on meter from distance about 300 km from an axis of a downpour. Capacity of radiation thus 106 Вт.

Measuring a spectrum of density of a stream of the reflected radio impulses and откалибровав on энергиям a primary particle a radar with the help of installation EAS, we shall receive with the help of radar-tracking sounding a primary power spectrum of downpours


Where Т - time of an exposition; Ω - the solid angle determined by a range of antiaircraft corners of selected downpours; S (E0) the area of registration equal to a projection of a petal of the aerial on a surface of the Earth:

S (E0) = S2tg α (12)

Here r (Ео) - distance from disk EAS with energy of primary particle Е0;

á - a corner of the review of the aerial;

K~Eo/Eγv - the factor of communication between intensity of an electric field of a wave of the reflected signal and energy of a primary particle, is defined(determined) as a result of power calibration of the locator working synchronously with installation EAS.

Expected results are submitted in the table in comparison with results of measurement of Yakut installation EAS.

Yakut installation EAS

Eo, eV




F (> Eo), sm-2s-1sr-1




S, m2




I, year - 1 sr-1




Expected results

S, m2




I, year - 1 sr-1




From the table it is visible, that efficiency of offer installation is higher more, than two order.

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2. Ефимов Н.Н., Правдин М.И., Христиансен Г.Б. Причины расхождения спектров ρ6оо , измеренных в Якутске и Хавера Парке // Исследования по фи зике космических лучей.—Якутск: ЯФ СО АН СССР, 1985.—С. 19—23.

3. Сокуров В.Ф. Экспериментальные исследования радиационных процессов в атмосфере Земли. Монография // – Ростов на Дону: Изд. ЮФУ. 2009, 239с.

Bibliographic reference

Sokurov V.F. Research of a stream of relativistic objects In an atmosphere a radar-tracking method. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24431 (23.02.2025).